O N E H U N D R E D A N D T W E N T Y S E V E N | Fred & George

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Although Eleanor received Harry's letter hours after he had disappeared from the fireplace, (Eleanor guessed he told Hedwig it was urgent) she needn't have been told about the twins because by the time she had got the letter, a red faced Mrs Weasley had already barged into Grimmauld Place with the silent but proud looking twins following in her wake.

For the next 30 minutes Eleanor had to hear Mrs. Weasley go off to Sirius, Remus and the other Order members (Tonks and Mad-Eye had made an appearance that day) about how stupid and irresponsible her sons were for leaving Hogwarts.

Personally Eleanor thought the twins had it right. Like Harry, she was glad they were pursuing what they wanted. Fred and George didn't much care for education, they just wanted to open a joke shop and although Eleanor had seen their O.W.L grades, she disregarded these because she knew Fred and George had brilliant minds to be able to come up with all these new and original ideas for pranks and joke products to go in their shop.

"I am absolutely disgusted. Six years of education wasted!" Mrs. Weasley fumed, shooting daggers at Fred and George who for once remained silent. It seemed nothing, not even their mothers screaming could take them out of their happy mood.

Eleanor sat quietly and continued writing her reply to Harry. The other Order members were silent also. It seemed everyone was waiting for the storm to pass.

Eleanor did remember Fred and George once saying not to let Mrs. Weasley get in her stride otherwise she would go on for hours but Eleanor didn't much want to argue with Mrs. Weasley and have her rage turned on to her. Besides Eleanor thought Fred and George were only staying silent in hopes that once Mrs. Weasley had finished she wouldn't mention it again. Eleanor thought otherwise, she thought the twins would never live this down.

"You had months left, why couldn't you just finish your exams first!"

"With that old toad as Headmistress! It's not Hogwarts anymore mum, it's like prison. All the fun has been sucked out!" Fred said, speaking for the first time.

Mrs. Weasley turned if possible even more red. "Yes, you took all the fun with you, didn't you! What were you thinking? A giant swamp in the corridor! Not everyone wants to waste away their lives like you two with your silly ideas, you've disrupted the entire school!"

"No we haven't, they can go around it. Hogwarts is huge mum, you know there are alternative routes to go."

"And that makes it okay, does it?" Mrs. Weasley shouted.

Fred and George stayed silent. Eleanor knew that Fred and George had only made the prank so big so that they could keep Umbridge distracted for Harry and Eleanor felt a little guilty. It seemed Remus and Sirius were fitting the pieces together and seemed to have the same thought as Eleanor. They exchanged glances.

"Molly, perhaps you are going about this at the wrong angle. Fred and George have their O.W.Ls, there is absolutely nothing stopping them from having successfull lives." Remus spoke consolingly, his voice calm.

Mrs. Weasley sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry." She turned to the twins, who looked amazed. But Mrs. Weasley's anger soon turned to tears. "I'm sorry! I'm just so worried. What are you going to do now? At Hogwarts I knew you were all safe but now you're not there, what will protect you?"

"Mum," George said softly, his gaze soft. "Don't be so daft. We can keep ourselves safe. And once we open up our joke shop, we will be able to provide for ourselves too so thats two less people to buy for."

This made Molly's bawling worse. "I never minded! You know I didn't. I'm your mother, I would spend every last Sickle on you if it meant I knew you two would be okay."

"We will be okay!" Fred said. "We've got it all sorted." He avoided his mothers gaze as he said this. Eleanor knew why. She remembered briefly Harry mentioning to her that he had given Fred and George the thousand Galleon prize money he won from the Tri-Wizard tournament so they could open their own joke shop.

Mrs. Weasley just stared at them. She'd asked the twins mutiple times over the past months how they expected to open a joke shop. They had absolutely no money. Fred and George had shrugged and told her that they had some savings but Mrs. Weasley was never convinced.

"All businesses start small," Eleanor interjected, feeling the need to step in and save Fred and George from answering Mrs Weasley's beady gaze. "It's hard work and determination. They start at nothing but then they build as more people start to notice how amazing it is. Fred and George will do great. I know you didn't approve but they did incredible business at Hogwarts, I've heard from Harry. And compared to the big world, Hogwarts is tiny. Imagine what Fred and George could do now that the scale is so much larger! They have an endless amount of possibilities to be able to create and envolve their joke products, you just need to give them a chance. That's all they want. It could work out but it might not but no one will ever know if they don't try."

"Nicely said, Summers." Mad-Eye said gruffly, limping into the dining room, his wooden leg making a familiar thump on the hardwood floor. Tonks was following in his wake.

"Thanks," Eleanor said in a fake smug voice. "I've been practicing in the mirror."

Remus guffawed and just like that the tension in the room vanished. Even Mrs. Weasley gave a watery smile.

"What are you writing, kiddo?" Tonks asked, coming to sit besides Eleanor.

"Just replying to Harry's last letter."

"You two really like eachother, huh?" Eleanor saw something in Tonk's smile. Everyone at the dining table was staring at her.

"Is that a trick question?"

Tonks laughed. "You remind me a lot of a person Mad-Eye used to know."

"Who?" Eleanor asked curiously.

"Marlene." Tonks said, just as Sirius answered too.

Sirius continued. "She too had a knack for avoiding questions."

Eleanor grinned. "Well I would've thought the answer was obvious. We have been dating for a good part of the year now. Honestly I'm offended."

"I'm sure you are." Sirius retorted dryly. "Why don't you tell Harry all about it?"

