O N E H U N D R E D A N D T W E N T Y N I N E | Things Can't Get Worse

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Dear the boy who might be an Auror,

I'm actually really glad to hear you say that you won't go back. Let's just hope you stick to it.

We've made some positive progress since the last time we spoke. The twins mentioned the words 'joke' and 'shop' and Mrs. Weasley hardly reacted. She tutted but that was it. She didn't go on a rant or say anything, she just tutted and let them get on with it. I think we might have broke through to her. You should have seen Fred and George's faces though, they wore looks of such shocked astonishment it was hilarious.

I told Fred and George what you told me about how the Hogwarts students are using their escape as almost like a catchphrase and they just grinned. They did say that they have a spare swamp if ever you wanted to escape. Let's hope Umbridge or her Inquisitorial Squad doesn't read this. We have been getting away with a lot in these last few letters so maybe we should stop pushing our luck and go back to talking in code.

I have no idea what you're insinuating, Potter, I'm postively golden.

I've dialled it down on causing trouble, everyone seems under a lot of stress and I'd hate to add to that by acting like an idiot. Plus, after everything everyone's done for me and my family, I'd hate to make anyone upset.

Also I'd rather not get on Mrs. Weasley's bad side, I'll leave Dung to do that. I have seen Dung hang around a lot with the twins though. I think they're trading things, I can't count the times I've seen the twins give Dung money. I just hope Mrs. Weasley doesn't catch them. I think the house would become a literal war zone.

I'd hate to think what would happen to poor Dung.

Oh, you didn't even have to mention her name and I knew instantly who you were talking about. That speaks volumes. Honestly is this women obsessed with you? I hope she sat in on the other students too and didn't just single you out. Because that's wrong...and weird.

It's alright that you panicked. Just because you told Professor McGonagall that you wanted to be an Auror, doesn't mean its set in stone. You still have time to change your mind and think about what you really want to do in life.

If I'm being honest, I think they put too much pressure on us from a young age. We're 15, nearly 16, and we're expected to know what we want to do with the rest of our lives. Like what if we change our minds, or we don't always love the job we choose?

Unfortunately you'd probably have to continue to take Potions for most of the career paths you're thinking about taking. Potions seems like one of those compulsory subjects you have no choice but to continue to take if you want most jobs in the wizarding world. I suppose it's like DADA or Transfiguration, or in the Muggle world I suppose it would be like English, Maths or Science, because we have no choice but to continue with those subjects. Honestly I'd give my soul away if it meant I could drop Maths.

Professor McGonagall is a badass. Why did you never mention she was so awesome?

I agree with her though, you're a natural at Defense Against the Dark Arts, so don't even give Umbridge's comments a second thought. I mean, other than Professor Lupin, you've had pretty rubbish teachers for DADA, so you must be decent if you were able to get top marks or close to top marks.

Basically ignore Umbridge, and give yourself some credit that you excell in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

I'd pay good money to see McGonagall and Umbridge fight. I'm not even kidding, that would be awesome.

Schools alright for me. Ever since I decided to start studying this year and settle down a bit, I've seen an increase in my grades. Who'd have thought?

I mean I always managed to scrape a pass in my lessons but now I'm achieving B's and A's. I've definitely surprised all my teachers, that's for sure. And myself to be honest, I didn't think I was capable of getting such good grades. I guess it helps that I'm stuck inside all the time other than school because when there is literally nothing for me to do, I just go and study.

Also, props to the school too, because they scared me with all their exam talk.

Cass is doing alright too. She's always been lucky and literally puts zero effort in and still gets high grades, I honestly don't know how she does it.

I have in fact chosen a University. If I get the required grades I'm hoping to attend the Royal Holloway university of London. I definitely didn't choose it because it looks like a castle and I can pretend I'm at Hogwarts...

Honestly though it looks beautiful and it has many courses to choose from and I've only heard good things about it. Its really hard to get in though so I hope I manage it!

I'm still undecided on what to study, hopefully I'll have an epiphany soon or something so I can decide.

You're really writing letters to me in the middle of class? Merlin, I never thought I'd say this, but as you know I've had a change of heart about studying this past year, but don't let me distract you from your education. And don't let me land you in another detention. Basically, don't let me land you in anymore trouble, I think I've done enough of that.

Professor Flitwick is your Charms teacher, isn't he?

I hope things start looking up for us all soon. The thought of the war is slowing taking over my mind and I'm scared. I really hope everyone ends up being okay.

I just want it to end really. I want it to be over and then we can all live normal lives. I don't think that's asking for too much really.

All my love,

the girl who hopes things can't get any worse.

(What do you think Ellie should do when she leaves school?)

Also I didn't go to uni after I left college. I went straight into work, so I just chose a pretty university I could picture El in for this story, I hardly did any research on it, so I don't know how hard or if it's even possible for el to get into that university. But I suppose that's the joy of story telling, anything is possible if I choose it to be.

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