And He Didn't Even Use His Magic, He Just Screamed And Ran Away

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Sirius leaned on the doorframe, watching as YiJoon and Freyr slept. Although Destiny was supposedly the only one to know about Freyr, Sirius, Remus and James were the only ones on the Human earth to know about his existence too, and were all the boy's godfathers. Remus joined his mate and smiled sadly at the two sleeping on the sofa.

"James would be trying to do something by now," He said with a nostalgic look on his face, remembering the Marauders era as if it was yesterday. Sirius chuckled "He and Regulus were head over heels for these two Sweethearts" He turned to Remus, taking his hand in his and smiling lovingly at the werewolf "If I remember correctly, Freyr was much more savage than you thought, Padfoot." Sirius hummed with a smile "Well, with Sunshine being so oblivious to dangers and harsh reality, Freyr was there to protect him. And so were we" Both men turned to watch the sleeping duo with tender smiles before leaving the room, preparing breakfast for when the two woke up, chuckling when they remembered YiJoon had school in a few hours.

With a big yawn and a stretch, YiJoon finally opened his eyes, smiling upon seeing the small body of his son lying on him and cuddling closer when the Endless moved. "Freyr, my darling, it's time to wake up" He softly called out, caressing with his finger the rosy cheek of the boy. The sleeping teen in a toddler's body groaned annoyingly "I'm a toddler, let me sleep" He mumbled groaning again when his living pillow AKA YiJoon chuckled, causing his body to shake. "Oh, I see how it is. You chose whatever is comfortable for you at the given moment" The Endless smiled before he turned his head to two wizards walking into the room.

At first, the Endless panicked, forgetting completely that the two knew all about his son. His wide eyes watched closely as the two smiled, Sirius taking Freyr away from his father, the boy yelling curses at the man, while Remus' eyes worriedly watched YiJoon. "What is it, Thumper?" The Werewolf asked, using one of the Marauders' nicknames for the young Endless. YiJoon then blinked, making a confused face as he looked at Remus. "I have forgotten, you knew about Freyr... Why did I suddenly forget?" He asked in a whisper looking between the werewolf, the wizard and his son, all of which had worried expressions. 

Sirius put the boy down and hummed. As the bad boy with a bike he was, when it came to their Sunshine, he quickly showed his true softness and care hidden behind that troublemaker mask of his. "Your mind is probably racing a thousand miles per hour. With all that family reunion, seeing your fathers, reuniting with Freyr and building a new home, it's taking a toll on you, Cupcake" Remus watched the boy closely, nodding slightly at Sirius' words, although he tried to see if anything else was out of place. YiJoon was a bit jumpier than he was the day before, and that boy had never been seen with a different expression than happiness.

Finally nodding, his smile returned to his lips, which calmed everyone down, although the two wizards and the temporary toddler glanced at each other with knowing looks. They had to watch the boy closely, for something was not right with him. "Alright! Let's eat, I have school in two hours!" YiJoon jumped from the sofa and excitedly skipped to the bathroom, leaving the three confused and concerned. To break the tension, Freyr finally spoke "Well, at least I'm not staying with Destiny. That man, no matter how nice, was starting to get boring" The wizards looked at the boy and chuckled at him before Remus took him and they went to the kitchen, putting everything they'd prepared on the table.

"Faðir, your hair is different again" Freyr called from his seat when he saw YiJoon enter the dining room. The man grinned, sitting and thanking the two wizards for the breakfast "Oh? Oh, well, that's a surprise" YiJoon giggled softly touching his hair and bringing one strand as close to his eyes as possible. Sirius chuckled "You have mirrors, Tweety. Way easier to look at yourself there" YiJoon giggled again, shaking his head as he dived into his meal. Though he ate very little, or close to nothing, really, he tried. He really tried. "No need, Padfoot. I figured my hair would change again. They were white two days ago and ping, three days ago" He said, taking a sip of his herbal tea. 

The rest of the breakfast was spent, talking about the castle and updating each other on what's been happening. Freyr spoke about him learning how to fight and asking his father to teach him how to control better his primary powers, involving weather, teleportation and time travel. 

Soon, YiJoon was walking towards Simeon's house, meeting his fathers there and making small talk, before Orion called the youngest to get in the car. 

