O N E H U N D R E D A N D S E V E N T E E N | Bad News (Again)

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Dear the girl who wants to cuddle me (It most definitely isn't contagious, and even if it was, we are currently sending letters hundreds of miles apart, so I think you're safe.)

Thanks Ellie! It was hard at first to talk about everything with Rita but the more I talked, the surprisingly easier it got.

As for how we got Rita to agree to write it for us (without adding any lies or changing what I said) was again all Hermione's idea. I had no idea but in the end I guess we blackmailed her to do it. Hermione found some pretty big dirt on her and if Rita didn't comply and write the article, then we would tell everyone and she would lose everything.

That honestly sounds awful when I write it down but trust me, it's not as bad as it sounds. Plus Rita has been horrible to everyone for a very long time, including writing some nasty stuff about me and Hermione to get everyone to turn against us in forth year.

Those who are still sending hate mail to me don't affect me anymore. I've convinced a few people that I was telling the truth and that is all that matters, at least now those people can be better prepared.

Making a public statement definitely wasn't what I thought about doing when coming up with ways to convince people either. Like I've said before, I honestly don't know what I would do without Hermione.

I never said being a hopeless romantic is a bad thing, I just simply refuse to take credit for being something I'm not. That valentines gift idea was something that came to me unexpectedly, even I know normally I'm not that good at coming up with things like that.

Wow, I'm glad that you managed to find so many colleges that you're interested in. I'm proud of you, because I honestly wouldn't have a clue. I have heard that it's a very stressful process though. I've told Hermione and Ron about you applying for colleges and they wish you the best of luck. Mind you, I had to explain to Ron what exactly a college was and how the Muggle Education system works and then Hermione kept rambling on about how she doesn't envy you because she would be torn between so many colleges and what to choose to study. All in all, we're all proud of you and good luck! What exactly do you want to study in which ever college you get accepted into? (My guess is that you'll smash it and get into all five of the ones you're considering.)

That's great news! I'm happy Cass has come to terms with her sexuality and I hope that all goes well with this mysterious girl she fancies. I do hope it works for her as I would actually like to go on a double date just so I can meet Cass. I've only heard good or very sarcastic comments made by you about Cass, so as you can probably guess I'm very intrigued to meet her. If she's friends with you, I can tell we are all going to have a very fun time...Or it will be an absolute nightmare. Who knows? But it'll be fun either way and it'll be good just to have a lighthearted joke and laugh.

I hate you. One day you'll regret calling me Hazza. You know how much that nickname makes me cringe. You literally have about ten others you've made for me but yet you insist on calling me Hazza. I'd even prefer Pot Head over Hazza.

And yes, I am upset about you making fun of me, you're meant to be on my side! 

Merlin El, I was twelve, the cupid was heavy. I didn't exactly have the strength to throw him off me. I honestly wish I did at the time though. I suppose If it did happen now I could just use Expelliarmus on him or maybe Stupefy.

Ginny does have a lot of courage. She always has, I definitely wouldn't have been able to write and send a love letter at the age of eleven. So props to Ginny.

Me and Ginny were laughing about it the other day. When your letter came, I was still with Hermione, Ron and Ginny in the Common Room and they all saw the letter. Ginny did hit me for telling you about the song which wasn't very nice if I'm being honest and it hurt but then after we all laughed about it. She also told me to mention that she hasn't had a crush on me for like two years, apparently it's like some sort of girl code or whatever. She also told me to tell you that she misses you. So do Ron and Hermione. And so do I. A lot.

I wish I was still there with you too. I wish we were still in my room at Snuffles' place, curled up on the bed.

On that note, I've got more bad news to bring.

I was finally teaching the D.A about Patronus' as I mentioned I would do ages ago. Anyway, the lesson was going brilliantly and a lot of them had managed to produce a full Patronus and if they hadn't, they still managed to produce a little something which could still end up saving them from a Dementor. Anyway, then my friend Dobby came in all distressed; apparently Umbridge had found out about the D.A and knew where we were holding it.

I got everyone to leave but a few, like myself were caught. Some stupid Slytherins had been helping Umbridge round us all up.

Anyway, Umbridge took me to Dumbledore's office where the Minister for Magic was waiting. They were going to expel me. One of Cho's friends had snitched on us. You don't know Cho, I don't talk to her much but she was apart of the D.A.

Anyway when we all started the D.A, Hermione made everyone who joined sign some parchment and somehow because of Hermione's brilliance, she was able to enchant the parchment to allow us to know if anyone were ever to snitch on us. Well after Cho's friend had snitched, she soon found that she had the words SNEAK written on her face in pimples so she didn't say much in the office but the damage had already been done.

Well just when I thought I was going to get expelled even though I was lying and saying I had no idea what was going on, Dumbledore owned up to organising the club which the Minister took to instantaneously. You know how I mentioned the Ministry is afraid that Dumbledore is creating his own secret army, well Dumbledore played along with that. It's our fault for naming the D.A: Dumbledores Army because we thought it was clever.

Well anyway, I'm still at Hogwarts but Dumbledore had to flee because they were going to put him in Azkaban. Well although he wasn't talking to me, without Dumbledore at Hogwarts things aren't looking good, especially now Umbridge has been appointed the new Headmistress.

So yeah, things just keep getting better and better.

I swear one day I'll be able to write one letter to you without bringing bad news. I promise it'll happen one day.

Right, I better go. I've got to head down to a lesson with Snape.


the boy who shouldn't have called the D.A Dumbledore's Army.

(I'm so so sorry for such the late update. I was meant to update last week but I got diagnosed with Covid and I honestly felt way too ill to write. I'm starting to feel like myself again now though and I go back to work on Wednesday :( Anyway thank you all for the patience and support. Love you all!)

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