Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Never in his life did Oliver expect that he would be getting the kiss of his life when he walked out the back door of the bar to meet with his – no, the alpha. He expected a long talk, perhaps a punch to the face for being so forward, but a kiss? Not in a million years.

He tastes like mint and smoke, was Oliver's first thought before the shock at what was happening registered and he couldn't help but stiffen.

The other alpha noticed instantly and pulled away, his eyes wide with disbelief like he couldn't believe he'd just done that, his lips a little bruised from how hard he'd smashed their lips together.

Bill hadn't even realized when he'd grabbed fistfuls of the other alpha's thick red hair in his hands and felt his face burn hotly as he loosened his grip, throat suddenly going dry. "I –" he began nervously, but something in the other alpha's expression changed and the man was suddenly grabbing his face and crushing their lips together again.

Bill let out an embarrassing squeak, stumbling a little from the force of the kiss before returning his hands back into the other alpha's hair, sifting his fingers hungrily through the thick curls.

Goddess, his scent, he smelled like – like mangoes, the scent rich and thick, and Bill felt tears prick beneath his eyelids at the sudden nostalgia that swamped him. He grew even more aggressive with the kiss, not knowing what possessed him, just that he wanted – needed more. He bit at the alpha's lips just short of drawing blood, yanking at the wild curls of his hair before clawing his nails down the guy's back.

"Aw fuck," the red-head gasped against his lips, spine arching with pleasure, and to Bill's happy surprise, the alpha returned the favour, kissing him just as hard, biting his lips so hard he tasted a brief tang of blood, eyes watering at the sting as his body rapidly healed itself.

Oliver was running on pure adrenaline, and he sorely blamed it for what he did next. He grasped both of Bill's wrists in one of his hands, spinning them around and moving them, stumbling, still kissing wildly, until Bill was shoved up almost roughly against the wall of the club, his hands pinned above his head.

The way Bill reacted to the dominant action nearly drove Oliver crazy.

He keened in the back of his throat, his entire body writhing, hips rocking forward, one leg lifting up to wrap around Oliver's hip. "Oh god, yes, please –"

Oliver wanted desperately to know what he was begging so passionately for, but he wouldn't at that moment because the door to the smoking area came open, the sound of the club, which had been slightly muted because of the barrier, spilling out loud and harsh, plunging the two alphas right back into reality.

Bill shoved Oliver away at the shock of it, staring at him wide-eyed and almost terrified.

The beta that had interrupted them sing-songed, "Oopsies," and disappeared back into the club, the door shutting behind her.

Oliver licked his lips, eyes still half-lidded and body sluggish with arousal, but the sight of that pink tongue darting out to wet the alpha's lips seemed to pull Bill out of his own lustful trance.

He stumbled towards the entrance of the club like a frightened animal, eyes never leaving Oliver's, and Oliver could only watch helplessly as his crush practically ran away from him.


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