Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Oliver didn't think he'd ever see Bill again, so walking out after dropping off some orders in the kitchen to see the alpha perched on his usual barstool stole his breath and nearly had him dropping the glasses he was holding.


He froze, and his heart pounded so hard he was afraid it would burst right out of his chest. He resumed moving, quickly tearing his gaze away from the man before Bill noticed.

What is he doing back here?

What, so he can't come here for a drink now just because he had sex with you and then ditched? Grow up, Oliver.

But the hurt was still fresh, smarting underneath his chest, so Oliver resolutely ignored the alpha as he moved around the bar and restaurant – it wasn't late enough for them to switch to dancefloor mode – taking orders and pretending like life was dandy.

He hated how self-conscious he felt that the other alpha was here, and wished so badly that he would just leave. He felt like a dumped lover seeing their ex for the first time after the breakup, resisting the urge to check his hair and his clothes to see if he looked like he didn't give a fuck.

Because he didn't. Obviously.

Edward, thank goodness, didn't seem to be too receptive to the alpha's presence either, if the less-than-subtle glares he kept throwing the alpha's way were anything to go by. It made Oliver's chest warm.

The alpha nursed the same glass of scotch as the evening progressed, and was still there when the space slowly transformed into night-mode, the tables and chairs disappearing into the back to open up the dancefloor, and the DJ beginning to set up her booth. All this while, he said nothing, didn't even look Oliver's way, his eyes focused on the polished wood of the bar in front of him. The nonchalant and arrogant swagger he used to wear like a cologne was gone from his frame, his shoulders drooped like a man defeated.

Oliver felt a pang of worry, before he shoved it down, pulling up his anger and hurt instead. He needed to feel the pain if he was ever going to protect his heart.

Who even said the alpha was here for him anyway? Maybe he'd just missed the place and facing Oliver's wrath at his abrupt disappearance was worth having a ridiculous glass of scotch.

"I think that spot's clean."

Oliver clenched his jaw, rolling his eyes as he turned to face his brother. "Can. You. Stop. Doing. That."

Edward was smirking. He raised both his hands in surrender. "You were scrubbing really hard. Just thought I'd say something."

"Don't you have like...glasses to clean? Orders to fill?"

Edward laughed as he headed in the other direction of the bar, grinning cheerfully as he asked the betas coming up what they wanted to drink.

Oliver's eyes were automatically drawn back to Bill's direction, and his heart stopped beating when he found the other alpha already looking at him.

He tore his gaze away, trying not to pass out from how hard his pulse raced and his blood rushed. He resolutely did not look his way again all night.

When closing time drew close, Oliver couldn't help but notice when Bill slid out of his seat.

Fucking finally.



Oliver watched, eyes wide and lips parted, as Bill deliberately made his way around the bar and towards the door behind, where the stairs to their quarters where hidden.

Both brothers watched in shocked silence as he disappeared through them, not saying a thing.

Oliver started to shake.

"No," he growled. "No he fucking doesn't."

He ripped at his apron, fighting back the urge to let his fangs drop and his claws pop.

Edward blocked his path when he stomped towards the door.

"Hold up," he said. "Do you want me to kick him out? I'd rather not be pulling you off him, to be honest."

"I can control myself," Oliver lisped, growling again when the sound made him realise his fangs had dropped.

"Uh huh," Edward said, eyeing the fangs in question.

Oliver inhaled and exhaled shakily until he regained control of his shift.

"I need to be the one to tell him to fuck off."

"Maybe he's here to apologise?" Edward began feebly.

"He had all night – all fucking week – to apologise."

"Okay, okay, just – calm down, okay? Don't go ripping his head off. I'll close up to give you guys some privacy. You can't go killing people just when we're about to own the place, yeah?"

Edward grimaced as he said the words, but they were what made Oliver regain some sense of calm.

He took in deep breaths, and Edward only moved out of the way when it didn't seem like his brother was about to go on a rampage.

Oliver clenched his fists as he walked up the stairs, his heartbeat skipping again when he spotted the alpha standing by his room door, waiting. The déjà vu hit him like a freight train, the only difference being that Oliver wanted to punch him in the face instead of kiss him senseless.

Perhaps it was a bit of both.


He didn't acknowledge the alpha as he took out his keys and pushed his door open, entering the room.

He could barely get a word out when the other alpha was crashing into him and joining their lips almost desperately.

Oliver shoved him off. "What the fuck?"

Bill stared at him, eyes wide with something that made Oliver's heart throb. Why did he look like that? Was he okay? And why the fuck did Oliver care?

"You think after what you did last time you can just walk in here like nothing happened?"

