O N E | Easy Mistake

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A/N Hello, yes I am writing another Harry Potter story that will probably never reach the light of day but hey, at the moment I'm excited so let's see how far I go with this one. This story will be letter based, so their relationship will be formed through letters. Honestly, I love these kind of stories. Anyway without further ado, welcome to Easy Mistake.

EDIT: Surprise past me, I'm very much publishing it.

Hey Cass,

As if I am writing you a fucking letter because my idiot little brother broke my phone and now the only way to contact you is through letters until my parents can afford to buy me a new one. I feel so stupid sitting at my desk writing this. This isn't the fucking dark ages, we shouldn't have to write letters anymore, it's so inconvenient and boring. At least I know you'll get a good laugh out of it, you twisted bastard.

Well jokes on you because unless you want to contact me over the summer holidays, you'll have to sit and write a letter back to me. As the saying goes, if I go down, you're coming with me (or something like that), so you're going to be stuck writing letters to me for god knows how long.

Honestly though, what kind of person decides 'oh I'm going to flush your phone down the toilet'? My brother is the biggest idiot I have ever had the misfortune of meeting. I really do wish his parents just left him as a stain on the bed or something gross because I would rather live with that disturbing image then put up with that idiot for the rest of my life.

Anyway, you missed a lot at school today. It was hilarious in Biology. Basically, Ms. Burns all gave us dead frogs to dissect (Fucking morbid, I know.) and Chloe, (Yes, blonde haired Chloe that sleeps with everything that has a pulse.) well she screamed so loud when she saw it and she ended up throwing it out the window before fainting. I don't think I've laughed so much in my life. Obviously I got a detention but it was worth it.

You'd think I'd get a detention for laughing at the fact she fainted, wouldn't you? Well nope, apparently Ms. Burns thought it was more disrespectful that I turned around to Edie and said that she got so excited by the frog she threw it outside to save it for later to do god knows what and fainted over the excitement of it all...

Apparently someone can't take a joke.

If anything it should be Chloe getting in trouble, throwing that poor frog out the window. It's animal abuse. But no! I get the detention for making a joke, how unfair is that?! I was trying to lighten the mood!

Also, we did have homework but I'm not going to tell you because let's be honest, you won't do it anyway. And besides, today was the last day before the summer holidays so we have a whole brilliant six weeks to do the shitty biology homework.

How come you weren't in today? Are you dying? Are you currently dead, lying in a coffin. If so RIP but fuck you for not telling me.

Ah, I'll soon find out if you're dead or not...

Also, you better write back to me! If not, I know where you live...


The girl who got in trouble for making a joke (Still fuming about it to be honest.) aka your best friend that you adore so very much.

As Eleanor folded the letter up and put it into the envelope to send off, smiling happily at the outcome of it, she hadn't realised that she had put number 4 Privet Drive rather than 5. But that's an easy mistake, right?

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