O N E H U N D R E D A N D S E V E N | Love

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Dear the girl who loves me,

Honestly, I wish you could Floo to Hogwarts. Not to 'take anyone out' but just to be here. If only Umbridge wasn't monitoring the Floo network.

I wonder how Snuffles came up with the nickname? And I wonder if Snuffles and Snape have always hated eachother?

I suppose you're right. Why should I care if the whole of Hogwarts thinks I'm stupid, as long as I know the truth right? I still hate the idea of everyone thinking I take remedial Potions.

I don't allow the students to have power over me. Besides when did you become so wise?

And I don't let them get to me. Well, I don't most of the time. It's just annoying that I was born famous and I'm constantly under the lime light. If I do even the slightest thing wrong or right, I'm immediately hated or I'm immediately loved. It's frustrating because if I wasn't famous for surviving when I was meant to die alongside my parents, then half the things I've done would've gone unnoticed.

For example, if I wasn't Harry Potter and I went down to the Chamber of Secrets and saved Ginny, I would've had a few pats on the back and that would be the end of it. Ron was down there with me and he hardly got recognised for any of it. But just because I'm Harry Potter, I'm immediately this big hero. So it's not that the things the students say to me affect me as such, it's the thought that if I was someone else, then the things that I do wouldn't hardly get as much attention.

If I was someone else and it got out that I was taking remedial Potions, then maybe I would've had the odd whisper, or the odd name calling but it wouldn't be as big and out of control as it is now.

I know I shouldn't complain because I've got amazing friends. And I'm proud to be who I am because I'm proud to be my parents son, but I just wish sometimes that I was someone else, you know?

Anyway, I'm really sorry about constantly dumping my feelings on you El. You always have to put up with my moaning. I promise I won't do it anymore.

I can't wait till the summer. I'm hoping I can stay with Snuffles. Hopefully I can convince Dumbledore to let me stay, it'll save me from going back to the Dursleys. He should let me, after all Snuffles is family.

You're as bad as Hermione. It's not like I'm not trying in Snape's lessons. I am trying, really hard. But the way you and Hermione go on, you'd think I just lay back and relax in his lessons or something. Have a bit of faith in me, I'm trying my hardest.

I can't tell anyone about my worries about Snape. No one is meant to know I'm having those lessons in the first place and if I told someone and word got out what my lessons with Snape really entail, well that would be the end of everything.

Dumbledore was furious with Umbridge. He couldn't stop her sacking Trelawney but Trelawney is still living in the castle. Dumbledore got us a new Divination teacher called Firenze. He's a Centaur. Umbridge is furious, she hates (her words, not mine) half-breeds. That's why she's adamant to sack Hagrid too because he's half Giant.

Have the rumours for you stopped yet?

And I didn't expect the Extendable Ears to work or for you to find out any new information. Don't go out of your way to try and find us information El, I don't want you getting into trouble. Nor would Fred and George.

Harry read the last paragraph. He had to read it mutiple times because he thought his eyes were deceiving him. He couldn't believe it but yet it was here, clear as day in Eleanor's handwriting.

Of course she had said it back at Grimmauld Place but even at the time, Harry knew she meant it as an offhand comment.

She said it the same way Harry would turn around to Ron and say that even though Ron was his best friend, it didn't stop him being a huge git sometimes.

Harry knew back at Grimmauld Place that Eleanor meant it but not in the way that romance movies make a big deal out of those three words but that didn't stop him feeling moved. Harry had never heard those words spoken to him. Ever.

But now Eleanor had said it again. And this time she meant it in the big monumental way that couples use to express how much that persons means to them. Harry couldn't quite believe it.

Eleanor loves him.

Harry felt strange. He didn't know words could have this kind of affect on him. It's like they shot out of the parchment and wrapped themselves around him, as if they were giving him a big warm hug. Those words were all that mattered. He thought of nothing else for hours. For days.

Eleanor Summers loved him. She loved Harry James Potter. She loved the stupid git that didn't deserve her in the slightest bit of a way. But yet Harry continued to go back to the letter to check. He kept getting paranoid that he had read it wrong but he hadn't.

She said she loved him.

Harry had never heard those words spoken. Let alone to him. He couldn't believe it. Yet here it was in black and white. It was concrete proof. He had no choice but to believe it.

How could Harry have ever felt down lately? He couldn't remember feeling trapped or sad anymore, Harry only felt light and happy. He had never been so happy in his life.

It made him realise something. Something big. How could he have been so stupid not to have realised it before now? He loved her back.

Harry loved Eleanor.

He wanted to tell her. To shout it out into the world. But when he wrote it on the parchment, in the letter, it didn't look right. He wanted to express how he felt and putting it into words didn't seem to express exactly how he felt. He needed to tell her in person...he needed to tell her.

Thank you El. I debated many words to write at the end of this letter. I wrote it back too, you know. I did and I meant it but it didn't look right on the parchment. I want to tell you in person. When we are face to face.

This seems like such a stupid thing to do. After all I'm always getting you to wait for me. But just know, you make me very happy and I've never ever felt anything compared to the way I feel about you.

You really are everything I could ever need. And you've helped me beyond anything you can ever imagine.


the boy who can't believe he got so lucky.

(I love this but I hope it's not cringey. I always work so hard on trying not to make the couple stuff cringey in my writing so I hope I was successful. Enjoy! Until next time.)

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