O N E H U N D R E D A N D T W E N T Y O N E | Trouble In Paradise

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Dear the girl who hopes I don't get a detention for what she said at the start of the letter,

I did in fact get a detention. Apparently even though I didn't say it, I still need to be punished because what you said proves that I must have said something bad about Umbridge in order for you to have that reaction. She wouldn't believe me when I told her that all I said to you was that she was monitoring letters.

Anyway, the lucky thing is that for once I didn't have to have the detention with her. Someone let a Niffler loose in her office the night I was meant to have the detention with her so she said that Filch would sort me out instead. I had to clean the trophy room in which Peeves had demolished earlier that day without magic. It wasn't so bad, I'm used to cleaning without magic. I had plenty of practice at the Dursleys.

Yeah I was pretty shocked when Hermione told me her little secret but it makes sense. I mean how else would she get around and find all that information out?

Snuffles told me during Christmas that there wasn't a day that goes by that he doesn't miss my dad. I mean it must be really hard for the both of them, they grew up with him, they were best friends. I mean it's hard for me too but I didn't actually know my parents. I mean not really, I can't remember a single thing about them. Not from my own memories. I know what they look like from photos and I know a bit about them from what people have told me but honestly if I knew my parents as well as Snuffles and Moony I know for certain that I would have took their deaths a lot worse than I do now.

Speaking of my parents, I found something else about them. Something bad. So you know how I was dreading Snapes lesson? Well it turned out that I was going to miss it because of some disruption and Umbridge called Snape for help. Well anyway, I was going to leave the classroom and go back to the Common Room to catch up on my insurmountable amount of homework. Well, that didn't happen. Something caught my eye, and so I got really curious.

Well this thing that caught my eye was called a Pensieve. I can't remember if I've mentioned it before but it's like this stone basin and it allows you to store and view memories. I first came across this in my forth year when I was in Dumbledore's office. Anyway Snape had been using the Pensieve to store away some memories I take it. Well, I got curious when Snape was away and looked.

It took me into a memory of when Snape was at Hogwarts, in his fifth year like me. In the memory he was taking his O.W.L examinations. Particularly his Defence Against the Dark Arts exam. Anyway, so I got really excited because I saw my father, and then I saw Snuffles and Moony and then I saw Wormtail. Wasn't so excited to see him if I'm being honest.

Anyway after the exam was over, I wanted to follow my father, Moony and Snuffles. Luckily Snape went the same way as them or I wouldn't have been able to. Things were fine here, everything was as it should be. They were just being teenagers. Snape was looking over the DADA exam paper and my father, Snuffles, Moony and Wormtail sat under the beech tree by the lake that me, Hermione and Ron like to use.

Moony was reading, Snuffles was just relaxing and my father was releasing and catching a Snitch that he had 'borrowed.'

Things were fine. Until they weren't.

Snuffles said he was bored and so Snuffles and my father started to torment Snape. I've never seen anything like it. You know I don't like Snape but Snape did absolutely nothing to deserve this attack. They completely embarrassed him in front of everyone.

Everyone always used to go on about how my father was such a great person but in that moment he was just being a bully. And Snuffles joined in and they both just laughed as they lifted Snape off the ground with their wands and showed everyone his underwear.

I've always came to my fathers defence when Snape used to insult him but now I'm not so sure I should have. My father didn't seem like the great person everyone paints him to be.

To make matters worse, my mother showed up and tried to help Snape. That part was good obviously but she seemed to absolutely hate my father. How did they end up together when my mother looked at him with such disgust and hatred?

This is eating me up El, I never thought I'd feel sorry for Snape. I know exactly what it feels like to be publicly humiliated and I just can't believe Snuffles and my father would do something like that without at least being provoked first.

I want to talk to Snuffles and Moony about it so bad but I just don't know how I'm going to be able to do that. The next Hogsmeade weekend is ages away and as you know all communication is being watched. I don't want to just send a letter, I was to speak face to face with them.

Also I forgot to mention, Snape found me and kicked me out. No more lessons with him from now on. I can't say I'm exactly disappointed, I hated those lessons. At least I get a break now.

Anyway, I'm glad Cass' date went well. I'm happy for her! I'm sure Sarah would have said on the first date if she thought that they wouldn't have been a good match, so you shouldn't worry. I'm sure they will both be just fine. And I'm glad you had a nice time celebrating at Cass' house.

Are you ever going to tell Cass about my secret? Have you told her where you are? Or about meeting my 'sort of' family? Like I'm sure Cass is curious about the whole situation, so I just wondered what you told her.

You know Ron singed his eyebrow the once from Exploding Snap too. I'm sure that Josh' predicament would have been very funny but I also think your dads wanted it fixed because it probably would have raised quite a few questions while he was at school.

Sadly no photos were taken while it all happened. The one time I wish Colin was around and he wasn't. I'll try and get some next time for you. But I can tell you that her face was a very funny sight indeed. She was so angry.

Anyway, I need to wrap this letter up, I've got homework I need to try and complete.


the boy who wishes he hadn't seen that memory.

(One part of me is so excited to finish this story but the other part of me hopes it drags on forever. I mean I've been writing this book since 2018 which is completely crazy to me because it doesn't feel like 3 years at all. I can't say exactly when but I should think this story will be finished by the end of the year.)

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