O N E H U N D R E D A N D N I N E T E E N | Fireworks

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Dear the girl like me, who doesn't know what to do with their life,

I have to start being extra careful in these letters now because Umbridge has got her Inquisitorial Squad to search and read all letters and packages coming in and out of Hogwarts.

Anyway, let's just say the dirt we had on her (you know who I'm talking about) happened to be something that isn't exactly allowed. Think about what Snuffles is.

I'm glad they both liked the gift I gave you. I'm surprised they didn't tease us if I'm being completely honest. I've definitely noticed that the both of them have been definitely more playful since you came around.

With the amount of time you spend with them, you probably see things I don't. You could be right but I never knew of a past relationship that the two shared. Maybe I'm oblivious, but I never noticed anything between the two of them when I was around them, nor did I notice any of them pining after the other.

The only thing I can think of that may remotely relate to your theories is on the first night I arrived, (at the place you are now) is when we were all having dinner and we stayed to discuss the events that had happened over the summer and what I saw happen at the end of my forth year. Well anyway, when Snuffles was talking to me, Moony wouldn't take his eyes off Snuffles. I think that has more to do with making sure Snuffles didn't say more than what he was allowed too. I wouldn't read too much into it but that's the only thing I came up with when I thought about your theory. It would be nice if it were true though.

Can you imagine if we had Universities like you lot do? I don't know but the thought of a wizarding university just amuses me. Hogwarts is crazy enough, I don't think I could deal with University too.

I can definitely see you liking Preforming Arts, you're definitely dramatic enough. As for the other choices you listed as well, they all seem like such 'you' things to pick. So whichever you decide to study, I know you'll do great in them. And like you said, you could always go and study the other subjects you don't pick for college at University.

On the subject of discussing our futures, I've just remembered I've got Careers Advice coming up soon.

How did Cass' date go? Are they seeing eachother again or are they remaining friends? Did you eat the ice cream in celebration? And if it went well, can you tell me about this girl now?

I'm sorry El, but I disagree. That is not how it works. That's like me constantly buying you chocolates you hate because I know it'll annoy you. I should actually do that so maybe you'll stop calling me that ridiculous name.

I did not have a baby face! And yeah, Ginny is pretty great like that. She doesn't dwell on things and she can turn things into a laugh. A bit like you now that I mention it.

El, you saw my Patronus. You were there with me in the Summer when I was forced to cast it. It's a stag. Like my fathers.

Apparently Cho's friend is still stuck in the Hospital Wing. Even Madam Pomfrey hasn't managed to get rid of the spots on her face. Can't say I'm too upset about it really.

How was the game of Exploding Snap with everybody?

Also while last letter I had bad news, I have some good news today.

Somebody in the castle, or maybe it was more than one person, anyway they are geniuses either way, set off a bunch of fireworks in the castle. Not just regular fireworks mind you, these were enchanted ones. Anyway, nobody could get rid of them. Everytime you tried to vanish them, they would multiply. So you can image how the Headmistress found all this. I hope she found it an enjoyable first day as Headmistress, running around the castle after them all.

It was brilliant El. Naturally nobody knows who did it but whoever did it must be into their pranks.

Anyway, got to go. I've go another lesson with Snape. Wish me luck, because they honestly haven't been going good at all.

Remember what I said at the start of the letter.


the boy who is dreading Snape's lesson even more than usual.

(Just a little reminder that obviously Harry knew who set off the fireworks, it was Fred and George but because of Umbridge he now has to be careful what he writes. Hope you enjoy!)

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