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Chapter Four

3rd person pov

arianna sat next to wes as they heard voices and turned to see dewey walking in with richie and sam.

"so how do you know so much about the stab movies?" richie asked mindy after some conversation between them

"it runs in their family" dewey stated

"randy was our uncle, rip. you said to bring everybody" mindy told them and arianna nodded.

"hey" sam said and thats when martha walked in

"ooh suspects, my brother would be so proud" she said and arianna laughed.

"hey martha" dewey exclaimed and martha turned to the man

"dewey! hi you look..." she led off and arianna coughed making wes nudge her and shake his head and she nodded. chad couldnt help but smile at the girl and the way she tried to cover for herself.

"hows the wife?" martha asked

"okay mom, we're good, thank you" chad called to her

"alright kids, have fun" she said and she walked off before sam spoke up

"i asked mindy to call everybody here because theres something i have to tell you" sam said and she sat them down as she began to explain everything to them

"so let me get this straight, youre saying that you're the daughter of billy loomis and what that one of us is the killer?" chad asked and arianna stared at the women in confusion

"the killer told me he knew my secret, he attacked tara to lure me back here" sam exclaimed and arianna rubbed her forehead

"but then why immediately go and murder some douchenozzle that was stalking liv?" chad asked

"why does it have to be one of us? what about deputy dewey here? maybe hes the killer, no offense " wes spoke up

"none taken but whats my motive?" dewey asked and arianna watched the scene unfold

"you got stabbed a billion times, got dumped by your famous wife and crawled into a bottle. i think its safe to say youre on the suspect list" wes said

"well maybe youre the killer cause that cut deep " dewey shot back

"that douchenozzle is connected, i googled him his mom is leslie macher, stu machers sister" amber said

"whos stu macher?" liv asked and arianna turned to the girl in shock.

"billy loomis's accomplice, a real loony tune" dewey exclaimed

"yeah no he was crazy" arianna agreed and dewey turned to her

"how would you know that?" he asked and she shrugged

"i wanted to know about the kills leading up to this and why its happening, research is best in times like these"

"okay okay, so the first three attacked are all on people related to the original killers" sam said and arianna sighed. she wasn't related to anyone from the original or at least she didn't think that she was.

"hes making a requel" mindy told them

"a what?" sam asked in confusion

"or a legacyquel. fans are torn on the terminology" mindy stated

"god please speak english" chad said

"okay remember the stab movie that came out last year" mindy asked

"oh yeah the one the one the knives out guy directed right? i actually really liked that one" liv told them

"of course you did, you have terrible taste" mindy exclaimed and arianna smiled softly but made it so only mindy could see.

"i hate you" liv retorted

"the point is the hardcore stab fans hated it, you go on 4chan and dreadit , all theyre talking about is how stab 8 pissed on their childhoods, how they cramed in social commentary just to make it elevated, how the main characters a mary sue" mindy ranted

"whats a mary sue?" richie asked

"you dont want to know" wes stated

"yeah trust me you really dont" arianna exclaimed

"whats wrong with elevated horror? i mean jordan peele fucking rules" amber finally spoke up

"uh, obviously but thats not stab. real stab movies are meta slasher who done-its full stop" mindy explained.

"shes right" arianna agreed

"come on, its just a movie" sam stated

"no its not, to some people the original is their favorite thing in the world, the movie that made them love horror. that mom or dad showed them when they were 10 that bonded them together and god help anyone who slightly fucks with that special memory, who makes a movie they think disrespects it. it sounds like our killer is writing his own version of stab 8 but doing it as a requeal" mindy ranted

"which is?" dewey asked

"see you cant just reboot a franchise from scratch anymore, the fans won't stand for it. black christmas, childs play, flatliners, that shit doesn't work but you can't just do a straight sequel either, you gotta build something new but not too new or the internet goes bug-fucking nuts, its gotta be part of an ongoing storyline, even if the story shouldn't have been ongoing in the first place. new main characters, yes but supported by and related to legacy characters. not quite a reboot, not quite a sequel, like the new halloween, saw , terminator, jurassic park, ghostbusters, fuck even star wars, it always, always comes back to the original" mindy ranted

"are you telling me that im caught in the middle of fan-fucking-fiction?" sam asked

"not just in the middle , sam. you're the star" mindy told her

"so not to put like too fine a point on it but according to requel rules , whos next?" liv asked them

"going by the pattern, who it is has to be connected to someone who came before" mindy told them

"im starting to regret coming here" dewey said as they all turned to him

"jesus my mom was a character in one of them" wes stated

"no one cares about the shitty inferior sequels wes, youre safe. with randy as our uncle though, you and i are probably screwed" mindy told them

"or youre the killer and this whole what elaborate monologue is just to cover your tracks" richie stated

"i think its pretty clear who the killer is at this point" mindy stated

"who?" sam asked

"you. it makes perfect requel sense" mindy told sam

"that actually does make alot of sense" chad stated

"yeah"liv agreed

"fuck this" sam said and she got up and left.

now it was only them and what they would do next. no one would know


sorry for disappearing, im going to try and spam update alot of my books due to being gone for so long, thank you guys for sticking around and reading.

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