F I F T Y S E V E N | A Lesson On Magic

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Dear the girl who now loves chocolate frogs,

The Dursleys have always been vile. It's something I'd gotten used to ages ago.

Well those children who get brought up in a wizarding household will be surrounded by magic their whole life, so they will know about magic and Hogwarts when they are little. When wizards and witches turn eleven, regardless whether they are born into a Muggle family or a wizard one, they will receive their Hogwarts acceptance letter which explains to them that they are a witch or wizard and what they will need for the upcoming school year and where to get it all from.

There are special circumstances when a Hogwarts professor goes out to visit a family (normally it's a Muggle family) and that is when they haven't heard a reply back from the family to confirm that their child will be attending Hogwarts.

Also another thing you should know is that not all children who grow up in wizarding families become witches or wizards. Magic can skip generations. For instance, Mrs Figg. She's a Squib which is a name for someone who comes from a wizarding family but possesses no magic at all. So it explains why she knew what she did but couldn't help protect us when the Dementors attacked.

As well as this, this is why a wizard can come from a non magic family. As I said before, magic can skip generations. For instance, my mother came from a non magical family. No one in her family possessed or knew that magic existed but she turned out to be a witch.

Does that all make sense?

Harry decided to skip over the topic of Cedric. Every time he thought about what Eleanor had wrote in her previous letter, a great swell of emotions swirled in his chest unbearably and embarrassingly made it hard for him to keep his eyes dry.

The hearing isn't far away now. Don't worry, I'll tell you everything. I suppose you'll be hearing a lot from me if I'm expelled because you'll be one of the only people I can talk too as everyone else will be at school. Being completely honest, yes I am worried about the hearing. What if I am expelled?

I've asked my godfather if I can stay with him if I'm expelled but he hasn't given me a clear answer. I should probably explain this. When I was thirteen I found out I had a godfather. Did you hear in the news about Sirius Black? The murderer who killed all those Muggles? Well to cut the story short, he was framed and is completely innocent. I managed to help him escape and he's been on the run for the past two years now. But I'm currently staying with him as well as with Ron's family and Hermione and a bunch of other people including Remus. I can't say much but it's all part of this organisation to help bring Voldemort down. So that's why I'm with him.

I'm glad you managed to sort everything out with your parents. I'm sorry you have to lie to them but hopefully one day you'll be able to tell them the truth.

I'm glad you liked the chocolate frog. I contemplated just giving you regular chocolate but I thought the chocolate frog would cheer you up more and show you that not everything in the magical world is sinister because let's be honest, you haven't had the best introduction to the wizarding world. As for how the chocolate frog works, it's just a simple enchantment to make it move.

That's funny, I got Dumbledore for my first chocolate frog card too.

I got the chocolate frogs from a place called Hogsmeade. I'll send you some more when I can, I promise.

Again, Harry didn't want to address the fact that Eleanor had said that he was comfy because it made him terribly flustered. He decided the letter was long enough anyway and decided he'd better sign it off before it turned into an essay that would make Snape proud.

I'm glad the chocolate frog helped you feel better. I'm just sorry the whole incident happened at all.

Anyway, I'd better go, this letter is already very long.


the boy who will send you more chocolate frogs.

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