F I F T E E N | Hermione Granger

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Dear Eleanor,

You are probably a bit confused as Harry never begins his letters by calling you your name, so you have probably guessed that this isn't Harry.

I am a friend of Harry's. My name is Hermione Granger. I don't know if he has ever mentioned me in one of these letters but I go to school with him.

Harry does not know I am writing this to you and he still probably thinks I know nothing about your existence or that you have been sharing letters all summer. Additionally, I only found out this information when I noticed he was writing a letter on the train on the way to our school and I was curious because I couldn't think of who he would need to write too. So I had a look which I know was wrong of me, but I needed to know in case it was something he wasn't telling me. You see Harry has a way of always getting himself into trouble.

Anyway, I wrote to you today to ask how much he has told you or if you know anything at all. If you do not, ignore this letter and pretend it doesn't exist and if you do know something please send a reply back because I need to know as Harry really isn't meant to be sending this kind of information around.

I hope you have a nice day or evening.

Yours sincerely,

Hermione Jean Granger.

(Some of you may think this is slightly out of character but you know Hermione can sometimes butt her nose in things when she thinks something is in jeopardy or if someone is going against the rules. So yeah, I think it fits in nicely and will move the story on nicely. Thank you all, until next time...)

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