S E V E N T Y | Hold On

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Dear the boy who's sick of being angry,

Thanks Harry. I wish I could turn around and say I could be by your side in seconds but realistically it would take me hours to get to you. Probably days knowing me as I would probably end up getting lost. I've never been to Scotland.

I should hope Voldemort doesn't know I exist. I mean why would he? I'm just a muggle.

Cedric was a Hufflepuff? Did you already mention that before? I can't remember. Well then...I don't really know what to say now. Er, it's good that he was nice. We need more nice people in the world.

I've been thinking about our conversation about Tom/Voldemort. (Yeah I know I said I didn't want to talk about it but I've changed my mind.) It's scary for sure but it's also fascinating. Anyway, so I was thinking about our conversation about him. You said you saw with your own eyes that Voldemort went to Hogwarts, but how? I mean Voldemort must have been to Hogwarts years before you. And how did you find out all this information on him? Like how did you find out Tom Riddle was Lord Voldemort?

Hermione is mad. Absolutely mad. How can she say all this work is helpful? It's ridiculous. I mean, honestly I wish I had Hermione's work ethic and then maybe I'd be motivated enough to even attempt to look at the math equations in front of me.

Just like I said about your teacher Snape, you can already tell from her name alone that Delores Umbridge is going to be a right bitch... Wait, there's something here. Umbridge - bitch. Umbritch? No, that doesn't sound right. Er, Umbitch?.... Omg, Harry. Delores Umbitch. I mean if that isn't a good excuse to already hate her I don't know what is.

Ew, pink. I mean I like pink like the next person but I mean even I know my limit to how much to wear. She looks like a toad, does she? I should be coming up with a similar insult for her but I'm too busy laughing at what you said. You're brilliant, Harry.

Ugh, I hate teachers who only make you read from a book. Like where's the work, where's the practical stuff to actually help us memorize it? I used to have this science teacher and he refused to let us do any practical experiments. All he would make us do is copy down the theory so when it came to our end of the year mock exams, most of us failed because although we studied the theory, the information didn't stay with us because we weren't actually able to carry out the experiments. Teachers like that suck.

Oh, Harry, I'm sorry you have to deal with this. Have you told the other teachers how she's treating you? Maybe they could step in and help you? No teacher should call you a liar. Teachers are there to help you learn, not bring you down. No matter how vile this Umbridge sounds, it's wrong what she's doing, full stop. If she truly believes you aren't telling the truth, she should keep her opinions to herself and not try to force them on other students.

I know its hard Harry, that people don't believe you. I get it, I would be angry too. I bet its also scary that no one believes you because now people can't prepare for it but I don't think announcing you're telling the truth is a good idea. I mean, if a Ministry worker is inside Hogwarts, it can't be good, can it? I don't know about you but that signals big red flags for me.

I think for now, try and talk to other teachers you can trust and try to keep quiet. I know you're angry, you're completely entitled to be so but getting angry will only make things worse, so just try to stay calm, okay? For me. I don't want you to get in trouble and something mustn't be right if the Ministry think they have to get involved with Hogwarts. Especially if the Ministry are against you and Dumbledore right now. So just try and act smart Harry, okay? And try not to let this Umbitch get to you.

As for the Dumbledore situation, I don't know what to say. I don't know why he's not talking to you but maybe he's doing it because the Ministry are inside Hogwarts and he doesn't want to draw attention to you both? Especially because like I said, the Ministry are against you both at the moment. I'm not sure but I think if he could, Dumbledore would be talking to you if he thought it was wise.

You don't just have Ron and Hermione, Harry. You have me, you have Dumbledore. You have all of Ron's family. You have Remus. You have Snuffles. And I'm sure you have a load of other people behind you. Granted they might not be standing besides you Harry, but they are still with you, every step of the way. Just remember they believe you. Don't give up hope. You'll make it through this, okay? Just hold on, for me and for everyone else you care about.

I wish I was there with you too, Harry. But even if I'm not there with you at Hogwarts physically, I'm still supporting you. I'll always be by your side. Never forget that.


the girl who hates the Ministry and Umbitch.

P.S I managed to complete the essays. Don't ask me how, even I know it was miraculous.

(I know I've already used this Umbitch joke in my other fanfic but I think it's funny. All rights to the person who came up with it. Also I have a new story called So Far Away. If you check it out I'd love to hear your feedback. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and happy new year!)

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