May We Remain Together, Sweetheart. For Longer Than Earth Herself

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The school ended, much to the joy of all the students and teachers. Just when YangJin, Orion and Luke were out of the building, waiting for their beloved bean to show up, YangJin felt a sudden weight on his back, arms wrapped around his neck and legs wrapped tightly around his waist. "As I was saying before a cuddly koala jumped on me, I say, go for it, Luke." YiJoon hid his face into the back of his brother's head, his breath sending chills down YangJin's spine and he shivered "Go... for it? That's it? No: Be careful, you don't know what he is, or Do not expose yourself?" As Orion sighed, clearly knowing it was much more difficult than that, he said: "To be careful is to be smart, Luke. But mates are a sacred thing, as you have known." This made the angel relax a bit more. 

For Luke, mates were indeed something sacred as they were for the others. He had a brilliant example of his two fathers, both not human, yet still so precious and loving. He remembered the stories both would tell him, how each of them was weary of the other, even though they knew they were destined lovers. To be in the same predicament was hard because, although he had watched his fathers, uncles and cousins act wisely with their mates before they revealed who they truly were, to do so, was a very different thing for Luke. YiJoon sensed his cousin's hesitance and loss, so he looked at him with a bright smile "I can be with you when you talk with Stefan if you wish?" He offered and Luke's face cleared and brightened "Really?" He asked excitedly and YiJoon nodded with a soft giggle "I was there for InSu and Nolan, why wouldn't I be there for you?" Luke grinned at his cousin "Thank you, Joonie! You're simply the best" He said and the three brothers started to sing "The Best", laughing loudly and earning curious glances from the others.

But the softest and most curious gazes were those of the Scooby gang and another vampire, who watched from afar his mate, who so dearly carried his little brother on his back as if the boy weighed nothing. He smiled, seeing the softer side of the boy he had met the day before, hoping to see him soon again.

There was a meeting at the Salvatore Boarding house, where the Scooby gang talked about the newcomers. Elena was the most opposed to getting to know them, while Bonnie, Caroline and Alaric quickly agreed that they all seemed pretty calm and peaceful. 

Stefan was unusually silent, not saying anything about meeting his mate to anyone, Damon was sarcastic as always, yet he stayed silent when it came to his mate, not wanting the boy he just met to be dragged into this shit.

"Bonnie, when you touched Pastel Boy, what did you see?" Damon asked, hoping to get the witch more on his side, rather than making enemies out of potentially dangerous but still peaceful people. The young girl narrowed her gaze "It was not very clear. I felt safe and love, joy and pure innocence..." Elena rolled her eyes "Yeah? But there must be something else. You mentioned that you bumped into his sister. What did you see from her?" She asked, Caroline only smiled softly at Bonnie, knowing the girl felt very weird towards the girl she had just met. Caroline herself, felt a pull towards JoonWoo, even though the guy was much older than her and not to mention that she had only spoken to him once. "I don't know Elena. All I know is that they hold great power, different from mine and much more powerful but they don't seem dangerous. So I would like not to drag them into our business" Caroline nodded along and Damon smiled big "Finally, something we agree on!" He said earning a smirk from the teacher and a soft amused glance from the witch.

"Stefan? You seem rather quiet today, something in your mind?" Alaric asked finally, noticing the silence of the younger vampire. "Right, you talked with that Luke boy, didn't you?" Elena said, making Damon raise a brow at his brother, silently questioning if the silence he had been met with this whole time was because the vampire had met his mate "He's a nice boy. I only tried to be kind to the new students. Make them feel comfortable" He said confidently but Damon knew when his brother was lying and he furrowed his brows taking a breath. Bonnie seemed to not believe the man either, as she narrowed her eyes glancing from Elena to Stefan with a calculating glare.

With a sigh, Caroline changed the topic "Never mind the new students. Humans or not, they pose no threat and I don't want Joonie to be in danger because of us. He is too precious" The doppelganger snapped her head at the blond, betrayal clear on her face but she quickly masked it with a confused look "You met the guy once and already have a nickname for him? Why not sleep with him tomorrow?" Her snarky comment made everyone freeze. They all saw how Elena behaved when the mention of new people joining the school was brought up and each of them started to see beyond that fake self-sacrificing bullshit the girl had going on. 

