E I G H T Y | Just A Boy

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Dear the boy who writes letters late at night for me,

That's so unfair. Dudley should have gotten in trouble, not you. Though I suppose it is hard for you to explain to the teachers that you mysteriously landed on a roof especially because you didn't even know how it happened at the time. Still it's unfair.

God dammit, they should have left Dudley trapped in there. Do the maintenance at the zoo not know the pain and torment they caused us when they let Dudley out?

Okay, I'm glad that the Dursleys don't touch you anymore. But you are aware that what they do to you is abuse? Even now, the fact that they ignore you is abuse. It's neglect. And its downright disgusting of them, you deserve so much better than them, Harry. You deserve a real family.

I am glad that the Weasley's help you out a lot but if so many people know about it, I don't understand why no one's doing anything about it. I'm sorry if I'm being nosy or insensitive but really, I can't fathom why no one is doing anything to get you out of that household. I think you have enough on your plate without living in an unloving household.

I don't believe you're fine, Harry but I'll let it go because I have a feeling I've already overstepped boundaries with what I've already said.

I have a feeling you're referencing to your own life. What's stopping you from having a long, exciting life? Why is yours short and already planned out for you? You shouldn't say stuff like that, Harry. It's like you want me to worry about you.

One day you'll have to take me to one of your Quidditch games so I can see my Seeker in action. Plus I just want to see if you're fucking with me about the flying broomsticks.

Yeah the wizarding world can be scary, so I'm glad you haven't told me what the other two Unforgivable Curses are.

You don't mean that. Knowing you and all the trouble you've been in, you'd find the Muggle world awfully dull. You'd be tied down in the Muggle world, although it's hard now Harry, you know you belong in the wizarding world. You're an exceptional wizard. And I should know, I witnessed first hand how you deal with danger and you acted a lot braver than most adults I know.

You might be cocky now, Harry but wait until I actually expose the wizarding world. You won't be laughing then. My evil plan is almost complete and then the wizarding world will be no more. Mwhahaha!......Boy, I've been watching too many of Josh's cartoons.

Oh, the boy I talk about a lot? He's just a boy. A bit oblivious. You wouldn't know him.

And hey, there is nothing wrong with being sarcastic. It keeps everyone on their toes wondering if I'm being serious or not.

I'm glad I could help you, Harry. It just sucks that at the moment we can only communicate through letters and we can't talk face to face.

Please don't remind me that you have a psycho wizard after you, my heart can't take it. And you got another detention with Umbridge? Is there any point telling you to be careful around her again because it seems you haven't listened to what anyone has told you about this woman.

Ah, why do you have to say stuff like that? My face is turning red and I look like an sunburned tomato when I turn red.


the girl who now looks sunburnt.

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