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Eleanor awoke one Saturday morning with a yarn and the familiar feeling of unease. She was used to waking up feeling like this, the creeping sense of panic that something bad had happened. She'd been feeling it ever since she first arrived at Grimmauld Place.

She could hear Josh chattering loudly downstairs but to who, she couldn't hear. She looked over at her clock and saw that it was nearing 10 AM. She had woken up earlier than this, about 3 AM from an awful nightmare, involving a dark figure who portrayed Lord Voldemort and Harry in horrible danger. She had lay awake for hours after feeling wide awake and terrified, she didn't remember when or how she dropped back off to sleep.

She still had no idea what Voldemort looked like but it was astonishing how much she feared him just from what she had learned of him.

Sighing, Eleanor got up and went downstairs, rubbing her tired eyes.

"Morning, sleeping beauty."

"Morning, Sirius." Eleanor yawned, reaching gratefully for the cereal that was layed out already on the table.

"I was just about to come and wake you actually." Remus said, coming into the kitchen holding a steaming cup of tea for her. Eleanor took it with a smile and a quiet thanks. "Your fathers planned to take Josh to the park for a little while and I offered to accompany them, not that I expect them to get attacked of course but you can never be too sure."

Eleanor nodded. "Okay."

"Do you want to join us?" Remus asked. "It would be good for you to leave the house for a while. You haven't done so in a while."

Eleanor heard Sirius sigh and snuck him a glance. If Eleanor went with them, he'd be all alone. "No, I'm okay. I'll stay with Sirius."

Sirius looked up with a wry smile. "You can go you know, I'm capable of keeping myself busy for a few hours while you all go out."

Eleanor rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you are, but I actually wanted your help with something anyway."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you later, after my fathers have gone."

This seemed to peak Sirius' interest. "Okay." He said, looking like he wanted to ask more.

Remus however looked between the two of them wearily. "El, whatever it is, isn't it important to tell your parents?"

"Did you tell your parents everything when you were a child?" Eleanor countered. "Did they know about the Marauders Map or about becoming Animagi's?"

Remus raised an eyebrow. "No, I didn't. But you've basically just admitted to me that whatever it is you need help with, it's illegal."

Eleanor turned to Josh, who was doodling on some parchment, completely in his own world. "Josh, can you go and check on our dad's and make sure they're both awake. You'll want to make it to the park before it starts raining."

Josh looked up. "Why can't you do it?"

Eleanor gave him her most stern gaze she could muster first thing in the morning. "Just do it."

Josh sighed. "Fine." And he trotted off upstairs.

Eleanor turned back to the two adults who were fast becoming a big part of her life.

"I want to know how to fight off the Unforgivable Curses and also how to block my mind." Eleanor said curtly. There was no point beating around the bush.

"Absolutely not." Remus said. "How do you even know about this?"

"I'm not an idiot. I know what's happening in your world, plus Harry told me about it all and I want to be able to stop it if I ever need to protect myself from it."

"You're never going to be put in that position so there will be no need-"

"C'mon Remus, El is right." Sirius interjected. "It would be good for her to be prepared."

Remus shook his head. "I'd agree if I ever thought she'd need to know it but the plan is for her to stay here until all danger passes."

"But what if-"

"Eleanor, firstly think of what you're asking of us." Remus continued, disregarding whatever she was about to say. "You want us to use illegal magic, plus its not easy to fight it, even grown adults can't fight it, and it would hurt. It takes great strength to be able to fight it."

"Are you saying you don't think I'm capable?"

Remus sighed. "It has nothing to do with that El-"

"So it's because I'm a Muggle?"

"No, absolutely not!"

"Well then I don't see why I can't try. If someone tries to control me or look into my mind, I should at least learn how to fight it. I have a lot of valuable information in my head that I'm sure the Death Eaters would love to get their hands on to feed back to Voldemort."

Neither Remus nor Sirius flinched at Voldemort's name which was why Eleanor loved them so much. She couldn't say Voldemort to anyone else other than Harry.

Remus was watching her thoughtfully, his gaze seemingly to almost see past her, as if he could see someone else sitting in the chair other than her.

"It's not a bad idea, Moony." Sirius admitted.

Remus rolled his eyes. "Of course you think that Pads, nothing is ever a bad idea when it comes to you."

Sirius didn't seem hurt by this jab, in fact he grinned and his eyes seemed to gleam with something Eleanor couldn't put her finger on. He looked years younger as he glanced at Remus. "I know. You've said that to me at least every year since I met you."

