E I G H T E E N | Confrontation

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As soon as Eleanor heard the tap tap tapping of Hedwig on her window a couple of days later, she jumped up from her bed just as her alarm started to go off to wake her up for school.

She trudged over to the window and gently took the letter from Hedwig's leg and stroked the owl, who nipped affectionately at her fingers.

Without another thought, Eleanor crumpled up Harry's letter and threw it in the bin causing Hedwig to squawk loudly.

"Shh!" Eleanor hissed, who could hear her parents starting to wake up in the next room. "He shouldn't be lying to me and then I would actually have time to read his letters."

She began to stroke Hedwig again to calm the snowy owl down. "Just make sure he reads this, it's urgent." She tied the letter to the owls leg. "And then maybe I'll start to read his letters again if he starts giving me some answers."

As Hedwig flew away, Eleanor thought about what she wrote in that letter.

Dear the boy who lies,

It's funny actually because you know a few letters ago I said I would talk to you even if I didn't understand the situation, yeah well now I take that back. You better start giving me answers, mysterious boy, or I won't ever speak to you again.

Yeah, maybe she was a bit too harsh and slightly petty. Oh well, he deserved it. It should teach him not to lie.

I got a letter from your friend a few days ago. That Hermione girl. Yeah, one of your 'best friends.' Well she went snooping through your stuff and found that you were talking to me and sent me a letter asking me how much you have told me as you aren't meant to be 'sending that information around.' What the fuck does that even mean?

Oh and not to mention, your so called St Brutus's Secure Centre for Incurably Criminal People doesn't even fucking exist. Yeah, I did some research and found nothing!

Exactly how long have you been lying to me Harry? Is Harry even your real name? How can I even trust you enough to know you haven't lied about everything you've ever told me?

And what about all that other shit you told me. Like how your school has different teaching methods. What does that even mean? Not to mention how the Dursleys acted so strange about it all, and how Hermione sent me a letter asking how much I knew!

Exactly what is going on Harry? Whatever it is, you don't have to lie about it! It can't really be that bad. Do you work for the government or something and that's why you have to lie to me? No that's ridiculous but honestly Harry, I'm willing to believe anything. Just tell me something. Give me something.

This is ridiculous. I don't know why I'm making up excuses for you. Either tell me the truth or good luck ever talking to me again.


the girl who is really mad at you.

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