Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"Edward, come on, this isn't fair. I'm always the one opening."

Edward made a noise resembling a dying animal, and proceeded to bury himself even deeper underneath his covers. There were notebooks and textbooks piled all over the floor and part of the bed. Oliver still hadn't accepted that Edward truly wanted to leave, but the sight of all the high school stuff made him swallow uncomfortably. Of course Edward was serious, why would he joke about a thing like that?

"Edward!" Oliver snapped impatiently, "You've been napping practically all day."

"I promise I'll help open tomorrow," Edward grumbled from beneath the sheets. "Pretty please."

"Ugh! You're lucky I give a shit about you."

"I'm forever grateful for your love."

Oliver rolled his eyes, even though he was smirking. He sighed, closing his brother's room door and making his way to the stairs leading down to the main part of the bar. The place was empty, as it usually was before opening time, and all he could hear was noise from the kitchens. The cooks and their assistants were probably setting up to get ready for the day.

The first thing Oliver did was to get the dancefloor back into resembling a restaurant. He looked up at the sound of Trinity Kay's voice, and stiffened when he noticed she was showing some people around, and from the looks of it, they appeared to be new employees.

Again? He thought, biting his lower lip. That was freaking odd considering the last batch of employees came barely a week ago.

Okay, no, fuck this. He wasn't going to let Edward's stupid superstitions get to him. What Trinity did with her bar was her business. He focused on rearranging the main room back to its restaurant status, bringing out a rag to wipe the tables and chairs when he was done.


He stiffened at the sound of Trinity's voice calling him by his surname.

He turned to face her, sweat forming in his palms. The woman intimidated him like nothing else.

She was standing behind the bar, in front of the door leading to the kitchens in the back. "I need to discuss some things with you and your brother. Come find me sometime during the weekend. I should be free then."

"Yes, ma'am."

With that she turned, disappearing into the kitchens once more.

Oliver exhaled shakily, realising he'd been holding his breath. That woman was a witch, he was sure of it.

Oliver nearly had a heart attack when he came through from the back with the new drinks, and spotted none other than the alpha of his dreams sitting at the bar, already nursing his signature tumbler of tequila.

His grip on the drinks tightened instead of loosening, thank goodness, and his heart pounded so hard beneath his ribcage it was a surprise to him the damn thing hadn't pounded right out of his chest.

Fuck, he thought, fuck, fuck, he wasn't ready. He didn't know how to face the guy. Should he ignore him? Talk to him? Ask him out again?

Yeah, like that went well the last time.

But he kissed you!

Yeah, he was drunk, remember?

"Ugh," he groaned, scrubbing a hand over his face. Now he was having an internal monologue like he'd really gone and lost his marbles.

He decided at that moment, that whatever this dance was between him and the other alpha, he was going to leave the reigns with him.

There would be less disappointment, not to mention less chances of rejection if the ball was in his court.

Bill had officially lost his fucking mind.

He refused to look in the other alpha's direction, even though he kept inhaling deeply, just to smell that scent of mango smoothies and a musk that was uniquely the alpha's. An odd combination, but it made Bill feel simultaneously safe yet incredibly turned on. His arousal remained a low dim throughout the night, and his pulse picked up the closer the time got for the bar to close. He deliberately didn't think about how uncomfortable he felt underneath his pants – uncomfortable, but so, so right; resisting the urge to squirm in his chair.

Bill had really, officially, lost his fucking mind.

Or he just really didn't give a shit anymore.

He noticed the other alpha kept watching him curiously and a little nervously, probably wondering what the fuck Bill was doing. Bill was surprised the man hadn't come to speak to him yet, but that was good. His plan would never go well if the other alpha approached him first. It had to be him making all the moves this time. It had to go perfectly or it would destroy everything Bill had managed to build up to this point.

Finally, the club slash restaurant and bar emptied until only one beta in her sixties remained, dancing drunkenly on the dance floor.

Bill watched from the corner of his eyes as the two alphas behind the counter spoke to each other in low tones. The younger one patted Bill's fixation on the back, taking off his apron before disappearing through one of the doors behind the bar. Bill vaguely remembered those were where the stairs leading to the rooms upstairs were located. The other door led to the kitchens.

Bill still waited, heart in his throat.

The other alpha lingered around the bar, generally avoiding where Bill was perched, and Bill watched as the man gave him several confused but slightly hopeful looks.