Even Jeremy, who was also silent the whole time, glared at his sister before finally talking "First off, YiJoon is gay, so anybody without a dick is not in his interests." The comment got a snort out of Damon and a chuckle from Caroline, while Alaric choked on his bourbon and Stefan bit his lip to hide his amusement. Bonnie only smiled at the boy, seeing the YiJoon had an impact far greater on them than they imagined, and they'd only known him for one day.

"Second of all, I spoke with each of them separately and they are very open-minded, charming in different ways and in no way willing to fight." Jeremy said and Stefan's eyes narrowed "How do you know they are not willing to fight?" It was a good question. They knew the family was not human, yet they had no clue what they could be. The family knew that some of them were not humans either, but they kept it a secret. "Well, because from what Joonie told me, they were all over the world for a long time and they wanted to start anew somewhere small and far from their work" Damon grimaced "With all due respect, this is not an argument strong enough to make us believe they are peaceful" Although he felt safety and calmness when he was around the three the other day, he had to still be at least a little bit careful. 

"Look, none of us want to bring them into this mess, alright? Allies or not, it's not their war to fight" Caroline said, earning a huff from Elena "Something wrong, princess?" Damon's tone was venomous, which made the doppelganger flinch from the harshness of her crush but she played unbothered and replied to the vampire "If they are more powerful than Bonnie, then why not make them our allies?" She asked, making the others grit their teeth in annoyance "What part of, we don't want to bring them into our shit, did you not understand?" Caroline snapped at her and Elena's eyes widened "All this time we want to be protected, we have the opportunity to have protection from powerful beings and you say no?" Elena snapped back and the blond glared at her supposed to be best friend. "When did you become so self-absorbed, Elena? Suddenly you know about the supernatural and that you are the famous doppelganger and your ego bursts higher than the Burj Khalifa" Caroline said, irritated now, finally saying what she longed to say some years ago. Silence fell upon the room. Nobody said a thing, both too tired to argue or too irritated to fight with the Gilbert girl who started to show her true face. 

Damon sighed, looking at Alaric who nodded at him. Both went to the front door "And where do you think you're going?" Elena called and Damon smirked sarcastically at her "I don't believe I have to tell you but if you must know, Your Highness, my friend Alaric and I are going to the Grill" With an arrogant bow, he left the room, still thinking if his little brother's silence had anything to do with one of the boys...

YiJoon was dropped off at the new mansion, per his request. He wanted to see how the works were going, loving to see that the building was standing beautifully and proudly and the only things left to do, were to fill the rooms and bring life to the castle. 

What the Endless did not expect, however, was a small child sitting at the gates of the castle with curiosity, as he watched YiJoon with big doe eyes. The Endless walked towards the boy slowly, not wanting to threaten him with any sudden movements. "Are you alright, little one?" He asked, slowly crouching right in front of the boy, who only smiled in response. "I found you," He said with a grin. YiJoon furrowed his brows in confusion. "Found me? Whatever do you mean, little dove?" He asked and the toddler chuckled again, a sound familiar, nearly the same as his own. "Destiny said you wouldn't remember... I'm Freyr" That name... YiJoon fell to his bum, eyes wide from shock and lips parted. YiJoon was breathing fast, he felt his hands shaking violently and he needed to calm down, not wanting to frighten the kid. "Sonur?" (Icelanding for...) The boy chuckled softly and made grabby hands towards YiJoon "Faðir!" His excitement matched YiJoon but the Endless was frozen on the ground.

Only when Freyr wrapped his hands around him, did his racing mind stop and he let out a few tears "Sonur... My Sonur..." He whispered, wrapping his arms around the kid, stroking the boy's hair and holding him tightly "Faðir! It's like Destiny said! We are together again!" YiJoon needed to thank his uncle for this. He has forgotten about his past. Never about Freyr, but for the boy to be safe, he needed to accept that he might never see the child again. Yet Destiny had other plans. Letting the sweet and most beloved Endless bathe in joy and peacefulness, for only the blind Endless was semi-aware of the secrets hidden deep inside YiJoon.

