O N E H U N D R E D A N D F O R T Y F O U R | Greyback

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Harry was scared. He was more scared than he has ever been in his life.

He had also messed up. He messed up big time. Sirius wasn't here. It was a trap, and he had lead his friends right into the middle of it. His mind was reeling, thinking of ways to get out of this mess. He was currently surrounded by Death Eaters and he still didn't know if Josh was here.

In his vision he had seen Josh, he was sure of it. Just as he had seen Sirius. But a flicker of doubt went through him, if Sirius wasn't here, maybe Josh wasn't too. But he didn't want to risk it. He wanted to make sure he knew Josh wasn't here before he got out.

For now though, he somehow needed to survive getting away from these Death Eaters. He could hear Hermione's sharp breaths in his left ear and fought the urge to reach behind him and grab her hand. He doubted it would comfort her. After all, this was all his fault.

Harry reminded himself that he had an advantage against the Death Eaters. He was holding the Prophecy ball that Voldemort craved so badly. He didn't understand how it all tied to him at the moment as the Prophecy clearly stated his name, but his only plan was to keep the Death Eaters talking.

"Where's Sirius?" Harry asked and heard several of the Death Eaters laugh. Lucius Malfoy, who seemed to be the one leading the Death Eaters, gave a nasty smirk.

Harry heard a harsh female voice from the midst of the shadowy figures of Death Eaters say; "The Dark Lord always knows."

"Always," echoed Malfoy softly. "Now give me the Prophecy, Potter."

"I want to know where Sirius is!" Harry didn't know if this was all the Death Eaters Voldemort had sent. And where was Josh? Harry didn't want to ask, in case this was all the Death Eaters. He didn't want to turn their attention on to Josh, better that he have their full focus if it meant Josh was safe. Harry knew this was a trap, but if somehow the Death Eaters did have Sirius, Harry knew he could fend for himself, he was stong. While Josh was strong, he was only a Muggle and probably scared out of his mind and confused. His heart went out to Josh, and he suddenly felt so much fear and affection for the boy it physically hurt. He hadn't been aware of the transition to when Josh went from a friend to someone he cared about like a brother.

"I want to know where Sirius is!" mocked the woman with the harsh voice. She and her fellow Death Eaters had closed in so they were feet away from Harry and the others, the light from their wands dazzling his eyes.

"You've got him," Harry said, partly to keep them talking and partly because he didn't trust the Death Eaters or Voldemort to have something hidden up their sleeves. He felt renewed panic now as he considered if they had Sirius somewhere else. He remembered the dream, or to put it better, the nightmare. He remembered trying to contact Sirius but no one had answered. Only Kreacher, and he had been certain Sirius had been taken. Harry hoped they weren't holding Eleanor too, he didn't think his heart could manage much more panic and fear. "He's here. I know he is."

"The little baby woke up fwightened and fort what it dweamed was twoo." said the woman in a horrible mock baby voice. Harry felt Ron stir beside him.

"Don't do anything," Harry mumbled. "Not yet -"

The woman who had mimicked him let out a scream of mirth. "You hear him? You hear him? Giving instructions to the other children as though he thinks of fighting us!"

"Oh, you don't know Potter as I do, Bellatrix." Malfoy said coolly. "He has a great weakness for heroics; the Dark Lord understands this about him. Now give me the Prophecy, Potter."

"I know Sirius is here," Harry said, though panic was constricting his chest and making it hard to breath. Where was Josh? Was he safe? The not knowing made Harry want to scream out. "I know you've got him!"

Most of the Death Eaters laughed again, though the woman laughed the loudest. "You seem very unconcerned for a certain little brat. Is Black taking up all your ickle mind, Potter?"

Harry felt all his friends stir. He too himself tensed. So they did have Josh? But where?