"So? How's the work on the castle?" YangJin asked when YiJoon sat in the back seat with Luke. "It's nearly done. The only thing left is the bedrooms but I think we could move in tomorrow." He started, contemplating in his head whether or not to tell them about the additional person who would be living with them. With a deep breath, he spoke again "We'll be having a companion" YangJin turned in his seat to look at his youngest brother with confusion, while Orion looked at the review mirror with a raised brow. His eyes were still puffy and red from his breakdown the other day but nobody said anything about it, knowing Orion hated to show his weakness unless he spoke to YiJoon or his mate and fathers. Luke's head snapped at the Endless with curiosity. 

Clearing his throat and grinning to hide his nervousness, the boy continued, seeing as they waited for his explanation "A friend of mine from a long ago needed somewhere to stay, so I let him join our castle." He said, grinning the whole time, while clapping his hands excitedly to make himself more believable, which worked. Orion hummed "Any friend of yours is a friend of ours. What's their name?" He asked, smiling softly, happy that his little brother was so happy to have a friend he seemed to love dearly. "Freyr Hargreeves. Well, he was once known as Five but when we met, I gave him a name and he used it ever since" He smiled, using his son's past adventure in the alternative universe as a cover story. So, technically, he didn't lie. "Hargreeves? As in THE Hargreeves?" Luke asked, remembering the book he had read from the other universe written by a certain Vanya Hargreeves. YiJoon giggled "Yes." YangJin narrowed his eyes in confusion. From what he remembered, Luke talked about the book and searched more about the peculiar kids from the other Earth and their story was not very... Happy. How on Earth did his little brother meet Five Hargreeves in the first place?

Not to mention that his Sunshine brother was besties, as it seemed, with a violent grown man stuck in a teenage body who was a serial murderer with anger issues (Although his story was way more complicated than that), which was even more confusing. Yes, YiJoon was a Sunshine that no matter who you were, you loved him and wanted to protect him. But! Five Hargreeves? This was very, very bizarre to say the least. "How did you two meet?" He asked, genuinely interested and a little bit shocked that someone like Five could be so close to someone like YiJoon. The youngest Endless clapped his hands in excitement "Glad you asked!" He chirped, taking his bag and getting out of the car, once it stopped.

The boy waited for his brothers and Luke to get out before he continued, linking his arm with Luke's, as he spoke, walking with the others towards the entrance "Freyr messed up some stuff and got sent to this Earth. I don't exactly know, he said it's best I didn't ask, so I'm not bothering him about it" He said making a thoughtful expression before grinning again "Nolan knows him, after all, he too, was in the Academy, no?" He said, looking at the others for confirmation. Now it made more sense. They forgot Nolan was in the Academy too, that's probably where he lost most of his sanity, other than Vietnam and past tortures, which the boys stood silent about. "Yes. Of course. It was honestly so long ago that it slipped my mind" YangJin said, smiling softly at the boy beside him, before Caroline spotted them and called them over.

"Hi! How are you doing?" She asked, excitedly looking at YiJoon, before introducing herself to the other three "Caroline Forbes! Nice to finally meet you three!" She said, shaking each boy's hand and hugging YiJoon tightly "Boo, you are crushing me" YiJoon giggled, not at all fazed by the tight grip of the girl. It would take more than enhanced strength to actually hurt him but Carolin quickly apologised "Sorry, I'm just so excited! There is a masquerade ball tonight and I was hoping you would come with me shopping!" Her excitement grew when she saw the boy giggling and nodding his head "So I've heard. My brothers and sister, are going as well. But I would love to go shopping with you" His smile was blinding. Honestly, there was no darkness, when YiJoon was around. "Good! Boonie is joining us for the ride, Elena is not going, unfortunately" She said sadly, although Orion caught her fake disappointment at the mention of the doppelganger and he narrowed his brows in suspicion.

"Hey, are you three interested in joining us?" She asked with a smile but the three only chuckled and shook their heads "Orion and our older brothers are going with our fathers to a meeting. I'm not sure if I'll be able to, seeing as I have to take care of our pets. Luke might want to go, right, Luke?" YangJin smirked, spotting Stefan not so far from them with Elena blabbering some nonsense to him, but Salvatore seemed disinterested, watching Luke closely with a soft expression.