The vulnerable expression disappeared from Bill's face, replaced by false bravado. He rolled his eyes and placed his hands on his hips, "It was just sex, don't get your panties twisted in a bunch."

Oliver's nostrils flared, and something in his chest squeezed so hard it sent the breath out of his lungs.

It hurt because it was true. It had been just sex.

Apparently not to Oliver.

"Get out."

The alpha's eyes widened a fraction, even as a smirk curled his lips. "Oh, you can't be serious."

"I said get the fuck out."

"Are you serious?" Bill asked again, with a vicious snort. "We literally fucked for like five minutes, why are you acting like I'm your bloody mate or something?"

Oliver growled, shoving past the alpha so he could open his door, and then he grabbed his arm and physically dragged him out, so furiously the alpha yelped, stumbling, falling onto the opposite wall on the corridor.

Oliver stomped back into his room, about to slam his door shut when Bill yelled.


It was the sound of it that made Oliver hesitate. And then fingers were suddenly clutching his arm tight, so tight it hurt and Oliver turned to glance at him.

All the bravado was gone, and Bill looked close to falling apart.

What the fuck?

"What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Bill looked away, breathing hard. He glanced back at Oliver.

"I'm sorry about the other night, okay?" Bill whispered. "I just – I wasn't – I couldn't –" and then he was shoving forward again, trying to join their lips.

Oliver pulled away on instinct. "Will you stop doing that?"

But Bill didn't stop, wrapping his arms around Oliver's neck and pulling him close so he could plant desperate kisses down the side of his throat and jaw, "Please, please, please –" he begged, over and over, and he was practically trembling, his voice raw and aching.

Something soft and desperate in him called out to Oliver like a siren song.

And Oliver was too weak to say no.

The kiss was soft at first, and then hard, demanding, almost punishing as Oliver unleashed all his frustration on him, biting at his mouth and gripping his hair in a fist so tight the other alpha hissed while simultaneously melting into his arms like a doll whose strings just got cut.

It was hot as fuck.

Oliver pulled them back into his room, kicking the door shut behind them. He tore his lips away to bite and suck bruises into Bill's throat, the other alpha keening at the action.

Oliver's nostrils flared. "You prepared yourself again."

The scent of shame mixed with arousal and pleasure, and Oliver hated the sour tang, gentling his touches as he pushed the alpha onto the bed.

There was something raw about Bill when Oliver took him in, the way he lay on the bed, staring up at him with wet eyes, breathing heavily. The scents were too much, too overwhelming to decipher – so intense it made Oliver's own eyes sting.

It got too much for Bill – even for Oliver – the alpha pulling him down so he could join their lips once more. He clawed at Oliver's back through his shirt with blunt nails, hooking his legs around his hips and dragging him down.

"Don't want to fucking think," Bill growled, "Just fuck me. Fucking knot me, Oliver."

"Gods," Oliver mewled, rolling his hips, gasping into the alpha's throat and using all his self-control to keep his knot from swelling right there. "At least you remember my name."

Bill managed a weak laugh. "I don't think I could ever forget."

Oliver tried not to let the words affect him. For all he knew, Bill would be gone when this was over.

The thought shouldn't have hurt that fucking much. Gods, Oliver was in too deep.

They exchanged biting kisses as they took each other's clothes off, both groaning when their naked bodies came in contact, finally.

Oliver slid a hand down, in-between Bill's legs, his cock jerking in anticipation before he'd even pressed his fingers against his entrance.

"Fuck," he whispered, biting his lip as his fingers just fucking sunk into silky slick tightness. He shifted his hips, groaning, desperate not to knot in two minutes like a teenage boy. Again.

Bill buried his face in Oliver's throat, and that same thread of vulnerability and some other raw emotion Oliver couldn't place bled into his voice and scent as he whispered, "Not wet enough."

"Fucking hell," Oliver groaned, gently thrusting his fingers. "That how you like it?" he asked softly. "You like it wet?"

The scent of Bill's arousal bloomed, along with the shame.

Oliver wanted to fucking murder whoever made Bill feel ashamed of wanting anything.

"Get on your hands and knees," he growled, reaching for the bedside drawer to pull out his lube.

Bill immediately complied, and Oliver squirted a generous amount onto his fingers, working it into Bill's hole.

"That how you like it?" Oliver repeated, his voice a low growl, thick with arousal. "Fucking dripping, huh?"

"Fuck," Bill moaned, arching his hips, pushing back against Oliver's fingers.

Oliver reached for more lube, fingering it into the other alpha and until he was stretched wide and actually dripping, the clear substance running down his thighs and onto the bed.