Finally, the old woman left. Bill's eyes darted to the clock.

It was almost closing time.

The alpha was now looking antsy.

Bill stood up abruptly, startling the alpha with the sudden movement. He stared pointedly at the redhead as he downed his drink, before making his way towards the door that led to the stairs.

Oliver watched him go, feeling confused, hopeful, and slightly afraid. He rushed to lock the doors to the club, saying goodnight to the security guys still having a smoke. They waved at him, talking amongst each other. He headed to the kitchens to lock up as well, saying goodnight to the last person who'd just finished cleaning up.

Back in the main room, he glanced around the still dirty bar and dancefloor he needed to clean up before heading up to bed, but thought fuck it, needing to be upstairs like yesterday.

Bill's heartbeat was so loud he could hear it, chest almost hurting with how hard the organ was beating. He wasn't sure he could remember the other alpha's room, but he let instinct, and the soft, delicious scent of mangoes guide his feet.

Don't think. Don't think. Don't think.

The mantra echoed in his head, as his hands trembled; desire burning like molten lava in the pit of his stomach.

He reached for the handle of the door he was sure belonged to the redhead, and felt everything in him freeze when the handle turned but the door didn't budge.

It was locked.


Of course it was locked, who the fuck would leave their room door unlocked when it was located on top of a public bar? He should have thought of this before, fuck, what was wrong with him? Bill started to panic, some part of his senses returning.

What was he doing? What was he doing?

Before he could freak out completely, he heard soft footfalls hurrying up the stairs. The other alpha stuttered to a stop when he spotted Bill standing in-front of the door leading to his room. His eyes darted between Bill and his door, an incomprehensible look on his face.

Bill's hands clenched into fists, but he didn't say a word...waiting, waiting.

"Uh," the alpha cleared his throat, and then he hurried forward, fumbling in his pockets for keys. Bill noticed his hands were trembling. Good.

The second the door came open, Bill didn't waste time, shoving the other alpha into the room and kicking the door shut behind them, before pushing the redhead up against the nearest wall, slamming their lips together.

The alpha groaned in surprise, but immediately began to kiss back, giving as well as he got.

Bill remembered their last kiss – the ferocity, the way the alpha had bit his lips, had pinned him to the fucking wall like

Oliver didn't know what the fuck was happening – why this was happening. Fuck, he didn't even know the alpha's name

"Wait," Oliver gasped, "wait –"

"No," Bill hissed, wincing with how much desperation and vulnerability he'd let bleed into his voice. "Don't talk," he growled, joining their lips again, biting at the soft flesh before licking them obscenely, making the alpha groan, "not unless you don't want this."

"Fuck, I – I do want this – but we should – we need to –"

"Shut up and kiss me like you mean it, alpha."

The last word, said like that; with such heat and lust made Oliver see red.

"Holy fuck," the guy hissed, before spinning them around so it was Bill shoved up against the wall, their hips pinned together. He buried his face in Bill's throat, inhaling and scenting him greedily, and Bill felt his hackles rise even as his pleasure and anticipation did, his toes curling in his shoes, everything in him shaking. "What – why do you – you smell like –"

Don't think. Don't think. Don't think.

He shoved the alpha off so he could rip open his jeans, before dragging him back with another harsh kiss, his lips swollen and throbbing. Bill's free hand grabbed his, and he pushed it down the back of his pants, shivering when those fingers immediately searched for his hole, finding him wet, and ready, and open.

Oliver's eyes nearly rolled back into his head when he found his fingers immediately sinking into silky, slick tightness. Oh fuck, he'd prepared himself. That was so fucking hot, holy shit.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Oliver was gasping, rocking up against the alpha, eyes watering as – like a fucking teenager – his knot began to swell. He mewled, hips twisting up, toes curled hard as he fought against the pleasure.

"Come on, alpha," Bill goaded – begged – burying his face in the man's throat to bite at his skin, "fuck me. I'm so ready for you. Can't you feel how ready I am for you?"

Oliver made a desperate noise, thrusting his fingers deeper into that heat, scissoring him and clenching his thighs together as he sobbed, "I'm gonna knot."

"Yes," Bill hissed, "yes," dislodging the redhead's fingers as he turned around and practically presented himself, back arched and face pressed against the wall as he pushed his jeans down to his knees, "get in me. Get in me."