The angel boy blinked, pointing at himself, not prepared to be thrown into this so quickly. Then again, they were The Marauders, what else was he supposed to expect? "Um, yeah. Yeah, I can join. Besides, YiJoon promised me to buy new art supplies" The Sunshine grinned at Luke, nodding his head "And here is our opportunity, Luke. Thank you for the invitation, Caroline. I truly appreciate it" His genuine care made the female vampire melt. "Here, just so I don't forget. It's our phone numbers. You can give them to Bonnie too. That way we can speak more often" YiJoon said, giving the girl a lavender-coloured card with his number and the three others' number as well. 

Caroline chuckled, seeing more of the cuteness from the boy, who hummed softly, taking out a macaron-filled box from his bag. "Joonie, I am very impressed ChoWoong didn't drown you in chocolate, for taking his macarons" Luke joked, seeing his cousin put the box of sweets into his locker, along with the books he didn't need for now "They are technically mine, since I made them. I wanted to share some sweets with my new friends here. So you can meet me at my locker at lunch break" He smiled sweetly at Caroline, who returned the smile. "You bake? Well, if Luke says your brother would drown you in chocolate for that, then I believe you are a great cook" She said and YiJoon blushed, looking down, embarrassed. "So modest! Yes, Care, my little Munchkin of a brother is the best cook and confectioner to exist. Better than Willy Wonka!" YangJin winked, glancing at Orion, not liking his silent behaviour, while YiJoon only blushed more, his cheeks and nose rose from the compliments. 

Caroline awed at the flustered boy before responding "Wow, so many compliments from them it must be true. I cannot wait to try some things you make" Orion finally spoke with a small smile "Oh-ho, YiJoon, you better get ready for another order of a lifetime supply of your goods" Luke chuckled, YangJin smirked, Caroline grinned and YiJoon only covered his face with his hands. "No, stop, please. You're embarrassing me!" Lucke chuckled "How? We compliment your cooking skills, how is that embarrassing you?" He laughed, glancing at Stefan before looking at YiJoon and then returning to look at his mate with wide eyes and a blushing face. 

Seeing this, YiJoon's eyes shined with mischievousness and he looked between Luke and Stefan before he spoke "Well, that's one way to silence you. Who's embarrassed now, huh?" The three chuckled and Orion smiled tiredly. Today was honestly, not his day. 

The bell rang and they all went to their first class, Orion had his head deep in thought, YiJoon excitedly skipped, talking with Caroline on the way, YangJin made sure Orion was alright, and Luke glanced between the silent Endless and YiJoon, catching the youngest boy trying to get Orion back to Earth by using some of his powers.

This was going to be a long day...

"Don't smile like that, you look like a psycho" Sirius snorted, seeing the boy sitting on the bar stool, drinking a strong coffee. Freyr was finally back to his sixteen-year-old body but unfortunately, the only thing he could wear for now was his old uniform from when he was at the Umbrella Academy. "Say, you know me. When have I not looked like a psycho?" He said with a sarcastic smile and Remus snorted, his nose in a book, while Sirius rolled his eyes "Kid, with all the murders you did and hid from your old man, you need to remember that we were the ones to get you here." Freyr sighed, nodding his head. "And I am thankful for that. But you won't change my mind. The way I think of myself is not going to change, because you try to tell me I'm innocent" Remus took a deep breath and put his book down on the coffee table. 

The werewolf wasn't certain if they should tell the boy a bit more about his father, who also hid many things from not only them or his family but his son as well. With a glance at Sirius, he knew they would stay silent but try to hint at some things, to ease the boy's racing thoughts. "Your father can fight, you know?" He carefully said, earning a raised brow from the teen "Remus, I know my Faðir. He is the most vulnerable being in this fucked up universe. The only time he fought, was when butterflies attacked him. And He Didn't Even Use His Magic, He Just Screamed And Ran Away" He chuckled, remembering that clearly. Pity, that since then, his father feared his own creation... Butterflies

Sirius bit his lip in thought. Truth be told, they've never seen YiJoon fight, nor be angry, sad, or afraid. They've never seen the boy cry or even pick a fight with anyone. But they knew he could defend himself and the ones he loved dearly if he had to. Although many believed YiJoon was lucky to never witness or get to know the brutal and violent reality of the world, Sirius and Remus suspected that as much luck as the boy had, at one point, he had to be fighting... "That does sound more like Thumper but, remember that your father is very old. He had to witness some... terrible things at some point" Freyr shook his head as his gaze hardened.

