N I N E T Y S E V E N | Nightmares

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"So you're telling me that magic is real-"

"And that Harry is a wizard-"

"And goes to a wizarding school-"

"But an evil wizard is after him to kill him-"

"Even though he is only fifteen?"

Eleanor had taken her parents into a separate room to break the news. This was after her father had woken up of course. She had been talking to them for over an hour, going right back to the beginning where an easy mistake pulled her into all of this mess.

"You've pretty much hit the nail on the head." Eleanor admitted as she paced in front of her parents, awaiting even more questions.

"But now you're in trouble too?"


"Possibly? What kind of answer is that?"

"Harry was going to explain it all to me before you came in screaming your head off." Eleanor said.

"Well can you blame me?"

"Not in the slightest," Eleanor said. "But let's go find out what's going on."

Before her parents could ask anymore questions, Eleanor marched out the door. Her brother, Josh, was probably no doubt waiting with the others in the dining room still.

Eleanor entered the dining room and all heads turned to her. Without a word, she sat at the table in front of Harry. She heard her parents following.

Her parents sudden appearance at Grimmauld Place had distracted her for a while but now Eleanor was here again, ready to ask Harry what was going on, fear and dread wrenched at her heart.

"So I was really excited to finally find out who my daughter was dating but after all this I'm not so sure this is a good idea," Ethan said as he entered the room. "Which one of you is Harry anyway?"


"I think the more important question is why the hell has our daughter been brought into this mess!" William demanded as he too came walking into the room.

"Dad!" Eleanor groaned again. "It's not Harry's fault and I refuse to tell you which one is Harry until you both calm down."

"You will tell us, young lady!"

"Wow," A little voice said and Eleanor found Josh sitting in a armchair in the corner of the room. "What did you do El? I've never seen our parents so pissed off."

"Josh, watch your language!" Ethan exclaimed, horrified.

Eleanor was equally as horrified and she fidgeted when she saw William's sharp glare on her. "Have you been swearing around Josh? I told you that wasn't allowed!"

"Psssh, no way!" Eleanor said, avoiding everyone's eyes. "Josh is way too young to hear such profanities."

"Nuh-uh," Josh piped up and Eleanor suddenly wished she was magic so she could make him shut up. "The other day Eleanor swore around me because she stubbed her toe. She said stuff like 'shit, fuck and son of a bitch'."

"Shut up!" Eleanor hissed and then turned to her parents who were glowering at her. She smiled sheepishly. "Six year olds, am I right? Always making up things that never happened." She laughed awkwardly but when neither of her parents said anything she turned and faced Harry.

He was trying to hold in his laughter and she smirked at him. Time to turn her parents anger towards him instead.

Harry seemed to know what she was about to do because his smile dropped.

"So Harry, what awful way am I going to die?"

"You're not going to die. That's why you're here. We're here to keep you safe." It was Remus who spoke, quite clearly very amused.

"Who mentioned dying anyway?" Harry asked.

Eleanor shrugged. "I dunno. The way you were looking at me earlier gave me the impression that you were glad I was alive. Besides Remus seemed pretty urgent earlier when he was fetching me."

"Only because Death Eaters could have been around." Remus explained.

Eleanor felt her stomach drop. "Voldemorts followers? Why would they be after me?"

Eleanor heard her parents gasp at this but she ignored it.

"Listen, don't panic-" Harry began.

"Bit easier said than done, don't you think?" Eleanor admitted, albeit a bit sarcastically.

"Yes but if you let me explain-"

"Go on then." Eleanor interjected again without really meaning too, her mind was spinning a million miles an hour.

What was going to happen to her? And why was she in danger? She had nothing to do with the wizarding world, she hardly had anything to do with the muggle world for that matter. There was no reason for anyone to be after her. Well, I guess there was Harry now.

"I would if you'd let me!" Harry said, his voice raised slightly.

"Right, sorry." Eleanor said absently.

Harry sighed and a weight seemed to suddenly drop on his shoulders causing them to sag slightly. Eleanor was suddenly transported back to the park where she first met Harry and took in his sorrowful appearance. Her heart ached for him but it also ached for herself. She didn't want to be in any danger. She didn't care how selfish that sounded.

"I'll start from the beginning then. Please don't interrupt until I've finished." Harry said, looking at Eleanors parents for the first time. They nodded at him to show they understood and took seats at the dining table, one each side of Eleanor.

Then Harry began. He started off explaining how the nightmare had started off like it normally did. He was moving down the dark corridor, towards the door he craved to see behind. The closer he got to more excited he became until he was running, so eager to reach the door.

Then suddenly he wasn't running anymore but slithering. He was at ground level and he no longer felt excitement to get to the door but excitement to get to what was in front of the door.

Harry went on to explaining how he saw Mr. Weasley guarding the door and how he, as the snake, struck blow after blow at Mr. Weasley, biting him until he collapsed. Until there was blood everywhere, until the black corridor was no longer black but stained red.

Eleanor listened intently and ignored when she felt a cold shiver run down her spine. She wanted to reach for Harry and hold him. His skin had gone pale and Eleanor could see the guilt radiating off him even though she knew and everyone else in the room knew it wasn't his fault.

Harry quickly went on to explaining how Mr. Weasley was going to be okay. He was in hospital, seriously injured but safe now..

Then Harry looked up and met Eleanor's eyes.

"...then my vision changed. I wasn't in the corridor as the snake anymore but I was flying, travelling through the air at a million miles an hour. At first I thought I was inside Voldemort's mind but then I stopped in front of your house and it was in ruins. Voldemort had already got to you.

