O N E H U N D R E D A N D T W E N T Y F O U R | Easter

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Dear the boy who doesn't know his family as well as he thought,

You know I'm never going to let you live it down that you admitted to liking cleaning. But it also works out for me because if we ever move in together, you can do the cleaning!

There are just some things you should keep from me Potter, because I'll only use them against you.

You know damn well that given the opportunity again, you would totally look in that Pensieve, you nosy sod. You wouldn't be able to help yourself.

Trouble seems to follow you wherever you go, and although in most cases you couldn't avoid it, I bet that if you, Ron and Hermione kept your nose out of other people's business, you would have had a few quieter years at Hogwarts.

Of course Snape was angry. He might be an absolute slimy, vile greasy git but that was still his memory and you technically invaded his privacy. Plus he hates you, so for you to see him so vulnerable probably was his worst nightmare.

So honestly, you were both in the wrong. I've never agreed with a lot of things Snape has done to you, and this time was no exception. He shouldn't have threw you from his classroom or refused to continue with your lessons. He's a grown adult, not a child having a tantrum. On the other hand, you invaded his privacy and saw a memory he deliberately hid away because he didn't want you to see it.

Though some may argue that Snape's been invading your privacy for weeks because he's been looking through your memories. Its a complicated situation.

I know they should have said no. I know they shouldn't have done it. I wasn't making excuses for them, I've agreed with you the whole time that what they did was wrong. I was just trying to show you some other perspectives and that they were being stupid teenagers. People get bullied all the time, it's wrong and I certainly don't agree with it. I always stop it when I see it but it happens at my school and it happens at Hogwarts. Its happened to you on multiple occasions, its just how society is, no matter how fucked up it is. We can't change it, nor can we change what your father did.

I know you want answers for your fathers actions but I honestly can't give you any. I can't explain why he did what he did. I'm just sorry.

Like I said before, your father probably grew up and changed and that's the person your mother fell in love with. People don't always have to hate eachother forever you know, they change and grow and realise that maybe they just chose to see the bad in people rather than the full picture.

I honestly don't know but I do know one thing, your mother wouldn't have married a man she hated. They did love eachother Harry, that I can promise you.

I promise I won't mention anything to Snuffles and Moony. I'll leave that to you, after all its not my business to pry.

Yes, I would love that and so would Cass. We should definitely do that and I can already tell you that Cass will be absolutely delighted to find out magic is real. She'll freak out at first, like a lot, but she'll come around.

Anyway, cheer up Hazza. It's Easter! I already know Mrs. Weasley sent you all Easter eggs, so I hope you enjoy all the chocolate. There is no better remedy for when you're feeling down!

I wonder if Moony's favourite holiday is Easter because of all the chocolate?

...anyway, I added my own chocolate eggs into the mix, as well as some Muggle chocolate for you all. I know Ron loved it and found it all fascinating.

Mrs. Weasley gave me a chocolate egg too and bloody hell, they are big. How come the Muggle ones are so much smaller? It's frankly unfair. I think Mrs. Weasley makes her own though, whereas I was lazy and brought yours all from the store.

I would say I'm sorry but if you think I'm going to go through all the trouble of making my own Easter eggs for you then you are very much mistaken. That's way too much effort.

I would do many things for you all but that's a strong 'no' on my behalf. I'm just saying it how it is.

I'd better sign it off here, Moony is escorting me back to school because I have a revision class to attend. I hate when they do this, I finished school for the day, its 6 in the evening and I have to now go and do an hour of revision. I swear all schools are trying to conspire against us with the amount of work they give us.


the girl who hopes you don't continue to dwell on that memory.

(I hope you all enjoy and thank you so much for all the continued support. I love you guys so much!)

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