O N E H U N D R E D A N D F O R T Y S E V E N | Cornered

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Harry was cornered. All of his friends were trapped. So much had happened in such a short space of time that it was whirling around his brain making him confused.

He remembered running off with Josh, Hermione and Neville. He remembered being pursued by Death Eaters. He vaguely remembered the rooms, there were so many. He remembered Hermione getting hit with a spell and falling into a heavy bookcase. He remembered Neville's nose getting broken, there was so much blood, it had made Josh gag.

He remembered having Josh's hand ripped from his, he remembered the panic as the Death Eater laughed and pointed their wand at Josh's neck. Harry couldn't remember which Death Eater it was, he had been so blinded by panic. His head screamed at him to just hand the Prophecy over to get Josh back. He was about to do it, if Neville hadn't come up behind the unsuspecting Death Eater and shot an unsuccessful Stunning spell at him. But it had given Harry time.

Harry remembered raising his wand and shooting his own Stunning spell, this one had been successful and Harry remembered watching with relief as the Death Eater flew back, unconscious.

Harry remembered thanking Neville, although Neville hadn't been able to cast a proper spell since his nose had been broken, because he wasn't able the proper pronunciation. But Harry remembered being so thankful for Neville in that moment and his chest had filled with affection. He knew they would be friends for life.

Harry remembered Josh had been hysterical again, so Harry carefully scooped him up in his arms, together Neville and Harry had run over to Hermione who had still been unconscious. They had no idea what the Death Eaters had done to her, so they had no choice but to carry her.

Harry couldn't remember much after that. He remembered Josh calming down enough to be put down and run by his side again, he remembered coming across Ginny, Luna and Ron. He remembered the relief, but not for long. Luna had a broken leg and something was wrong with Ron. Apparently he had been attacked by one of those weird brain things in another room. Harry tried not to wince at all the harsh red marks all over Ron's body where the brain had latched on to him. That wasn't the only thing wrong with Ron though. He was out of it, talking nonsense. Harry was concerned but he remembered feeling such relief. They were all alive.

The rest came in a blur. He remembered wanting to get them all out, but somehow along the way they had been cornered and now Harry stood on a platform in front of that strange archway they had seen earlier that evening. Harry no longer heard the voices, but he could hear it swaying eerily behind him, like soft fabric blowing in the breeze. In a different circumstance, Harry would have found it calming, almost beautiful to look at, but now the sound just reminded him of his first year where he had heard Quirrell/Voldemort's body glide closer to him in the Forbidden Forest before he got saved by Firenze.

"Potter your race is run," Lucius drawled. "Now hand me the Prophecy like a good boy."

Harry's eyes flickered to his friends, all of them were being held securely by Death Eaters, all of them had wands pointed at their necks. Miraculously Josh had managed to stay by his side in all of this mess. He was stood panting, scared, by Harry's side on the platform. He was watching Lucius wearily. Harry grabbed his shoulder and pulled him closer, just for the reminder that he was here and alive. Harry breathed slightly easier.

"Let-Let the others go, and I'll give it to you!" Harry said desperately. Harry knew he would, as much as he hated the thought of Voldemort getting this Prophecy, he knew he could never risk his friends lives like that. They mattered too much to him. Harry didn't care what became of him, but he would he damned if he let anything happen to his friends, especially if it could be avoided.

Harry heard a few of the Death Eaters laugh.

"You are not in the position to bargain, Potter," said Lucius Malfoy, his pale face flushed with pleasure. "You see, there are ten of us and only one of you...or hasn't Dumbledore ever taught you how to count?"

"He's dot alone!" shouted a voice and Harry felt his heart sink. "He's still god be!"

Somehow in the madness, Neville had managed to escape it all, escape being caught. He now ran towards Harry, his face twisted in determination. Josh watched him in wonder. Harry on the other hand, only felt dread. "No, Neville! Go back! Run!"

"STUBEFY!" Neville shouted. "STUBEFY! STUBE-"

One of the largest Death Eaters seized Neville from behind, pining his arms to his sides. He struggled and kicked, several of the Death Eaters laughed.

Harry closed his eyes for a brief second. He could feel his world spiralling, he could feel his heart thumping in his chest, screaming at him to save them all, his knees felt weak but still he opened his eyes and stood his ground. There had to be a way out of this, Harry thought to himself desperately. Please be a way out of this.

"It's Longbottom, isn't it?" sneered Lucius. "Well your grandmother is used to loosing family members to our cause...your death will not come as a great shock."

"Longbottom?" repeated Bellatrix, and a truly evil smile lit her gaunt face. "Why, I have had the pleasure of meeting your parents, boy."

"I DOE YOU HAB!" roared Neville, and he fought so hard against his captor's encircling grip that the Death Eater shouted, "Someone Stun him!"

"No, no, no," said Bellatrix. She looked transported, alive with excitement as she glanced at Neville, then back at Harry. "No, let's see how long Longbottom lasts before he cracks like his parents...unless Potter wants to give us the Prophecy?"

Harry felt as if he had swallowed ice.

"DON'D GIB ID DO DEM!" roared Neville, who seemed beside himself, kicking and writhing as Bellatrix drew nearer to him and his captor, her wand raised. "DON'D GIB ID DO DEM, HARRY!"

Bellatrix raised her wand. "Crucio!"

Neville screamed. Harry could feel the scream reverberating inside of him, it was almost as if he could feel the pain himself. His mind took him back to his fourth year, a year he still tried so hard to forget. He could see in his minds eye as Voldemort, newly risen, approached him. He could hear his cold hiss of a voice utter the Cruciatus Curse. Even now Harry could feel the ghost of the pain of it, he would never forget the pain of it. It was the worst pain he had ever felt. His body gave an involuntary twitch at the thought of it.

Neville's screaming ceased.

"That was only a taste!" said Bellatrix, raising her wand again. Neville lay sobbing at her feet. Harry could feel Josh shaking by his side and knew he was crying too. Harry put his hand back on Josh's small shoulder, giving it a squeeze, hoping to provide a small comfort.

That had been a mistake. Bellatrix's eyes gleamed. "Of course, how could we forget about little Josh here. I wonder, would he break sooner than Longbottom here? We could always make a game out of it." Her face was contemplative, but her eyes gleamed evily.

"That would be fun, wouldn't you say, Josh?" She continued, looking at Josh now. "But of course, Greyback also tells me you ran into him today? We could always arrange for you to go back with him, he was quite fond of you after all."

Bellatrix laughed at the look of horror on Harry's face. He could feel his body shaking in not just fear but anger.

Lucius stepped towards Harry. "Of course, this could all be avoided Potter, if you hand us over the Prophecy."

Harry did not have to think, there was no other choice. He would not risk his friends lives like this, all for a stupid Prophecy.

The prophecy was hot with the heat of his clutching hand as he held it out. Malfoy jumped forwards to take it.

Then, high above them, two more doors burst open and more people sprinted into the room, only this time it filled Harry with startling relief rather than paralysing fear. Sirius, Moody, Tonks, Arthur, Molly, Fred, George and Kingsley ran in. Harry could even seen Remus approaching. Harry breathed freely again.

It wasn't over yet, but this much Harry knew, they were saved. Nothing bad could happen now.

(Two chapters left.)

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