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  A small Tom dragged his paws as he trudged through the snow, his head hung low. "I'm so tired, and so cold! When will we stop to rest"? He complained, shivering as a cold breeze ruffled his fur. At the front of the group, the black tabby paused with one paw raised in the air and looked over her shoulder, giving him a sharp look. "Look around you, do you see anywhere we can shelter in while we rest"? She asked. The dark gray and white Tom gazed around, and finally looked back at her.

", but we could try to dig a burrow in the snow. Maybe that could work" He replied, twitching his ear as a drop of snow landed on it.
The black tabby sighed and turned towards him. "Listen, Pine Tree, you didn't have to follow us. And, it's not to late to turn back. If you can't handle this, then go back the moor or the forest. Maybe letting you come along with us wasn't a good idea, seeing how young you are"! She snapped.

Pine Tree's gaze hardened, taking offense. "Of course I can handle it, Ebony Step! I'm not a helpless Kit" He spat back. He felt fur brush against his, and turned to look at Willow Fern. "Calm down, both of you. We're all cold, tired and starving, but you must keep your temper and not argue among each other. It won't solve anything" The gray and white she-cat said softly. Ebony Step softened her gaze and nodded. "You're right" She looked back at the group before going up to the front to lead again. "Let's go"

Pine Tree snorted and followed after the small group. While everything had settled with the new clans, ThunderClan, SkyClan, ShadowClan, RiverClan and WindClan, some of them decided that they wanted to move somewhere else. Ebony Step wanted to lead her own clan. And so, she had left with her sister, Willow Fern. They had convinced others to join them. Pine Tree was just out of kithood, but had dreams like the others. And so he had left Skystar and SkyClan to come with them.

So far, it wasn't really worth it. But I'm not going to give Ebony Step the satisfaction of me admitting that. I must prove to her I'm not some mewling kit.
Seven sunrises passed by. Pine Tree was settled down in a nest of moss. Just three days ago, they had found a place to call home. Prey was plentiful, well, better than it is usually in leaf-bare. Sheltering was not a problem, they had managed to find sticks and used to vines to wrap the together. They had also used stones to keep them extra secure. The young Tom got to his paws, walking out of the den. Sure is nice here. I wonder who Ebony Step will choose as the Deputy......Hopefully me! Although I doubt it....she doesn't exactly like me.

But regardless who the Deputy was, Pine Tree was happy. This new life was perfect to him.

What could go wrong?

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