It was old news to everyone at Hogwarts that Harry had a muggle girlfriend. And because everyone loved to gossip about Harry, it was somehow known that Eleanor had a little brother. And because Harry cared for them both so much, Harry's friends felt a fierce protection over Josh, and all were just as panicked as Harry was.

"Now, now Bella." Malfoy said, loosing some of his earlier smugness. It seemed that Bellatrix was no longer playing along with the plan. Harry looked at the woman, at the mad glee in her eyes. She was enjoying herself, Harry could tell. She thought she was tormenting him, and although Harry felt his stomach drop painfully, he knew he had a good opportunity to get valuable information.

"Where is he?" Harry demanded. "Where is Josh?"

"Enough of this," Malfoy sneered. "Hand us over the Prophecy and we will tell you where the child is, and you and your friends can walk free."

Now it was Harry's turn to laugh. "Yeah, right." He said. "I give you this - this Prophecy, is it? And you'll just let us skip off home, will you?"

The words were hardly out of Harry's mouth when he heard the female Death Eater scream. "Accio Prophe-"

Harry barely had time to react when he felt the small glass sphere began to slip out of his hand.


It was dark. Very dark. Josh couldn't see any of his surroundings. He could hear his short shallow breaths echoing in his ears. He could feel his heartbeat thumping in his chest, beating rapidly, pumping him with fear and adrenaline.

He didn't know how long he had been here. It was so dark it was disorentating, and Josh wasn't very good at telling the time just yet anyway. He was currently getting extra help for it at school. Numbers always did confuse him, they got muddled up in his head and he would panic when he didn't know the answer.

Just as he was panicking now. Why had the teachers let him leave with a stranger? He had told them that he didn't want to go, that he didn't know the man. Just the sight of the man had scared him.

One minute he was sitting in science class and the next the Headmistress, Mrs. Archer had come to escort him to reception. At first he had thought he was in trouble, maybe he had talked too many times during class. But then when Mrs. Archer had opened up the doors leading into reception and Josh had saw the tall man looming over him, he knew something much much worse was about to happen.

Josh hadn't met many wizards, just the ones his sister Eleanor knew. They had become a somewhat tight knit family. Josh loved them all, but he also wasn't stupid. He was old enough to know something wasn't right, after all they were being kept under guard at a secret Headquarters to stop an evil wizard with a plan to wreak a war. Josh had instantly guessed when he saw the man that this was one of his followers.

A few weeks earlier Josh had over heard Bill talking to Remus about something called the Dark Mark, which was what each of Voldemorts followers had. He had been curious and asked Bill what it looked like and Bill had drawn a rough sketch of a skull and serpent intertwined. It immediately sent a chill down Josh's spine. He had noticed immediately on the looming figure that he had the same mark on his forearm. Josh guessed he didn't need to hide it, because to Muggles it was just another tattoo.

Despite Josh's best efforts, the school had sent Josh with the man. The man put up a good act, Josh had to admit, but as soon as they had exited school premises, the man had yanked Josh so harshly that he had felt his shoulder pop and a searing pain had overcome him.

Josh had cried out in pain but the man told him to be quiet. Despite the pain, Josh had tried to yank himself free of the man's grip. "Let go! Let me go!" Josh yelled.

The man had pulled Josh into an alleyway and shoved him against the wall. Josh felt his head come in contact with the brick wall and had to blink away stars. "Shut up you little brat." The man growled. Josh looked at him, he was wearing Muggle clothes to blend in. A long leather trench coat, black boots, and black trousers. He had stuble on his jaw and looked very annoyed that he was in Josh's company. "If you keep quiet, you won't get hurt. If we get what we want off Potter, then you can skip along back off to your boring life, got it?"

"Leave Harry alone!" Josh screamed.

The man rolled his eyes. "Ooh, I'm so scared. C'mon, we're going to be late, and stop struggling otherwise I'll show you what real pain feels like."

The man looked at Josh with a kind of hunger, and a sinister smile. Josh knew the man would be all too glad to hurt him and felt himself shrink into himself. He decided to keep quiet.

