O N E H U N D R E D A N D T H I R T Y F I V E | Family

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Dear the girl who is unnerved but fulfilled,

Honestly as much as Hagrid is my friend, his lessons are up and down. Sometimes they will be really great and fun but others he brings in the most weird and frankly boring animals and then we will have to study them for weeks. Despite that though, he is a good teacher, he really knows his stuff about all the animals.

It's funny how much some questions can strike such fear and uncertainty into people. Exams really aren't worth all of this worry.

I'll tell Ron what you said, he's still on a high from his last win but I know he will appreciate the words.

I know, the Slytherins can truly be awful and then they wonder why the other houses hate them. If they weren't so rude and horrible then the rest of the school would get along with them more.

Yeah you're right, I didn't help make up any of the words for the new song. I don't actually know who came up with it but I'm glad they did. Ron's confidence has certainly gone up because of it.

Well now the Quidditch Cup has been won, its over for the year. Ron will continue to play next year now, and like you said hopefully Ron has learned not to beat himself up so much and has no more mishaps.

What I've learned over the years is no matter how alone you feel, you never are truly alone. Even if you think you are alone in the way you feel, you probably aren't. I wish in the past that I hadn't bottled so many things up, and just opened up more because I know I would have suffered less.

You can always speak to me El, even if you think I won't understand. And perhaps maybe sometimes I won't, but that doesn't mean I won't listen.

If the Order know anything then they won't tell us. Whatever it is, they will find a solution. They've done this before El, they know how Voldemort works. It'll be alright in the end, I promise.

I don't think I will ever stop saying sorry for what I did to you and your family El. I will always feel guilty because like you said, it completed uprooted your life and it brought you into all of this mess.

I am happy that you feel you belong. You're part of the family now and I'm happy that despite everything, you're happy here.

I'm glad you managed to get a few hours of sleep. I wish I could suggest something that will help, but my sleep schedule is just as abysmal. I hardly sleep anymore myself.

Did you manage to get Josh to do his homework? When is your first exam? We've had our exam schedules already and my first one is next Monday. My first one is Charms. I will have the theory paper in the morning and in the afternoon it'll be the practical assessment. Wish me luck, 'cause I'm going to need it.

If you have any exams coming up before my letter reaches you then I wish you so much luck. You'll do amazing, and believe in yourself. Take the advice you gave to Ron; 'you've already proven you can do it, so remember you can do it.'


the boy with exams next week.

(You know the best thing about being an author is that I know things that you don't ;) Enjoy!)

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