He put his cup down and looked at the two wizards "You want me to suspect my Faðir, someone who is innocent as a newborn baby, sweet as honey and warm as Sunshine, to hide some terrible past where he would kill and murder people?" He asked, seeing the two wizards' blank expressions. Freyr huffed "Yeah, I figured so much. You don't believe it yourselves, why would you try to make me believe it, then?" He asked although he feared that maybe their suspicions were right. This innocent facade that faltered every now and then and showed fear in those bright eyes of his father was proof that something was wrong. 

But if YiJoon spoke none of his bad times, while still having so many memories of only the good things he has lived through, it was very hard to believe the youngest Endless to face anything remotely as triggering as some of his siblings had faced. "No. Faðir has never been through anything bad. I know it. There are no signs of him being through anything bad. I would have known" The two wizards were silent as they nodded their heads in understanding. They too wouldn't believe it if it wasn't for the slips that YiJoon kept having for some time now. The confusion, sudden forgetfulness and this... fear in his eyes... There was something and they knew it well.

But they left the topic, seeing that it agitated the young teen. He was born out of energy, so YiJoon was not attacked by some random entity. This was a relief for everyone. To know his body was not used forcefully for someone else's pleasure. But other things lingered in the back of their minds. And they only hoped that it was their imagination and not the truth...

Bonnie, Caroline, YiJoon and Luke were in the car, driving to a store, that Caroline loved, to search for a dress. They all snacked on the macarons, they tried at school and fell in love with the taste, begging the young boy to take more from home so they could eat on the way to the store. 

"You have to teach me how to make them so tasty" Caroline said, while Bonnie nodded with a hum. Lucke chuckled at the reactions. "Luke bakes as well, he could help you too, you know?" YiJoon tried to get the attention off of him, not able to handle the compliments. Bonnie cooed at that "Oh, come on! I can't take the credit for something you did, Joonie, it's not fair towards you" Luke smiled when the boy sighed and blushed but said nothing, knowing there was no point in arguing with the stubborn angel.

Arriving at the shop, Caroline excitedly ran into YiJoon wrapped around her, while Bonnie and Luke chuckled at the two. "So, seeing as you prefer pastel colours, how about a pink suit?" She asked him, looking from one set of clothing to another, while YiJoon hummed, looking at a dress "Or a dress, you would look gorgeous in a dress" She added with a sweet smile. Bonnie nodded in agreement, looking at a dress that caught her eye. YiJoon and Luke made eye contact and nodded with smiles, agreeing that they would pay for the girls. 

"Man, this dress is beautiful but the price?!" Bonnie sighed, silently muttering to herself and YiJoon smiled softly "You can still try it. See if it suits you" He softly said, wanting to know if that dress was the one Bonnie wanted so he could gift her the dress. "Alright. Trying never killed anyone before" YiJoon hummed and turned to Caroline, seeing her struggle to find something to her liking. 

Scanning the shop, YiJoon found something that he knew would fit the blond well. He picked the dress and showed it to her, feeling warm when the girl smiled at him with awe. "YES! That's exactly what I was looking for! Here, try this suit" She said, giving Luke the suit she found, while she took the dress from YiJoon's hands and went to try it. 

The boy chuckled when he saw Luke inspect the suit with curiosity "Try it, it won't bite you" He teased the angel who chuckled and nodded his head. YiJoon on the other hand, found a suit, that caught his attention and decided he would buy it without trying it, smiling knowingly to himself.

 "Girls, come on, Luke has already bought his suit and I did mine, show yourselves to us" YiJoon softly called out, feeling the girls' insecurities. Finally, Caroline decided to come out of the fitting room and avoided the two boys' eyes, too afraid to see their expressions.

Caroline's red dress went well with her pale skin and blond hair. Her eyes sparkled softly and YiJoon couldn't stop grinning "Well, I don't know what are you insecure about, Care. You look like a million bucks" YiJoon said which made the girl snap her head towards him. Luke was smiling softly as well. He was more than sure that if JoonWoo was with them, the man would have a hard time hiding his feelings toward his mate. YiJoon knew so as well, that's why he picked the dresses for both girls (well, Bonnie was looking already at the one he knew would fit her), for he knew his siblings would love their outfits.