Eleanor could hear distant footsteps coming down the stairs, Remus and Sirius seemed to hear it too for they suddenly both fell very serious.

"This will be hard work El." Remus said.

"And its very draining. You can't be disheartened if you don't get it straight away." Sirius added.

Eleanor nodded, she knew it wouldn't be easy, nothing ever is. "I know. I won't."

Remus sighed. "Well clearly I can't change your mind. I'll help you along with Sirius, when I can. I suppose you're going to want to start today."

Eleanor nodded enthusiastically, feeling a trickle of excitement.

Remus looked troubled. "I'm not happy about this idea but I'll try and keep your father's busy for a long as I can."

Eleanor smiled. "Thank you. Honestly, both of you, I mean it." And she shovelled some more cereal into her mouth just as Josh appeared with both her father's. She tried not to look too pleased as she said morning to them both.


Remus, Josh, Ethan and William left Grimmauld Place an hour and half later and that left Sirius and Eleanor alone, unless you counted Max who was sniffing under the dining table, looking for crumbs.

"Are you ready?"

Eleanor nodded and so Sirius suggested they go somewhere more open so up they went into the attic where Buckbeak was kept.

Sirius lead Buckbeak into his own room while they practiced and honestly it astonished Eleanor how well Buckbeak acted around Sirius.

Sirius came back into the attic hovering a chair and a few books. "Now I'm no expert on this El, I'll only be able to teach you so much."

"That's okay." Eleanor said as she watched Sirius place the chair in the centre of the void room. "Anything will help."

"And you're absolutely sure about this, you know you don't have to do this."

"I know, but I want to." Eleanor had never been so sure on anything. This was to keep her safe but most importantly it was to keep her loved ones safe. If ever anyone looked inside her head, all of the Orders plans and wearabouts would be given away.

"Well as you know with the Unforgivable Curses, I can really only help you fight the Imperius Curse. The other one's are just a matter of hoping you never come in contact with them."

"The Imperius Curse is the one you use to control people right?"


"And the Cruciatus Curse is the torture one isn't it? And then you've got the Killing curse?"

Sirius gave a wry smile. "The Professors at Hogwarts would love you."

Eleanor shook her head. "Nope. I'm no teachers pet."

Sirius grinned. "You sure are acting like one now."

Eleanor rolled her eyes fondly. "Just get on with it Pads."

Sirius turned away, failing to hide the grin on his face. "Which would you like to learn first? Occlumency or the Imperius Curse."

Eleanor thought about it for a moment. "Well both take a great toll on your mental strength, so which would you say is easier to master for starters and then maybe the other won't be so hard to learn."

Sirius gave a contemplative hum. "You're being optimistic, both are hard in their own ways although they both do require a lot of will power and strength. But if it were me in your shoes, I'd wager with the Imperius Curse first because to me personally Occlumency leaves you much more vulnerable."

Eleanor knew enough about Sirius now and his upbringing to know that this was costing him a lot and she cursed herself for being selfish and not thinking about this sooner. How could she have forgotten that Sirius was probably raised on these two curses.

"Sirius I'm sorry, are you sure you're okay to do this?"

Sirius seemed completely unfazed. "Of course I am El, I'll take great glee to know that my parents will be rolling around in their graves if they ever knew I was teaching this magic to a Muggle and I mean no disrespect to you by that either." Sirius said with a kind gleam in his eyes. "You know I do not share my parents views and couldn't care less about your status. The thing that will bother me the most about all this is the fact that I will be hurting you, and looking through your mind. You're not going to have any control about what I see in your mind, you realise that don't you?"

Eleanor had thought about this and yes, there were some memories that she'd rather Sirius not see, more so about her time in care before she'd been adopted, the years she spend alone before finding Cass, her more private moments with Harry. But it would be worth it nonetheless, to feel that embarrassment, if it meant she could shield her mind and protect everyone she loved.

"I do, and it's something that needs to be done. I'm an open book to them at the moment Pads, if they ever got ahold of me-"

"They won't." Sirius interjected with such finality there was no room to argue. "But I still understand why you wish to do it, and I'm happy to oblige, I only want you to know the ins and outs."

"I want to do this." Eleanor said, taking a seat in the lone chair. "I need to do this, for the greater good."

Sirius did a double take and Eleanor thought it might have been to do with something she'd said but then he shook it off so she thought nothing of it. "I think I'll do what you suggested and start with the Imperius Curse."

