Chapter 2 Luka's New Recruit?

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       Luka sees the mysterious person run off in a hurry.  He decides he will have to find out some way to ask this person to be a part of his band.  He goes home.  He frowns when he enters his bedroom.  He thinks of the perfect idea!  He gets to work right away on it.  

      Once it is ready, Luka  falls to sleep.  Early the next day, he gets up, takes a shower, gets dressed, eats breakfast, combs his hair, and staples the posters around town.  Then, he goes back to his room to work more on the song he struggles to finish.

       The next day there are posters throughout the area that display this message:

          Needed New Band Member!

          Requirements:   Must be able to sing,or play an instrument!  Preferably both!

         *Instruments not given, so if  you plan to play you must have your own drum set, electric guitar, electric keyboard, cymbals, trumpet, saxophone or other such instrument.

       * Microphone available if you need it to sing a solo.  Also, provided speakers, and  a  Free  signed copy of the band's lasted CD!  

     *Age limits  : 15 and above!  No exceptions !

        Must like rock and roll as this  is a Rock band!

       Try outs today!  Come to the park!   Time 1 pm-4 pm, Limited time offer!


      Kagami  gets up a few minutes later. She gets ready for the day. She goes for a walk and sees one of the posters. She smiles. She thinks, sure why not?  What could it hurt to try out for this band?   She has no clue what she has gotten herself into.  She goes back home.

    Kagami decides to play the same instrument as before only with a disguise on so that no one knows it is her!  She does not want anyone to find out.  At least not right away! She smiles as she gets ready for the try outs.  She can hardly wait til one that afternoon!  She dances in anticipation for it!


    Later right at 1 pm, A huge crowd turns out for the band try outs!  Turns out news about this spread quickly thanks to all the fliers!  

    Among those in the crowd stands a girl, (Kagami) with a blue hooded jacket, a blue dress, blue shoes, and her hair is loose for once.  She feels a bit nervous about all this.  She almost runs.  She knows it is unlike her to hesitate, but how will she cope if she does not get the pick for this?  She paces back and forth. 

      Kagami looks on as a guy she does not know goes on stage and sings. She cringes. 

      The guy is the worst singer she has ever heard in her life!

       "Uh, thanks for your try out!  That was interesting!"  Luka says

       Next is some young girl with hot pink hair!  Yes, that is right, she has pink hair!  She goes up there and plays the violin. She does well!  The audience claps!

       "Wow, excellent job!"  Luka says.

      The girl Alexa smiles.  She winks at the cute guy on stage. She walks away with her instrument in tote.

   A few others try out, and one by one they are either told they did well, or to go home because they did not sing that great!  A few stunk at the music  and the solo too.  One though got up there and she sang rather beautifully. 

     Finally, there was only one more left to go!  At long last, it was her chance!   She goes on stage, takes a deep breath, and begins to play the same instrument as the previous night, but this time she has chosen a more up beat song than before!  It is actually one she wrote!  Talk about talent!

     Everyone claps and cheers harder for this mysterious stranger in the hoodie than all the others, put before them!   A lady, calls out, "You can play, but can you sing?"

     The teen smiles nods her head, and walks over to the microphone!  This times she sings another song she wrote as she plays the music with it.

       Everyone shows their amazement at once!  Luka's  jaw drops !  He can not believe it!  This person is the best ever!  He smiles.  He knows who is new recruit is now!

      "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner! I now present to you the band's  newest memeber, Miss Hoodie!"  Luka says.

     Kagami blushes under her jacket. She is glad for the hoodie's coverage as it makes it harder for anyone to notice her.  She has a mask on too.  This is one she made before bed the night before, so that no one would judge her for her appearance again!

    The wind shifts and her hoodie falls off her head.  No one seems to notice expect for Luka!  

        Everyone leaves.  All that is expect for Luka and this mysterious beauty before his eyes with the hoodie and mask.  He can feel a blush form on his face!  He glances into her eyes.  He smiles.  He actually smiles for a change.

      "The band meets every week for practice on Thursdays at 4:30 pm and gigs will take place as works out to have them."  Luka says.

      "Okay, thanks for the information, sir!"  Kagami says.  She feels brave some how now that her face is hidden. She reaches up and covers her hair back up with the hoodie.

     "Your welcome, Miss!  What is it you prefer me to call you?"  Luka ask.  He suddenly feels rather shy around the new girl!

      "Oh, Miss Hoodie is just fine!  If you rather call me something else, you could call me the Blue Shadow!"  Kagami says.  She does not say that is what her father often chose to call her as a child.

    "Okay, then Blue Shadow it is then!"  Luka says. 

     "Bye!"  Kagami starts to walk away

    "Wait, are you to busy to meet the rest of the band?"  Luka ask

    "No, why?"  Kagami ask

    "I thought I should introduce you to them."  Luka says

    "Hey, guys come meet the new girl! "  Luka calls out

      A  group of four other teens some girls, and some boys come from behind the stage curtain.  They smile when they see Kagami.

      "Hi, welcome newbie!  I'm Krissy!"  Krissy says

     "I am William, but everyone calls me Will."  William says

     "I am the drummer, and my name is Juleka."   Juleka says

     "I am Adrien.  I am the bands keyboard player."  Adrien says

     "Rose is out sick today, or she would have been here to meet you as well."  Luka says

    "I am the band leader, and well this is the band!"  Luka says

    "So, how do you all meet?"  Kagami /The Blue Shadow ask

    "I am his sister!"  Juleka says

     "Been his best friend since kindergarten!"  William remarks

    "Meet him in sixth grade!"  Krissy responds

     "My crush told me the band was in the need of a keyboard player, so here we are!"  Adrien remarks

      "What about Rose?"  She ask

     "Rose is my best friend!  She has been since the fourth grade!"  Juleka says

    "Wow, that is really cool!"  The new person says

  "See ya!  Oh, and I am Blue Shadow!"  Kagami says

     "Cool, well see you around then, Blue Shadow!"  Everyone else says


     Now, Kagami  aka  Blue Shadow  walks home.  She has a happy beat as she goes along. She sings to herself as she goes. She arrives at her place soon enough. She goes inside,locks the door, and smiles to herself!   She can hardly believe it!  She is in a band!  

  to be continued in Chapter  3  Blue Shadow ?

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