"I'm never leaving you again, my son. I promise" He said softly, praying to Destiny to make sure the boy won't suffer the same fate his family did. Even though, it seemed as if Freyr had already suffered separation from his father much to their dismay. "Faðir, I know. I'm one thousand fifty-four years old. I will not leave you either" His wise mind, though still young, proved to YiJoon that the boy needed him just as much as YiJoon needed his son. "How are you still a toddler, you should look sixteen in human years, my love?" YiJoon looked at the boy confused, ruffling the raven hair of his son and making him giggle "Destiny said I would grow older within days, Faðir. I had to regress my physical appearance so as not to get caught by Odin" YiJoon nodded his head in understanding. "I wish you wouldn't grow, my love. I remember holding you so tightly, you were much smaller then," YiJoon reminisced, feeling his eyes burning with fresh tears and a tightening grip on his throat. "Faðir, it is different here. My mind is one thousand fifty-four years old, my body is only three for now. The Endless Gods are born to be difficult to understand" He reminded his father with a gentle look. YiJoon chuckled. "I love you, my Little Shamrock" He whispered to his son, the nickname referred to the boy's green eyes, which he shared with YiJoon and Loki. Although the older Endless had a particularity to him and it was called in the wizarding world a Metamorphmagus. YiJoon constantly changed his hair or eye colours, although most of the time he was not even aware of it. Freyr had not inherited this peculiar trait, he did, however, have the same passion for nature as his father/mother. He was not named Freyr for anything, the boy has shown signs of controlling the weather, mostly through emotions. The first days were pretty hard, YiJoon, as the God of Nature, had to fight with his son's uncontrolled power, while fatigued after giving birth to the little Shamrock. 

"Faðir?" Asked the boy after a few more minutes of cuddling with his father. YiJoon hummed, waiting for the boy to continue "How are we going to live with uncles, aunties and grandads?" Now, that was a question for a hundred bucks. YiJoon never told anyone apart from Destiny of his child. "How many days will you stay regressed?" He asked, knowing it would be easier if the boy was looking older. It would bring less suspicion to the others. Freyr sighed "Three days? At most" He said, looking at his father with a thoughtful look "Alright, then. The castle is fairly ready. I can tell the others I'll stay here to make sure everything is progressing. That's how we'll stay together" YiJoon smiled softly, his actions returning to being soft, excited and innocent once more. Freyr chuckled "Nice," He said, clapping his hands, something he did just like his father when the odds were in their favour...

YangJin was sitting at the bar with JoonWoo and InSu. Orion said he wanted to stay with his mate, YiJoon said he was going to make sure the castle was close to being finished and the rest of his siblings were working. Loki, Morpheus and Lucifer were exploring the town with Simeon and Shin, their last stop was the Grill where they would meet the three Endless there. 

"Oh, come on. Just because Sunshine and Anger are not with you, Sarcasm, doesn't mean you have to make that face of a beaten pup" JoonWoo said, taking a sip of his Whiskey, while InSu snorted at the nicknames his brother gave the trio. YangJin turned his head to playfully glare at his brothers before he heard that one voice he hoped to hear again "Your brother is right, Sweets. Besides, I'm here now, and I am known to be the walking Angry Sarcasm" JoonWoo turned to see the raven-haired man and he smirked at his younger bother, while InSu inspected the man closely, raising his brow in curiosity.

"Pleasure, Damon. But I would rather call you a Broody Bad Boy Wannabe, more than the Anger and Sarcasm. These titles are already taken, sorry" YangJin mused, winking at the man who chuckled at his mate, glancing at the two other men "Damon Salvatore, nice to meet you" He said politely, feeling the need to show his true side to the men and the two smiled "InSu, oldest brother of the bunch. Nice to meet you too" He said, shaking the man's hand before JoonWoo introduced himself "JoonWoo, second oldest. Pleasure is mine" He said, smirking at the Vampire with a knowing look before the two brothers turned to their younger one "We'll leave you two. InSu, I remember we have an unfinished rematch of billiards." He said, earning a hum from the oldest "Don't be a sore loser if you fail one more time" He replied, patting his younger brother on the shoulder before finally leaving the mates alone. 