"You really think so?" She asked shyly and YiJoon nodded his head excitedly "If you are afraid of my brother's reaction, then don't be. He meant to see you sooner, but it would be a bit weird to see a teen hang out with an old man" He joked, giggling when he saw a soft blush on Caroline's face. She nodded her head, not hiding the fact that he friend's older brother was her crush, as it was nothing to be embarrassed about and YiJoon was constantly calming her racing thoughts about it. 

Luke looked around for the witch but frowned when he didn't see her "Bonnie? It's alright, you can show yourself to us" He said, trying to make the girl comfortable enough. "We don't bite, Boo! And I am sure you look as amazing as Caroline!" YiJoon chipped sweetly and the door opened, revealing the young witch in her dress.

Luke nodded his head, approving of the outfit, while Caroline gasped and then let out an excited squeal. YiJoon giggled, clapping his hands excitedly "See? You look so good, Bonnie-Boo! It fits you so well!" He gushed, walking towards her and twirling her around, making her chuckle. 

She relaxed, seeing the positive reactions and she felt more comfortable in the dress. But her eyebrows furrowed when she remembered the price. "It's too expensive, though..." She sadly said, Caroline smiled sadly too, knowing her dress wasn't cheap either. YiJoon shook his head in amusement "The price is not a problem. Here. Get back and change." He said, pushing the two girls to the changing rooms, and waiting for them to hand him the dresses.

When they did, they were confused. YiJoon was chuckling softly, whispering with Luke, even Caroline couldn't understand them and she was a vampire! The two girls went out, looking for the boys, who were waiting for them in the hallway. "Here you are! Took you long enough!" Luke said smiling big and YiJoon handed them two bags. 

Still confused, the girls looked in and gasped, their eyes winding. "BOYS!" They yelled, earning giggles from YiJoon and chuckles from Luke. "No, no way in hell you just spent your money on us!" Bonnie said, shaking her head in disbelief. She never had anyone buying her things so expensive for her and it made her feel conflicted. She was starting to trust the new family more and more while she started to see the true Elena, she once was friends with.

And every time she spoke with any of the new kids, she could see the difference in treatment she got. While Elena once was sweet, it changed, the moment she learned Bonnie was a witch. Since then, the poor girl has always been used to do the doppelganger's dirty work. Whenever she was with YiJoon or any of the new students, she felt their genuine curiosity and care for her. 

Although only two days passed since they met, Orion always snapped at Elena, whenever she commented about Bonnie. YangJin helped the witch with a subject she couldn't seem to understand and promised to show her an easier way to learn. Luke was kind to her and always asked her if she needed anything. YiJoon was someone, Bonnie saw as a small bean and a ball of walking Sunshine. No matter how she felt when she saw YiJoon, she smiled and forgot all about her sadness or anger. 

For Caroline it was similar. She used to be the last one to know anything and the last one someone would go to. Elena preferred Bonnie over her and Bonnie, once was closer to Elena, until recently. Caroline saw a younger brother in YiJoon, whom she felt protective of, while Orion was like an older brother who would protect her. YangJin made her laugh and smile from the jokes and pranks he talked about and Luke made sure she was heard and appreciated for existing. 

"Yeah, no. It's a gift. Think of it as a Thank you, for becoming our friends" Luke said, although he was not the one who paid, YiJoon used his card, telling the angel to just let him pay for everyone because of the amount of money he had, honestly was making him uncomfortable. Luke snorted at that statement but let the Endless do as he pleased. "Please, Joonie, you shouldn't have done this" Caroline said, sending him a grateful but worried smile. The boy only waved his hand dismissing her worries "I have plenty of money from the Internship. I honestly give half of my earnings to charities but my boss always keeps giving me more" His giggling was followed by a shake of his head. 

Yeah, Tony Stark loved this small bean as his own and he would rather die than let the boy be penniless. In his humble opinion, YiJoon deserved only the best things, and as this cruel and unfair world was, the best things were mostly expensive. 

"YiJoon, please, please, swear that it was alright for you to pay for these" Bonnie begged, wanting to know if the boy was telling the truth. She would feel even worse if she knew he had no money and still paid for their dresses. Luke was quick to ease her mind "Don't worry, Bonnie. I can promise you that it's true. YiJoon's boss is someone who cares deeply about him and would not let him be poor" He said with a smile, and the two girls threw themselves on the boys, thanking YiJoon and Luke endlessly, tightening their grip on them.

Oh, if only this sweet and peaceful atmosphere would remain like this forever...

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