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Dear the boy from the wrong address,

Well...this is highly embarrassing isn't it? How can I write my best friends address wrong? I swear I know the difference between my numbers. I'm actually quite decent at maths, I just mixed up my 4 and 5. It's an easy mistake anyone could make, right? Right?!

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for letting me know of my mistake because if you didn't I would have ended up thinking the letter got ignored, resulting in me hunting down Cass, so thanks for saving me the trouble!

Also, who are you? Did the Dursleys have another son I didn't know about? You can't be that Dudley boy because as far as I was aware the idiot couldn't write for shit and you were far too polite to be that bully. Hopefully you answer these questions because I hate not knowing.


the girl who is curious to know who you are.

P.S. How the hell haven't you been to a biology lesson before? Are you home schooled? But even then you must have been taught it, it's the law... (See, too many questions! You better answer, mysterious boy!)

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