Chapter Thirty - Lori

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"You busy?" Frank texted.

Lori went back and forth on whether to reply to him or not for a good five minutes. Yes, she did have plans. They were to join Martie in her apartment for a movie while she watched the kiddo. Guys' night. What better way to familiarize herself with Finn more as well as get extra time with Gage? What she wasn't expecting was Frank knocking on her door before she could tell him.

She stood in the doorway, keeping a barrier between him and the inside. "What if I'd been out?"

"Then I'd have found somewhere else to go." He gave her a lopsided smirk. "Guess the answer was no. You're free as a bird."

"I am now," she mumbled and stepped aside to invite him in even though she'd rather have not. He'd come all the way to see her, she could indulge him one time. It also could be important. "Why are you here?"

"Met with some Aero slayers downtown," he said, gazing about her apartment. "Every time I come here, I keep forgetting how tiny it is, and then it just seems smaller and smaller. Are you sure you're not mooching off of your neighbors closet?"

She crossed her arms over her chest. "I like it."

"You could stay at my hotel with me if you want a break." He winked, the smirk never leaving his face.

"When I said we were over, I wasn't joking," she stated sharply.

He shrugged. "Can you blame me for trying? You're one of a kind. Even if we were never official, I'd always kind of hoped maybe you could be the one to change my mind."

"Guess not, and I don't want to hook up with you right now." If ever again. One decision she still hadn't quite decided on yet.

Frank clutched his chest with a hand. "Ouch. Wait, you actually like this guy a lot or you wouldn't care so much."

"He'll smell you on me," she said in a quiet voice, not wanting to admit to him how right he actually was. "And he's nothing like you. Some guys aren't interested in a woman who won't take him seriously enough to respect that he might not want to share. Pretty sure he's one of those."

"How old fashioned," Frank murmured.

She ignored his comment. "Is that all you wanted to see me for?" Sorry, the convenience store is closed for business. And she made sure he heard her thoughts.

"You mean more to me than that." He glared at her. "We can just hang out and...cuddle. That's something you girls like, yeah? I wanted to see you. That's the only reason I'm here. I do miss you." She wasn't sure she believed him.

"Okay." She sat on the couch. He joined her, and she indulged him by letting him put his arm around her shoulders. If nothing else, she could get something useful from him. Perhaps a different kind of action. "Aero slayers, hmm?"

"I gave them technology to help overthrow their monarchy, remember? They were due to give me intelligence." He leaned his head against hers. "And it's good stuff."

She swallowed. "I still think it's backwards that you work with slayers. Other rogues, sure, even those in politics that usually rival ours. But slayers?"

"They're tools, nothing more." He laughed. "And tools that are good at doing dirty work, I should add."

"And the new Aero government will help us how?" Last she checked there was a reason Aero and Terran didn't get along. Traditions being a big one.

"Ki believes in restoring the greatness of our kind to the earth, and agrees we've been in the shadows for too long."

"Not what slayers want," she pointed out.

"No, but that's their problem—not mine. They're great at killing, so I don't have to get my hands dirty and do it myself."

"Fair enough." She frowned, painting the picture of the future he was orchestrating. "And Finn is supposed to give us more power over the people, how? He's smart, he won't spill any secrets. Nor does he have the position to get many in the first place from his boss." In truth, she was looking for another out. Finn would have more than enough knowledge to keep Frank satisfied. What she wanted was an excuse to abandon the mission before anyone got hurt—especially Gage, who had already suffered through enough pain.

Frank shifted his face so it was mere inches from hers. "His boss will be the next Great Lord of Terran. I've made sure of it. Pretty sure he'll get a promotion when that happens."

"Oh, you've made sure of all this?" She couldn't help but laugh. When did he get so busy?

"Everyone has a weakness. Sir Andrew has a lot of them. Most of the Terran council was easy to blackmail into throwing their support to Sir Garrison. Whoever runs against him is going to pale in comparison, so it'll be a landslide win. Just in case, I've rigged the ballot count." He leaned his forehead against hers. "And I know Sir Garrison's weaknesses too."


"You're more curious than usual," he observed.

She was getting closer to something he didn't want her to know. Did she dare press him further? No, she needed to keep him vulnerable. "I've always asked a lot of questions. It's part of my charm."

"More than just a pretty face. It's why you stand out. Not surprised another guy has noticed. They always have." There was a hint of jealousy in his tone, and a slight grit of possessiveness as well.

Lori rested her head against his chest in case he tried to kiss her. Probably the safest spot for her to stay close and still deny any further physical advances. He doesn't want to share me, either. A month ago, she'd have been elated over the thought. Presently, she wasn't sure what to think.

"Will Garrison do what you want?" she asked quietly.

Frank's shoulders rose in a shrug. "If he doesn't, there's always a back-up plan. Remember, I told you we're close. That wasn't an exaggeration."

She should have been excited. Instead, she only felt confused.

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