S I X T Y | Excuses

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Dear the boy who needs to stop writing such long letters,

I'm glad that Hogwarts has given you an escape from the Dursleys. I know that during the year you stay at Hogwarts for your little breaks but during the summer, if you ever need somewhere to go too to get away from the Dursleys, then you are always welcome at my house Harry.

In my opinion it's quite unfair how you became famous. Like you didn't have a clue about anything magical (thanks to your useless relatives) and then you were chucked headfirst into the magical world, being told that your parents were murdered by this dark wizard and that he might be dead but it's not for certain and that you're the only person alive who survived the Killing Curse, like you're meant to feel lucky or something for being alive. I think it's awful how it all happened but I am glad you were able to meet some real friends like Hermione and Ron out of it all though.

The magical world is so interesting. I'm glad that Squibs get a choice on what they want to do with their lives as well and aren't just banished from the wizarding world as you put it. It must be disappointing enough growing up realising your whole family can preform magic but you can't.

Jesus, Ron has a lot of siblings. That's a lot of expectations to live up too. That's why I'm glad it's only me and my brother because honestly, if I had that many siblings, I'd feel left out and smothered. But also I bet it's great during Christmas time or if you're having any problems because you have so many people who will be there to listen to you.

I can't believe you and Ron actually used to hate Hermione. What made you both change your mind on her?

Is coloured hair even allowed in Hogwarts? Or is it like every other school where dyed hair is against the rules. Don't get me wrong, that wouldn't stop me though. I'm entering my fifth and final year of high school and I've been dyeing my hair for two years of it and honestly, I think the teachers have gotten tired of telling me to dye my hair back to its natural colour. My parents are on my side too, they don't see the issue of people dyeing their hair. The excuse that people dyeing their hair different colours effects people's learning is the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever heard.

When I first dyed my hair purple, I got called into the headteachers office and he told me I need to dye it back blonde because purple will effect other people's learning. I couldn't help it and I just burst out laughing. It's just an half ass excuse that doesn't even make sense. I got a week suspension but my parents didn't mind. It's the one thing my parents are lenient on because they totally agree with me.

What house do you reckon I'd be in if I were at Hogwarts. Going off those traits, I think my best bet would be Slytherin. What do you think?

And of course you're Gryffindor, Harry. Of course you are. That's just so you.

All this talk about feasts is making me hungry, thanks for that Harry. Also yes, if I ever get an invite, I'd definitely visit the Burrow. I want to see more magic. Also obviously now all this has happened, those dinner plans we were meant to have at my house have gotten cancelled. Don't worry, I've told my parents something important came up and you had to leave. Anyway, they want to do it next summer instead because they are still dead set on meeting you.

Wait, you're telling me Hogwarts has floating candles and an enchanted ceiling? I love looking at the night sky. I want an enchanted ceiling in my bedroom, that would be incredible.

Also you're sneaking me into Hogwarts. Next year I'll squeeze into a suitcase and you can smuggle me in.

What kind of lessons do they teach? I've already heard about Defence Against the Dark Arts, but what else do they teach? And what exactly is Defence Against the Darks Arts?

By the time you get this, your hearing would've already happened. I hope it all went in your favour and I'll be rooting for you! You got this!

Snuffles was friends with Peter? Why was Remus, Snuffles and your dad friends with such vermin?

I don't get why Peter would conspire against his own best friends. Why would he sell out your parents? And poor Snuffles, being blamed. Even now he's still in the news sometimes reminding us that's he's still out there somewhere. Well thanks for telling me the truth, I can't believe after all this time, Snuffles was actually innocent. It's so messed up. At least you can tell Snuffles that you've convinced another person of his innocence. I know I don't know him, but it might be nice for him to hear that people know of his innocence. It might give him some hope that in the future his name might be cleared for good. I hope it is too.

I still can't get over that magic is actually real. It's just so surreal.

And yes, I can't wait to go to Honeydukes now. It's just a shame I won't be able to get anything for my brother because he would have a field day if he knew magic existed.

I'm glad I trusted you enough to tell me the truth because I now know your crazy amazing secret and I've also made one of my closest friends through it too, so you don't need to thank me Harry, it's me that's thankful.


the girl who is anxious to know about the hearing.

(I hope you are all still enjoying the story so far.)

Also I heard a theory today about Harry that I just can't get out of my head. The theory is that the Dursley's were horrible to Harry because Harry is a Horcrux. Horcrux's have been proven to have a horrible affect on people if they are surrounded by one for a long time. Take a look at Ron in the Deathly Hallows when he has to wear the locket around his neck. I don't know, I'm still kind of convinced that the Dursley's were just horrible people. What do you think of the theory?

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