S E V E N | Eleanor Summers

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Dear the boy brought up in an unfortunate family,

I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked. I didn't know that was why you stayed with the Dursleys. Please forgive me and my nosiness.

It's nice to finally know your name, Harry. And from your description, you sound easy on the eyes. I love green eyes. (Eleanor sighed and scribbled out the last sentence. "God, you sound so creepy." She muttered to herself.)

I am also fourteen and I go by the name of Eleanor Summers. I unfortunately do not have a middle name but I must say your name does have a nice ring to it. I have blue eyes and purple hair. My original hair colour is blonde but I've been dyeing it lilac for about over a year now.

You go to a private school in Scotland?! That's so awesome! I bet it's beautiful over there. Will you describe it to me?

And I got into a lot of fights because I wasn't afraid to stick up for myself and my friend but apparently the teachers didn't see it that way. And no, I didn't get caught in the janitors office but I did have to wait an hour for Chloe to leave me alone, so I did miss my English lesson but oh well, I can catch up with Shakespeare any time.

Also is this Ron person a friend of yours from your private school because I can't remember a Ron living around here?

Anyway, I better go, my dad is calling me down for dinner.


the girl who is nosy.

(If you haven't already guessed, anything in bold is what they scribble out. Also, I know it's a bit cringe but honestly, we all do cringe stuff and the letters/story get better later on when they have more stuff to talk about ;))

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