Sirius gave a curt nod. "Let's begin then, no point in delaying it any longer if you're so hell bent on doing it."

He pointed his wand at Eleanor. "On the count of three then."

Eleanor took in a deep breath and for the first time felt slightly scared. She had no idea what this would feel like. Would it hurt?

"One, two, three. Imperio!"

Eleanor needn't have worried. It was the most wonderful feeling ever! All of her worries, all her concerns over the past months seemed to have vanished. She was only dimly aware that Sirius was stood in front of her watching.

Then she heard it. Sirius' voice echoing dimly in some distant chamber of her mind. It did nothing to wipe away the vague untraceable happiness she was feeling.

Stand up. Just stand up.

Eleanor obeyed, feeling more than happy to oblige.

Now sit back down. Do it, sit down.

Eleanor felt her body move against her own will, she felt her body sit down, listening to the distant voice in her head as if they were the puppeteer and she was the doll on strings, easily controlled.

Then another voice echoed in her head. This is wrong, it said. Say no!

The voice returned. Stand up...Stand!

Eleanor felt her hands clutch the sides of the chair to make a stand but then the other voice returned in her head, sounding much like her own. Why though? Why did she need to stand?

Stand up!

No, said the other voice in her head louder. I don't think I want to thanks.

Do it, stand up!

No, thank you, the other voice said more firmly still.

Stand up, get off that chair and stand up now!

The next thing Eleanor felt was considerable pain, she had both went to stand and fought against it, resulting in her knees locking and her crashing harshly onto the wooden floor.

"Eleanor!" The spell had been broken, Eleanor could hear Sirius' voice clear as day now. He ran to her side and helped her up. "Are you okay?"

Other than being a bit shaky and her knees aching, Eleanor was unharmed. "I'm okay."

After double checking, and making sure she was okay, Sirius stepped back from her. Only then did he allow himself to smile. "That was brilliant!"

Eleanor shook her head. "I still failed."

Sirius shook his head. "You fought it! And you near enough did it, you should be proud of yourself, most Wizards take years to do what you did in one try. After a few more try's I reckon you'll be able to fight it off entirely."

Eleanor looked into Sirius' eyes and saw the pride gleaming in them. She allowed herself to smile hopefully. "You really think so?"

Sirius nodded. "I know so."


Eleanor ran up the stairs, excitement bubbling in her chest. "Hurry up, you two!"

"Slow down, they've only just left, they could come back if they've forgotten something." Sirius called up to Eleanor in amusement.

It was Monday morning, her parents had just left for work and Josh was back at school. Eleanor pretended to have bad cramps this morning to get out of going which worked a treat when you have two parents who are both males and a Molly Weasley who loved doting on people.

Molly had rushed off to go to Diagon Alley as soon as Eleanor pretended to groan in agony. She declared that she would make Eleanor her famous soup in which always seemed to cheer Ginny up if she was having a particular tough time with her cramps. Eleanor could kid herself and say she felt guilty but she didn't, not one bit. She got a day off school, plus a hearty meal after all she was about to put herself through again. She only saw all of this as a win.

Eleanor reached the attic before either Sirius and Remus, so she rushed into the room, startling Buckbeak and started pulling his chain, leading him into Sirius' room which he fought against very feebly. Eleanor had already shut Buckbeak away by the time Remus and Sirius reached the attic.


Eleanor gave an over enthusiastic smile on purpose. "Very. Let's go! I want to show Remus what I can do."

Eleanor sat obediently in the lone chair that was still in the middle of the room and waited for both of the adults to pile into the room and shut the door behind them.

Remus looked amused and exasperated at the same time. "Sirius has already filled me in on your more than successful fight of the Imperius Curse on Saturday, you don't have to prove anything to me."

"Yes but I haven't quite mastered it, so time for round two!"

"You don't give up easy, do you?"


Sirius shrugged at Remus with a grin and pulled out his wand. "Ready?"

Eleanor nodded.

"On the count of three again then. One, two, thre-"


Remus had pulled out his wand before Sirius had finished the count down and cast the curse before Eleanor was ready. Still she felt the now familiar vague happiness wash over her and felt her worries and shock melt away.

But this time she was ready for it.

She heard Remus' voice echoing somewhere in the back of her head. Stand up.

No, said the other voice in her head. Her voice. I don't want to.


It was stronger, the pull to obey. She stood.

Good girl, now pick up the chair.

