T W E N T Y O N E | The Waiting Game

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Harry waited anxiously for Eleanor's letter to arrive. That is if she would send one.

Hermione kept telling him to focus on the tournament but Harry couldn't. Not until he knew where he and Eleanor stood.

For weeks, Harry rushed down to the Great Hall in the mornings so he didn't miss the mail delivery. But nothing came. He even ventured up to the Owlery to check with Hedwig to see if anything had been delivered.

It wasn't until two weeks before the first task, did Harry finally get a letter.

He was sat in the Great Hall with Hermione and Ron, eating breakfast, having given up on the idea that Eleanor might have forgiven him, when Hedwig perched herself on Harry's shoulder and extended her leg to show Harry the letter attached at the end.

Harry dropped his spoonful of porridge instantly and dived for the letter. As he read the neat scrawl of Eleanor's handwriting, he couldn't help but release a breath he didn't know he was holding in. He was forgiven...Kind of.

An involuntary smile formed on Harry's face and Hermione found herself looking at Harry knowingly.

Ron looked up from his eggs. "Got a reply back from your girlfriend?"

Harry looked up. "What?"

Ron shrugged lazily. "Hermione told me you've been writing to this Muggle girl. Eleanor wasn't it, mate?"

Harry sent Hermione a scathing look but sighed. He supposed he was going to have to tell them eventually. "Yeah I have but she's not my girlfriend."

Ron didn't look convinced. "Yeah, because I'm sure you look like that every time you read one of our letters."

Hermione couldn't help but giggle.

(I think this is so cute.)

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