"I never seem to get you alone, Sweetheart" He mused, earning a snort from the boy "It's the second time we've seen each other, doesn't mean you won't see me alone" Was the Endless' answer which brought a soft smile to the vampire's lips "Oh, so you do want to see me more often. Noted" YangJin chuckled, looking Damon deeply in the eyes and feeling himself freeze at the electric blue crystals. he felt himself become softer at the look the man was giving him as he murmured, not knowing if the man would hear him or not "Your presence calms me more than you know" His words were nearly audible but the vampire hearing did not miss the words. YangJin's words did however put slight worry into the man's heart. He has seen that look before. A look that told you you've lived through something horrendous yet you're not able to speak about it. 

Damon's expression, although painted with slight worry, smiled at the boy "Your presence calms me too, Sweets." He said lowly, earning a shocked look from the Endless. It was a natural reaction, for his voice was so quiet that Damon shouldn't be able to hear him, yet here he was "Not human. But I presume you already knew that" Damon smiled, hoping to any god out there that when YangJin finds out he was a bloodsucker, he won't reject him. YangJin shook his head and smiled "Yeah... But I still am figuring out what exactly you are supposed to be" He smiled when Damon snorted "I could say that about you. You're pretty powerful for a supposed teen" His smirk was not filled with malice, more like with a mischievous curiosity. YangJin chuckled at his words "Wow. My ego is truly ruined. Then again, if you do not recognise this power, it means you are pretty young" Damon snorted. He? Young? Physically he was stuck at twenty-five but he walked this Earth for a hundred-seventy-eight years. He was way older. Then again, if YangJin was not human and called him young, knowing Damon was not human either... Could it be that YangJin was even older? 

"Stuck at nineteen, remember?" YangJin mused and Damon narrowed his eyes in curiosity "Stuck for how long?" He asked, taking a sip of his bourbon, only to choke, when YangJin gave him the answer "Longer than the Earth's age" He chuckled at Damon's reaction. JoonWoo and InSu smirked, knowing exactly what could cause such a reaction from the man. Their age. Not even the fact that they were gods. Their age was enough to convince anyone aside from their powers and attributes. 

"You're kidding," Damon said finally, watching his mate with wide eyes. He looked him up and down before his eyes stayed on the boy's eyes. "No way in Hell" He said and YangJin chuckled more "Funny you say that, since one of my fathers is the Devil. So, yes, all the way in Hell" Damon was shocked, and YangJin was enjoying this way too much. He didn't care that he was spilling his family's secrets. He felt he could trust Damon with this. Besides, he didn't say anything about being an Endless or a God. "I Think I Broke My Mate... Shame" He whispered, chuckling into his glass, finally bringing Damon back from his shock. "You are serious?" He asked to be sure, still in deep disbelief. 

"Vampires, Werewolves, Witches. Why not other creatures?" He replied, making Damon blink, considering his mate's words. "Why do I feel you know much more than you let on?" He asked, narrowing his eyes and YangJin chuckled yet again "Why, that's because I told you that I was much older than Earth herself" Damon nodded his head, making an understanding face "Fair enough. Now, how about you telling me how in Hell are you talking so calmly about us being mates?" YangJin smiled as he looked at him "You don't seem much more emotional than me. Or was it because you're still cautious of me?" Damon squinted his eyes "Should I be cautious of you?" He asked with a knowing smirk. In return, YangJin smirked as well "As your mate? No. Should I be cautious of you?" He asked Damon the same question and the vampire smiled softly "You still haven't figured out what I am, yet you already know about our existence, so... Maybe?" YangJin's eyes softened at the slight anxious undertone of Damon's words. 

He looked at the man in front of him and realised what the man was afraid of. "Ah, but here, you see, what you are is not who you are. And I believe if we compared our stories, you would run for the hills, much quicker, while I wouldn't bat an eye at your past brutality" Damon furrowed his brows, not entirely brushing away the fact that YangJin might be right on that one, although he hoped that his beloved didn't suffer too much during his long life. 

To ease the worry that was building up, YangJin raised his glass and turned to face Damon wholly "To our meeting. Finally finding you after years of being alone" He said with a soft smile, Damon raising his glass as well, his eyes soft, smile tender and his heart filling with a warmth he had never felt before "May We Remain Together, Sweetheart. For Longer Than Earth Herself" With that, they clinked their glasses and drank the remaining liquid inside. 

JoonWoo and InSu looked at each other and subtly high-fived each other, feeling like this was going to be a very blossoming and good chapter for YangJin. Although both felt a storm coming, they knew that they would be able to fight through it...

Together... Always and Forever...

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