Prologue : Pre-Easter Jitters?

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         It is a few days before Easter.  Nino has the pre-Easter Jitters.  That is to say, he is a nervous wreck.  He has this huge crush on a classmate of his, but has no ideas as to how to let her know how he feels.  He would ask for advice.  Who would he go to for this?

     Alya likes Nino.  She feels sure though, he likes some other girl.  She is so certain of this, she figures she might even have to move on in time for Easter!  Will she though?

     Marinette likes Adrien as usual.  She feels as silly as her best friend if not even more so.  At least, Alya can speak to her man without such much as slip up.  She on the other hand can hardly get a word out without a stutter when she looks into the eyes of her crush, Adrien.

     Adrien thinks, Marinette must want nothing to do with him.  He reasons within himself, why else does she run off so much?  Why else does she stutter when she speaks to me and me alone?  He has no idea how way off he really is when it comes to his assumptions about her.

    Kagami likes Luka!  She is not sure how to tell him or show him though.  She once had a crush on Adrien, but it is obvious he cares for Marinette despite his constant denial.  She moved onto to Luka ages ago.  She just has yet to admit this to him.

   Luka is the sort of guy who does not want a woman in his life!  He does not need it.  He got his heart torn apart by a previous crush.  Since then he was sworn off women.  He does not pay them any mind.  He wants nothing to do with them and sure as much could care less if they want nothing to do with him.

     Nino sees Adrien.  He smiles and waves at his best friend.

    Adrien waves back.  He is always glad to see his buddy, Nino!

        "Hey, Nino!  How are you, man?"  Adrien says.

        "Not so great, I am afraid!  There is this girl, I like and I have no idea how to approach her."  Nino says.

         "Wow, man!  I thought you were the guy who had the answers to everything!"  Adrien says.

          "Well, I do not okay.  I have to know if she likes me.  I just have too."  Nino says.

        "Sure, no problem!  Who is she?"  Adrien ask.

       "Oh, that is thing!  I prefer to keep this a secret."  Nino says.  

       "Good day, you make it hard to help with no clues as to who she could be Nino."  Adrien says.

        "Fine, she wears glasses, has curly hair, wears p-plaid, and she sits in front of me."  Nino says.

        "Wow, you mean, Alya?"  Adrien says.

        "Yes, but do not tell her!"  Nino says. 

       "Fine, I will not say a word to her or Marinette about this."  Adrien says.

      "Want say a word to me about what Adrien?"  Alya says.

       "Oh, nothing!"  Adrien says.

       "Hi,A-Adrien!"  Marinette stutters as usual.

      "Hey, Marinette!"  Adrien says.

      "Hi, dudette!"  Nino says.

      "Hi, Marinette!  Hi, Alya and Nino, and Adrien!  Hi, Luka!"  Kagami says.

      "Hi, Kagami!"  Everyone says.

      "What you want?"  Luka says.

       "Goodness, you do not have to be so rude."  Kagami says to Luka.

        "Well, who asked you anyway?"  Luka says.  He walks away.

         "Awe, Kagami likes Luka!"  Alya squeals.

        "I can see she does, but he does not appear to return her feelings."  Marinette says.

      Later that day,

      Adrien, Marinette, Alya and Nino, and Kagami are all in the park.  Luka is there too.  He plays the guitar.

      Kagami blushes as she watches Luka strum a song on his instrument.  The others just try not to laugh or embarrass her to much.

       Adrien grabs Marinette and pulls her away from Nino.  Marinette blushes.  She thinks, why does  he do this?

       Nino smiles when he realizes that is mostly alone with Alya.   "A-Alya, are you busy on Easter?"  Nino says.

      "No, I am free."  Alya says.

      "Good, then how about me and you, along with uh, Marinette and Adrien, Kagami and Luka go out together?"  Nino says.

      "Sure see you then, Nino!"  Alya says. She kisses him on the cheek.  

        Nino blushes.  Alya does the same and heads on home.

      Marinette and Adrien who saw the whole thing, sigh.  

"Awe, Alya and Nino get along so well!"  Adrien  and Marinette says at the same time.

   "Say, Marinette!  Are you afraid of me?"  Adrien ask.

    "N-No, A-Adrien!"  Marinette says.

     "Then, why are you so nervous around me?  Please tell me!" Adrien says.  He steps rather close and places his hand gently on her shoulder.

      Marinette continues to blush.  "I -I, well, you see the thing is A-Adrien,  I-I..."  Marinette begins.

       Kagami runs towards them and has tears in her eyes.  "I am sorry, it is just Luka told me to buzz off!  Whatever did I do to him?"  Kagami says.  She runs off sad.

         "Marinette, what was you were about to say?"  Adrien ask.

         "Nevermind, i-it  is not important anyway."  Marinette says. She runs off.

     Adrien watches her leave.  He thinks, man, I really wish I could find out why she is always such a nervous person around me, but not around anyone else.  I mean, I am her friend, but yet she still does not even like me.  

    Prologue first published March 3, 2019  and Edits made March 8,2019

    to be continued in Chapter  1   Music For the Heart?

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