"Oh fuck, oh shit," Oliver whimpered, fumbling to get his own pants open, biting his lip and trying not to cream himself before he could get inside. And then he was thrusting in, in, eyes crossing at the way the other man immediately clenched up around the heat of his c0ck, the sexiest groan leaving his lips as he was filled to the brim. "I can't –" Oliver gasped, grinding his hips almost desperately, balls already drawing up. "Fuck! I can't –"

"Knot me," Bill cried, clenching his eyes against the tears, "fucking knot me, alpha."

Oliver grabbed his hips and shoved his c0ck in as deep as it could go, mouth falling open on a silent howl, doubling over as his knot literally ballooned between his legs.

Bill cried out, clenching up around the intrusion, vision going white as he came untouched, splattering onto the wall in-front of him.

"Fuck," Oliver sobbed, rolling his hips as he came and came, his thighs shaking with the pleasure, "holy shit."

He collapsed against the dark-haired man's back when he was done coming his brains out, trying to catch his breath. The air was thick with the scent of lust and satisfaction, and in-front of him, the dark-haired alpha seemed to be blissed out, if his slumping form was anything to go by.

Oliver forced some strength into his legs, holding tightly unto the alpha's hips as he began to lead them towards the bed, where it would be more comfortable for both of them. He had to shuffle slowly because they were still tied, would be for another twenty minutes at least, and he didn't want to hurt the other alpha.

Just as they reached the edge of the bed, Oliver stepped on something and slipped, falling with his back onto the mattress. The other alpha gasped with shock, slipping and falling too onto Oliver's chest, immediately clenching up so fucking tightly around his knot that Oliver bit back a scream, hips punching up as another 0rgasm was practically wrenched out of his d1ck.

"Oh fuck," he gulped, eyelids fluttering as he tried to ride it out, his hips pumping jerkily, "Shit. Fuck. Sorry, fuck, sorry."

"Goddess," Bill groaned, head falling back against the alpha's shoulder, a smidgen of shame filtering into his scent as he rolled his hips and whispered, almost shyly, "Fill me – fill me up."

"Uhn," Oliver whimpered, knot pulsing at the words. "Shit."

Oliver pushed his head back against the sheets, clenching his eyes shut as his body obeyed the request, slowly filling the other alpha up, believing it was breeding.

When he was done, he literally melted into the bed, his whole body going liquid, suddenly mind-numbingly exhausted. "Wow," he whispered, lust drunk.

Bill had stiffened. The more clarity he regained after their quick tryst, the more shame and panic clouded his scent. His eyes were hot, and he felt hot and cold – clammy in a bad way, hands beginning to tremble.

No, no, no, he thought desperately, don't

Oliver noticed, wrapping his arms around the other alpha, and nudging his nose into his throat, "Hey," he murmured, affection bleeding into his voice, "It's okay. You're okay. You're okay, yeah?"

Bill swallowed, some part of him calming at the voice. "Yeah," he said, clearing his throat when his voice came out croaky.

The redhead shifted, altering their positions until they were pressed up against each other on their left sides, bodies still joined by the other alpha's knot. An arm came around Bill's chest, pulling him close until Bill felt small and warm and safe –

"Oliver," the alpha whispered, sounding sleepy, "that's my name. What's your name?"


"Mm. Bill. Fitting."

Bill snorted, but it sounded like the other alpha was already fast asleep, conked out from the intensity of his 0rgasms. He felt a nose nudge against the back of his throat, his whole body trembling with painful longing as the alpha unconsciously scent-marked him, wrapping his body in the scent of sweetness and mangoes.

Bill didn't scent mark him back, holding his own scent tightly under wraps, knowing if he let them mingle – if he knew what their scents smelled like together he would be gone.

The second he felt the knot go down, he moved away, ignoring the alpha's sleepy complaint and wincing when he was suddenly left empty, his body instinctively clenching up to keep the alpha's come inside him.

He flushed, the shame returning, eyes prickling with tears as he quietly pulled his jeans up. He clung desperately to the feeling of the echo of the alpha's arm around him, the way it felt to be wrapped in his arms, and the scent of him on his skin.

This night could never happen again. It had just been an age-old fantasy built from need and frustration and desperation; knowing this alpha liked him and seemed nice had been the deal breaker.

The What Ifs had become too much.

Bill felt sick for using him, and even sicker for why he'd done it– turning and rushing out of the room, praying he had the strength to never come back, for now that he had tasted what it felt like to be like that, it would surely destroy him once the illusion was broken.

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