"Oh I will, don't worry. He knows all of your dirty secrets. I've been locked in this house for months, I know things that would make even Voldemort grimace."

"Ha ha, you're hilarious." Sirius replied still the more sarcastic. "Just shut up and write your letter."

Eleanor smiled sweetly at him, putting as much sarcasm into her actions as possible. "Gladly."

She began to write.

Dear the boy who got his answers,

I'll be honest, I was a bit anxious when you left the fireplace but you have always had extraordinary luck in not getting caught.

Oh, I heard about the twins alright. You needn't have sent me a letter about it. They came barging into the house about half an hour after I received your letter so I would've found out sooner or later. Mrs. Weasley is obviously livid.

Eleanor glanced up to make sure Mrs. Weasley was a good distance away to not notice what Eleanor was writing. Luckily, Molly was pottering around in the kitchen, muttering to herself. A habit Eleanor noticed she did when the woman was angry about something.

I think all of us collectively have started to calm her down a bit. I think it will be a long process but Mrs. Weasley has so much love for her children, its clear in her eyes, so I think in time she will come to accept what has happened and she might even be glad it happened when she realises how happy Fred and George are and will be when they open up their joke shop.

The twins will go down in history at Hogwarts. I think everyone wants to be remembered in some way, so like you said I'm really not surprised that the twins left the school the way they did. Plus telling Peeves, a poltergeist which answers to no one but the Bloody Baron, to give Umbridge hell is pretty iconic. I'm not surprised everyone is talking about it.

I can't believe that Umbridge is going to use something as medieval as whipping though. You need to be more careful than ever. The last thing I want is to be told you're in the hospital wing because of a old fashioned punishment. That goes to everyone, you all need to now more than ever work together at Hogwarts to get rid of that sadistic women.

Keep me updated on everyone, I want to know everyone is safe.

I think Fred and George will be staying with us from now on. Mrs. Weasley hardly goes back home and Mr. Weasley is always at the Ministry at the moment, so I think I'll be seeing a lot of the twins.

I'll keep you updated on everything. I already hear the twins talking about visiting Diagon Alley to see if they can buy some premises for their joke shop.

As for the meetings, I've heard nothing of use to be able to tell any of you. Plus no matter how much I beg, I don't get a word out of Remus or Sirius. I think now the twins are here, the meetings will be under even tighter security. I've been here months and I still know nothing. The only information I've ever learned is what you told me and what I found out on the first night arriving here. They really don't want to tell us anything.

Anyway, we're all safe at the moment and that's the main thing.

Keep me updated, and I'm glad you got your answers.


the girl who knows nothing

Eleanor signed her letter off and folded it up, slipping it into an envelope.

"Can I borrow Errol?" Eleanor asked as she sealed the envelope and began to write the address on the front.

Mrs. Weasley ceased her muttering. "Of course, dear, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait until tomorrow. He's just come back from a long journey and needs some rest before he embarks on another."

"No worries, can I leave the letter with you?"

Mrs. Weasley smiled. "I'll make sure it's sent off first thing in the morning."

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley." Eleanor said, and for the first time felt a slight pang in her chest for the plump woman. She must be under so much stress.

"Anytime, dear. Anytime."

Eleanor looked around the dining room and felt her heart tighten. It was a sudden, unexpected feeling. She had gotten so used to being here, so used to the people bustling in and out of the house. It only just occurred to her that she has only known these people for a few months, but yet she feels so comfortable around them.

They are as close to her as her parents are to her, as close to her as her brother, as close to her as her best friend Cass. Eleanor may be no wizard, but upon meeting Harry, he has introduced her into the feeling of finally finding someone she clicks with, someone who feels as familiar to her as the scent of the sea in the wind as her family would drive up to Brighton. And through that connection with Harry, she met these weird and wonderful people sitting in front of her. Suddenly her small group of family and friends turned into a bigger group of family and friends.

Eleanor may be no wizard, but she's finally found where she belongs. And that realisation scared her.

"Eleanor, are you alright? You're gone rather pale." It was Tonks but she sounded far away. Distant.

The more people Eleanor came to care about, the more she had to loose. She didn't know where these thoughts were coming from, but the war that they were all fighting suddenly seemed closer than ever, as if it was pressing upon the house, bursting to come in and turn Eleanor's life into chaos.

Her heart tightened painfully, she didn't want to loose what she had. Her parents and her brother were her life. She didn't know what she would do without them. And these people, these wizards with their wonderful magic tricks and stupid laws, took Eleanor in without hesitation because they knew she needed help. These selfless people didn't deserve to be caught up in this war, nor did they deserve what might happen to them when the war comes.

When the war comes.

It always struck Eleanor how easily Harry could talk about the war. It was all he had ever known. It was the same event that had caused his parents to die and now he was intertwined with the same fate and no way to escape it.

And just like that Eleanor realised that everything she had, she would not be able to keep forever. As much as she liked to kid herself, did she really truly belive that everyone would get a happy ending? This wasn't a fairytale or a storybook, this was war and people fought and not everyone survived and Harry was wrapped in the middle of it, expected to fight the most powerful wizard the Wizarding world has seen in centuries. Would he really be able to survive?

"Eleanor?" It was Tonks again, sounding louder this time. "Eleanor, are you okay?"

"Yeah," Eleanor lied, breaking free of her reverie. "I'm fine."

But nothing would be fine for a very long time.

(The end took a darker turn then I intended. I hope you enjoy! I can't wait to reach the end of this book, you guys are not ready for what's going to happen.)

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