"Good boy." The man murmured and grabbed Josh's arm, the next minute Josh was spun around and felt his feet leave the ground. He felt the world spinning around him, and his lungs felt compressed as if he were being pushed through a very tight tube.

Luckily the sensation was over as quick it came and suddenly he had found himself in the middle of London. The man had re-tightened his grip on Josh and pulled him along into a red phone box. But Josh had learned it wasn't an ordinary phone box quickly as it had plummeted them both deep underground. If Josh hadn't been so scared, he would have been amazed that he was seeing so much magic, especially when the phone box announced their welcome to the Ministry of Magic.

Shortly after that, Josh had been shoved into the pitch black room and left alone.

Josh closed his eyes. He forced himself to breath through his nose and out through his mouth, just like his father had told Eleanor to do when Eleanor used to get anxious. It didn't dissipate any of his fear, but it slowed his heartbeat down a bit.

Josh didn't know what to do. He wasn't tied up or bound, but it was so dark, and Josh didn't like the dark much. He couldn't see anything. No twinkle of light, there were no windows, no doors he could see that leaked through a sliver of light, nothing. He was scared to get up and wander around for the exit in case there was something hiding in the room that he couldn't see.

What if someone else was in here with him? What if the floor opened up to a ten foot drop? What if the place was booby-trapped?

Josh could hear his fathers voice in his head telling him to stop watching so many movies. He felt himself smile a little. He missed his fathers, but hearing his fathers voice had given him strength. He can do this. It was only a room, he could brave that and he needed to get out of here.

But just as the thought echoed in his head, he heard muffled voices and footsteps. He froze.

He heard a door open with a click. He heard a voice mutter an incantation and suddenly the room came into focus.

Josh didn't remember being blindfolded but he guessed he must have been. The room was dark still, but he could see wooden doors along the walls. The walls themselves were made up of black tiles, and so was the floor. It was eerie.

Two men approached him. One was the same one who had taken him, the other was a slightly slimmer and smaller build than the other. The man who took him was speaking. "Do you think after all of this, the Dark Lord will let me keep him?"

The tone in the man's voice was enough alone to make Josh feel sick and gross. It was even more that Josh knew he was being talked about. The other Death Eater gave a disgusted look. "Stick to the plan, Greyback. Once Potter gives us the Prophecy, the kid can go. As for Potter and his friends, they might not be so lucky. You can have your fun with one of them."

Josh was watching them approaching him. They didn't seem to care that he wasn't tied or bound, they didn't seem to find him much of a threat. Josh couldn't blame them. He had made no move or a sound as they talked carelessly about putting people in danger.

The name Greyback struck a cord with Josh. He remembered Remus mentioning the name with loathing. He shook the thought off, now was not the time to get sidetracked.

They had nearly reached him and Josh had still not moved. They expected Josh to be harmless, they expected Josh to cower in fear and be scared.

Josh was scared, but he would not cower. They thought Josh was harmless, but Josh was sick of people looking down on him just because he was a child, just because he was a Muggle.

It was time he took action. He wasn't going to sit still and let these Death Eaters contine to hurt him and the one's he loved.

Josh leapt to his feet, the Death Eaters weren't expecting it, and he ran. He ran faster than he ever had. He ran straight for the Death Eaters and barrelled into them. In their surprise he managed to knock one of them to the ground, but the other reached out and grabbed him. It was Greyback.

Josh felt a spark of panic but he remembered all that Ellie had taught him. Especially what to do if he were in danger. He brought his knee up and hit Greyback in the crotch. Greyback doubled over and Josh felt a moment of glee, he continued to run. He made for one of the wooden doors and practically leapt through it. He slammed the door shut behind him.

He was free.

For now.

(How are you liking the recent chapters? A lot is going on right? I'm having a blast writing them and I'm so excited for you to read the end.)

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