F I F T Y F I V E | Yer A Wizard 'Arry

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Dear the muggle girl,

I'm glad Remus was able to tell you everything you needed to know, I'm just sorry I couldn't do it myself.

It is a lot to take it, I get it. I really do. When I was eleven and Hagrid had came and told me I was a wizard, I didn't believe him at all. But then I saw him do actual magic and I couldn't just ignore that. Plus he was the one who told me about my parents being wizards aswell and how they died. Up until I was eleven, the Dursleys only told me that they had died in a car crash, I didn't even know their names. So yeah, I know its a lot to process but I'm glad you know now.

That's funny. Really witty of you El. I don't even know if it's legal to get married at fifteen years old. If it is, it's far too much paperwork, so I'm afraid we are going to have to call it off. I hope you understand.

You don't have to apologise El, none of it is your fault. The way my life panned out is no way in your control, so really you don't need to be sorry. I shouldn't have ignored you, I should have gave you some kind of answer. I just really didn't know what to do with myself after it all happened El. I still don't. I just keep seeing his face, lifeless and picturing his last moments alive. I feel really guilty as well because for most of the year I secretly hated Cedric and it was for the most stupid reason ever. Something I don't even care about anymore.

As for the hearing, I don't know much about it at the moment, I just know that its being held next week. And no, you're not being called for a witness but thank you anyway. Really El, thank you. For everything.

I hope you were able to come up with something to say to your parents and I hope you didn't get into trouble.


the boy who is grateful to have you.

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