"Fuck me," Bill begged. "Oliver, fuck me. Please fuck me."

Oliver gripped his dick, trying not to come. He pulled his fingers out, panting harshly, curling into himself a little when he stroked some lube over his sensitive cock, biting his lip so hard he tasted blood when he shuffled forward and began to push in.

His cock sank in so easily, Bill's body swallowing him up to the root greedily.

He was fucking sweltering inside, so fucking wet Oliver felt like he was gonna lose his fucking mind. He pulled back a little, and then pushed back in, the copious amount of lube he'd used making a squelching sound as he did, so fucking filthy he couldn't help but pump his hips again.

"Fuck," he sobbed, eyes watering as his knot immediately began to swell. "Fucking hell." His toes curled, nails digging into Bill's hips as he tried to control the jagged rhythm of his thrusts. "Bloody fucking shit fuck."

"Fuck me," Bill growled. "Fucking fuck me, alpha."

It was the alpha that did it, and Oliver let go with a barely bitten back howl, driving into him so hard the headboard smacked against the wall. He wrapped a hand around Bill's throat on instinct, shoving his face down into the pillows, in the process lifting Bill's hips up even higher, like he was fucking presenting.

"FUCK!" Bill yelled, and he came on the spot, completely untouched, clenching up so hard around Oliver's cock his knot bloomed in two seconds flat, the pleasure so acute he nearly passed out.

He hunched over, lips parted on a silent howl as he came, so hard he felt it in the marrow of his bones. The thought that pinning him down like that was what had made Bill lose control made his knot throb, and he whimpered as he came again and again, his balls cramping up so hard they hurt as they emptied everything he had into the other alpha.

They collapsed onto the mattress when it was over, and Oliver used what little strength he had in his trembling limbs to adjust them into a more comfortable position on their sides.

Fuck, his balls hurt. He'd never come so hard in his life.

Bill's breaths were soft, and his scent – Goddess, his fucking scent

The alpha came back to earth after Oliver's knot went down, and he immediately stiffened.

Oliver stiffened as well, and then he pulled out with a wince, crossing his arms over his chest as if to protect his heart.

"Well, you know where the door is."

Bill curled in on himself, his scent going sharp with hurt. "Ouch. Guess I deserved that."

Oliver didn't respond. Bill didn't leave the bed.

Oliver began to grow anxious the longer they laid there, not saying anything.

Finally Bill spoke.

"I just – there's something about you. I just want – you make me feel –" that indecipherable scent was back, and Oliver glanced at him curiously.

Bill was backing him of course, so all he could see was his thick dark hair and broad shoulders. He had a brown birthmark on top of his right shoulder shaped like a heart. Oliver hated how much he loved it.

Bill turned to face him suddenly, nearly giving Oliver a heart attack.

His dark eyes seemed fathomless when he said, "I want you. We don't have to date or whatever. I just want to have sex. There's something – I'm – I can't seem to –" the scent of panic mixed with shame and fear filled the air between them, and Oliver pressed a finger against his lips.

"You want sex," he said, plainly.

Bill nodded.

"You can get sex anywhere."

Bill stiffened, and Oliver could practically see whatever walls he'd let down suddenly slam up. He made to get out of the bed, but Oliver stopped him.

"Why me? I need to know."

"I don't know, okay?" Bill snapped. "Because you're attractive? You're an alpha? I don't know, you just feel fucking safe, alright?"

Oliver's weak little heart might've swelled ten sizes.

"Then why did you –"

"I'd never felt like that," Bill interrupted. "I can't – that night fucking...broke something in me, and I couldn't – I just couldn't."

"Okay, okay," Oliver whispered soothingly when Bill's scent turned sour. "Come here," he said, pulling Bill back into his arms.

The other alpha came reluctantly, which made Oliver smile.

It suddenly didn't matter why Bill wanted him specifically. It might've been the fact that he was an alpha, it was already hard enough to find alphas who were attracted to other alphas, and Bill did have some kinks he seemed to be ashamed of.

Oliver didn't want him to be ashamed ever again.

Besides, he said Oliver made him feel safe, and the thought pulled at Oliver's heartstrings, instinct making him want to give Bill any and everything he asked.

"Okay," he repeated.

He just hoped this arrangement wouldn't end up with him with a broken heart.

A/N : Thank you so much for reading! :D

Just a little WARNING: there's going to be a lot of sex in this, because that's the only way Bill knows how to handle his identity issues. I'm sorry if that's not your cup of tea, but I just thought I'd warn you here, though this chapter should've essentially told you where the story was going.

Yes, a world of angst awaits. *rubs fingers with glee*

Thanks once more for reading! 

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