Why would I pick up the chair? That seems stupid. But the voice in her head, the voice that was her own, seemed quieter than before. More feeble. Through the fog in her head, through the eerie calmness, she felt a dull sense of panic. She knew she needed to fight this but what if she couldn't. What if on Saturday it had been beginners luck?

Pick the chair up.

Eleanor felt herself comply, she had no choice against it. It was like fighting the inevitable waves on the shore.

Throw the chair.

Eleanor could vaguely tell she was standing in front of Sirius and Remus. If she threw the chair, it would hit Sirius. She didn't want to do that.

No, I won't do that. The voice in her head said back and thankfully it was louder than before.

Throw it!

No. I'm not hurting you.

Throw the chair!


And then Eleanor felt pain, excruciating pain. She had fought against it, but ended up dropping the chair on her toe.

She jumped back. "Son of a bitch!"

Remus smiled. "I see what you mean, you are good."

Eleanor glared at him. "I wasn't ready!"

Remus seemed unconcerned. "No you weren't, but if you are captured, like you keep saying you might be, Death Eaters aren't going to count down from three every time so you can mentally prepare yourself."

Eleanor gingerly tried to put her foot back onto the floor, it throbbed but she'd be okay. "You're a dick."

Sirius barked out a laugh. "You wanted our help."

Eleanor smiled despite herself. "Still doesn't change the fact that I think you're dicks."

"I'll keep that in mind," Remus smiled. "You okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Good, we'll go again. You near enough beat it, let's see if you get it this time."

Eleanor nodded, determined.

Remus stood back to observe so Eleanor guessed that Sirius would be doing this round.

Sirius looked at her and she nodded at him, she was ready.

He raised his wand. "Imperio!"

The distant voice came quicker this time. Maybe Sirius was getting used to casting the spell now. Stand on the chair!

No, said her voice in her head. Don't think I will.

Stand on the chair!

Not today thanks, said the other voice. That's a stupid idea and my foot still hurts.



This time Eleanor didn't feel any pain, she just felt the vague feeling disappear with a feeling as if someone had snapped their fingers and she was brought back to the surface with a rushing fastness she wasn't prepared for.

She stumbled a little but she managed to look up at Remus and Sirius with a grin. "I did it." It was still more of a question but Remus and Sirius were both smiling so she took that as an answer enough.

"I did it!" Eleanor laughed.

"Well done, kid." Sirius said, coming over and ruffling her hair which she batted him away immediately.

"Very good," Remus grinned. "Well done."

"I can't believe it."

"You better believe it," Remus said. "Shall we take a break now. How about some chocolate to celebrate?"

Sirius scoffed. "Chocolate to celebrate? Really stretching yourself there, aren't you Moony. I say we bring out the Firewhiskey."

"Sirius, no!"

Eleanor laughed as she followed the two adults downstairs, feeling slightly worn out but very happy. She still had a long way to go, after all she still needed to learn Occlumency but she was getting somewhere at least. It was a start and she was surprised with how quick she'd managed to fight the Imperius Curse. She knew Occlumency would be a lot more taxing but she knew with Sirius and Remus as her teachers she'd be okay.

She jogged to catch them up on the stairs. "How about both?" She asked hopefully.

"Absolutely not!" Remus said immediately. "Sirius should never have suggested such a thing. You're only 17 and your parents would kill us-"

Eleanor wrapped an arm around Remus' shoulders. "Hate to break it to you Rem, I really am, but you do know I've drunk alcohol before and I can take a bet in guessing that you also drunk much alcohol without your parents knowing while you were at Hogwarts."

Remus turned to look at her and she gave her most charming smile. He sighed.

"One glass-"

"Yes!" Eleanor cheered and raced to catch Sirius in the kitchen. "Did you hear that Pads, I can have some-"

"One glass, I said one glass only!"

Eleanor laughed as she heard Sirius cheer from the kitchen and laughed some more when she saw Sirius holding one bottle of Firewhiskey and three of the biggest glasses she'd ever seen.

Sirius smirked at Remus. "And one glass it shall be."

"Merlin's Beard," Remus muttered as he took the glasses off Sirius, and followed them reluctantly into the living room. "Let's best hope Molly is going to be gone for a few more hours."

(Surprise another chapter and it's a long one. I honestly love Eleanor's relationship with Remus and Sirius and honestly I'd love to hop into this story to become El, so I can spend all my free time with these two. I love them so much! Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

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