"The door had been blasted open. I didn't want to but I had no control over my body, I walked into your house. It was silent at first, I thought maybe I was too late." Harry was silent for a moment but then he seemed to regain his composure.

"The bottom floor of the house was completely silent. Your parents and brother weren't home and I thought maybe from some miracle you weren't either but then I heard you scream. I knew it was you straight away. I ran up the stairs and there you were on the floor. It seemed I was late because by the looks of it Voldemort had been torturing you for some time. I don't know what he wanted or what he was saying to you, I could only hear your screams. I tried to do something, help you but I couldn't move. And then Voldemort took you. He didn't kill you but you were badly injured. But he just took you and Apparated you somewhere. I don't know where, I couldn't follow and then I woke up."

Harry looked at Eleanor again and his green eyes were swimming with emotions. Eleanor knew Harry was always very embarrassed to show his emotional side, so to see him so open about it both scared and warmed Eleanor.

"Eleanor, I'm so sorry," Harry said after he was finished. "I'm sorry I ever dragged you into this."

Eleanor opened her mouth to say it wasn't his fault. She wanted to say, although she was scared shitless, she wouldn't have things any other way. She wanted to say it was okay, that she was here now and safe and that Voldemort would never reach her now she was here. But she couldn't say any of that for Harry had stood up and exited the room before Eleanor could say even one word.

Eleanor wanted to go after him but she felt her head and heart were about to explode. She was feeling so many emotions all at once she didn't know which one to focus on. She was scared, she was worried, she felt awful for Harry, she wanted to comfort him but she also felt bad for her family and what she had brought them into.

Eleanor cleared her throat and addressed the rest of the people sitting at the dining table still. "First off I want to say I'm really sorry about what happened to Mr. Weasley. I know I don't know him but I wish him a fast recovery."

"Thank you dear, that means a lot." It was Mrs. Weasley who spoke to her. The plump ginger woman who had given her a hug when she first entered Grimmauld Place. Her voice was soft when she spoke to Eleanor. "How are you holding up?"

"Fine." Lie. "But what I don't get is what Harry was seeing was in the present. He saw the attack on Mr. Weasley as it was happening so why didn't I get a visit off Voldemort?"

Before anyone could say anything, Eleanor continued. "Don't get me wrong, I'm completely glad I didn't but still, I'm confused..."

"We are not entirely sure ourselves but Harry's pretty sure it's something Voldemort is planning in the future." Remus told them.

"But you said you can't be sure, so it might not happen." Ethan said, a slight shake in his voice.

"Yes, Harry might be wrong." William mumbled, completely in denial about everything.

"Possibly." Remus agreed with Eleanor's parents but she knew he only did this to appease them. "But Harry knows Voldemort better than anyone. He has this connection with him so from now on you will be staying here. Just to be sure. This place is protected with the highest protections available, no Death Eater nor Voldemort himself can find you here."

"Cool! This place is awesome! There's heads everywhere!"

"Why are you so obsessed with heads?" Eleanor asked her brother.

"Because they are not human heads." Josh grinned and his eyes glowed with wonder.

Eleanor rolled her eyes. "We just had a whole conversation about a magical maniac wizard kidnapping me and you are more interested in some decapitated heads?"

"They look like something out of Lord of the Rings!"

"No they don't, don't be stupid. Besides Lord of the Rings isn't real." Eleanor quipped, enjoying the distraction her brother brought her.

"You thought magic was make-believe until you met Harry."

"Touchè, Joshy."

"What about school and work?" Ethan asked, addressing the other adults at the table.

"They won't need to go." Sirius shrugged. "Safer that way because you have no means of protecting yourselves."

Eleanor and Josh highfived. "Yes!"

Sirius winked at them.

"Ignore Sirius," Remus said at the appalled looks on Ethan and William's faces. "While we suggest that Eleanor stays here at all times, if you wish for her to still go to school, we will give her an escort to school and back. We will do the same for Josh and you two when you go to work."

"You have time to think about it," Mrs. Weasley pitched in. "They can have tomorrow off school because they break up for Christmas anyway and then you can make your decision through the two weeks you all have off."

Ethan and William nodded, completely at a loss for words and struggling to come to terms with all that had happened that night.

A horrible awful silence fell around the room. A silence that was suffocating.

Eleanor knew they were all thinking about her. About what was going to happen to her. About why Voldemort would want her.

"Well," Eleanor drawled out. "I'm going to go find Harry."

"We'll help you." Ron and Hermione went to stand up.

"It's okay. I want to talk to him alone." After seeing their slightly offended faces, Eleanor rushed on. "But I won't be long. As soon as I'm done, he'll come and find you."

"What about you?" Ron asked.

Eleanor was taken aback but kindly surprised. "Well I'll come too if you like."

"Of course. We've got a lot to learn about each other." Hermione spoke for the first time. Eleanor felt rather awkward and she still didn't know what to make of Hermione. She seemed nice though.

Eleanor smiled at Hermione and then it fell silent again. Eleanor stood awkwardly for a moment.

She wanted to say something but couldn't think of anything.

Feeling extremely awkward, Eleanor made a bee line for the exit, incredibly grateful when she exited the room.

Now she needed to try and find Harry.

(I've had bad writers block for weeks. I just couldn't figure out how to write this chapter even though I know it's not very complex. It might not be my best work and I apologise for that but I hope you all enjoy it and hopefully I won't suffer from writers block again.)

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