F I F T Y T H R E E | Lord Voldemort

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Eleanor couldn't believe her ears. She'd known Harry lived an extraordinary life involving magic and wizards, but what Remus had told her was pure insanity.

Apparently, Harry was famous. Famous from the ripe old age of one. Famous for something he wouldn't and doesn't remember doing.

The more Eleanor reminisced on what Remus had confided in her, the more her skin crawled. This was not at all the story she pictured being told when Harry told her magic was real.

Remus had took her back to the beginning where it had all began. There was a wizard who went bad. As bad as you could go. Badder than bad. He did horrible things, terrible things, unimaginable things and had his own army of people who called themselves Death Eaters.

Well one day this bad wizard, named Lord Voldemort, or He Who Must Not Be Named, went to Harry's house on Halloween and murdered Harry's parents. Well it was a bit more complicated than that, Remus had told her. He briefly mentioned enchantments keeping Harry's parents safe until one of their friends betrayed them and that was why Voldemort was able to locate them so easily after months and months of hiding from him.

Eleanor was a bit confused but understood the gist of it anyway and felt horror struck. Who would sell out their best friends to an evil murderer?

Seeing Eleanor was about to say something, Remus had hastily carried on. He always avoided talking about this if he could help it and he definitely didn't want to have a long discussion about it with Eleanor who still didn't understand near enough about the wizarding world.

Remus had told her about how once Lily and James had died, Voldemort went for Harry; a defenseless young baby. But once Voldemort aimed that killing curse at Harry, it had backfired and Voldemort fled, weak and even less human than he was before.

That was why Harry was famous, because he had saved the wizarding world from the most notorious evil wizard and he doesn't even remember doing it. Only the lightning bolt scar on his forehead lies as a souvenir for what happened that night.

But that wasn't all. Remus told her more. He was back again. Lord Voldemort was reborn.

It all began with the tournament. Eleanor found out it was a wizarding tournament that was called the Triwizard Tournament and it held a series of dangerous tasks. Remus had told her Harry's name had been put in to the tournament by another bad wizard, a Death Eater who went into Hogwarts disguised as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher by using a potion and keeping the real Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher (Professor Moody) held captive.

Eleanor had been slightly thrilled and scared by the fact that a potion existed to be able to transform people into other people. And the fact that they had a lesson call Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Remus also told her that Harry, as she knew, did very well in the first two dangerous tasks and it wasn't until the third task did things begin to go terribly wrong.

The last task was to locate the Triwizard Cup in the middle of a maze filled with dangerous creatures and enchantments. Eleanor didn't get the idea of this tournament, it seemed a bit stupid to put these people's lives at risk for a stupid cup and some gold but Eleanor did not mention any of this to Remus and merely continued to listen to his story with her upmost attention.

Remus told her Harry had managed to locate the cup but upon doing it, he stumbled into another competitor; Cedric Diggory. Remus didn't know the full story here but knew that the pair of them had decided to grab the cup together and share the glory.

But this was when it happened. Remus explained to Eleanor that the Death Eater who was disguised as a Hogwarts professor also tampered with the Triwizard Cup and turned it into a Portkey.

Upon seeing Eleanor's confused expression, Remus had explained that a Portkey was a form of transportation to take you from one place to another. This particular Portkey had taken Harry and Cedric out of Hogwarts grounds and to a graveyard. A graveyard in Little Hangleton.

A graveyard where a weak Voldemort lay with his quivering excuse for a servant. The servant, who Eleanor discovered was called Peter Pettigrew, was ordered to tie Harry up.

Eleanor felt her stomach twist uncomfortably at this point, but Remus continued with the story apparently unaware to Eleanor's discomfort.

Peter was then ordered to murder Cedric. Eleanor had gasped at this point and began choking on her tea which she was in the middle of taking a sip of. Remus had taken out his wand and given it a little wave, and Eleanor was soon able to take in lungfulls of air easily again.

Eleanor couldn't even focus on the fact that Remus had used magic because her mind was reeling. An innocent boy had been murdered all because he was simply there. Eleanor couldn't get over the injustice of it all or the fact that the boys family must be devastated. Eleanor took controlled breaths in and out, trying to fight away the tears that were building in her eyes.

Remus continued with the story, telling her that because Harry was tied up there was nothing that could've been done. Even if Harry wasn't tied up, there would have been very little he could have done to prevent it anyway because no one can survive the Killing Curse. Especially when Lord Voldemort decides he wants someone dead.

Remus also took time to explain to Eleanor about Harry's lightning bolt scar and how it was the imprint left on him when Voldemort tried to kill him when he was just one years old. But Remus told Eleanor that it wasn't an ordinary scar. It would hurt when Voldemort was in close proximity or if he was feeling rather powerful emotions such as anger.

While Remus had been retelling the story to Eleanor, he had been staring straight at the floor, trying not to let his emotions get the better of him. He still remembered the day he found out that James and Lily had been murdered and how Harry had somehow survived. It never got any easier remembering and he still felt a terrible grief when he realised he would never hear James laugh again or see him acting like an arrogant prick while running his hands through his already messy hair.

Remus had looked up at this point and took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions. He placed his now cold tea on the coffee table and looked back at Eleanor.

She had looked shocked, scared and about to break down crying. Remus decided it was time to hurry up telling the story.

Normally he would never have disclosed this much information with a Muggle, even one he knew personally. It was against the law after all unless they were to get married. But Dumbledore seemed to have been given the all clear on the matter and Harry did request for Remus to tell Eleanor as much as he could because Harry wasn't sure when he would see Eleanor face to face again and it was too risky to put everything into letters.

So Remus continued to tell Eleanor how Peter had helped rebirth Voldemort, giving him back his body and powers. He told her how Harry had barely escaped and it was only because of ancient magic did he manage to escape back to Hogwarts with Cedric's body. Hurt, traumatised but alive.

Eleanor had sat unable to speak for several minutes, horrified.

"But surely, if you lot can do magic and everything, then couldn't you just bring Cedric back to life?" She had asked, her voice shaking with the effort to stop herself crying.

Remus had sent her a very sad and very sympathetic smile. "I wish we could but even us wizards can't bring back the dead. It's impossible."

Silence had fell again after that. And it lasted a while, both of them thinking over about what was just said. Remus reminiscing on the horrors of it all and Eleanor wondering if Cedric's family were okay and how Harry was dealing with it all. No wonder Harry had acted the way he did, he was probably grieving over the loss of Cedric and the horror of seeing his parents killer being brought back to large. It must have been truly horrifying.

But the thought that kept Eleanor awake that night, (After Remus had decided it was time to leave and making Eleanor promise not to mention this to anyone.) was not the fact that Harry had been telling the truth all this time and had seen horrors truly unspeakable but how anyone could murder an innocent boy and countless other people. She thought about how and why Voldemort ended up a killer and just what could have happened in his lifetime to make him this way.

(I hope you all like this chapter. Eleanor had finally found out everything about Harry. And now she knows about Voldemort, how do you think she's going to take it all?)

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