Chapter 1:RUN!

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Y/N walk through the forest with this large caterpillar on his arms.

Y/N continues to look around, aware and alert, he doesn't know where he is, he knows there's danger around.

The caterpillar creature his holding just relaxed on the echidna.

"now to think about it, i never seen a creature like you before, i mean I've seen some caterpillars but not large like yourself little one" said Y/N starring at the caterpillar, the creature look up at him for a bit before titled it's head to the side.

"i wonder where on mobius i am, and i need to know how to get back home especially i can't leave my responsibility" said Y/N worried about the Master Emerald being abandoned back home...

Now it start to made him worried, what if Rough got to the Angel Island and sees him nowhere but the Master Emerald? What if she decided to steal it? What if instead of her coming it's Eggman instead? What if-

"No Data Found"

Y/N stop at the sound of a robotic voice causing him to quickly turn and ready to attack holding the caterpillar close.

Only to see a human holding somekind of a gadget in his hand, the boy seems to be either 11-13, Y/N raised a brow but keep alert.

"no data? Must be a new pokemon then" said the human, Y/N raised a brow.

'pokemon? What in the name if chaos is that?' he thought but still alert.

The human pick something from his belt which cause Y/N to stay back, he start to have bad scenerios inside of his head only to get interupted when it showed to be a white and red ball with a black circle in the middle.

Y/N raised a brow in confusion observing what the human is going to do, whatever it is he'll smash it to pieces.

"Charmeleon, come out!" the boy yelled throwing the ball, Y/N watched and sees the ball opened he stand back when a blue light came out of it as it start to form a shape.

At first Y/N thought it's a robot but when the blue light fades a away his eyes slightly widen at the creature infront of him.

It kind of look like a lizard but more larger and taller, well nearly tall as he is, blue eyes and orange scales but Y/N is much concern about the fire on it's tail which made Y/N wince seeing it.

The creature let out a roar spitting fire high in the air before glarring at Y/N with smoke coming out of his nostrils.

Y/N look at the large orange lizard with a unimpressed look.

"Charmeleon, use Flamethrower!" the human commanded which the creature Y/N guessed named charmeleon obeyed opening it's mouth as fire came out of it heading towards Y/N.

Y/N quickly jump to dodge the attack, he put the caterpillar in his dreads, surprisingly the caterpillar fit inside of his dreads which he have no trouble to keep his little friend safe and protected.

'so this guy is same as Vector hm? Well then i won't have any troubles with them' he thought remembering the time him and Vector have a spar which the crocodile have also have the ability to spit fire from his mouth, he went to a fighting stance tightening his fists.

"use Fire Punch!" the human said another command as chameleon turn it's hand into fire which made Y/N suprised.

'nevermind this is more like Blaze than Vector' he thought, he sees the lizard  rush at him to hit him using Fire Punch.

But Y/N quickly counter it with his own punch hitting the lizard straight to the stomach, causing by his not so normal strength the lizard blast through the tree and even breaking it because of the impact resulting it to have swirling eyes and layed there.

The human have his eyes widen seeing how the echidna have much strength in him, possible to even surpass Machamp or Rillaboom.

When he turn to see the echidna he suddenly got blinded as Y/N immediately cover his eyes using the human's own hat to cover his eyes and use the human's head as a jump boost.

Landing swiftly on the ground and run off leaving the attackers there.

Y/N continues to run, he soon sees some buildings ahead.

The first thing that came straight to his mind is the Station Square, Where some mobians and humans live and the GUN main base.

He thought if he go there he might able to find anyone he recognize especially Shadow since his sometimes go there.

Oh how wrong he was...

'WHY WON'T THEY LEAVE ME ALONE?!' Y/N thought as he tight his grip on his green caterpillar friend, avoiding attacks that is straight at him, dodging and avoiding which he almost trip in the process.

Not to mention these same white and red balls the humans keep throwing at him and it annoys him too much.

Y/N quickly took a sharp turn, he knew he can't fight them all alone, his not stupid.

So the only thing he have right now is to run, even though he doesn't like it he have to not to mention he have a small friend with him, which Y/N doesn't like his small friend getting hurt.

Y/N quickly dodge a eletric attack as he keep looking, where ever he go more and more of these creatures attacks him, the humans would see him then they will let these things out from those balls and command somekind of a magic words to make them attack him.

Just where is he anyway?! Magic Land?

But right now he have to find a way to escape and think this later on.

Though an idea came into his mind, he have only one way to escape.

As the creatures going to attack him again Y/N quickly stop putting his small friend back to his dreads and immediately start digging through the cement of the road using his fists and spikes on his knuckles causing the creatures or in this world Pokémon to stop their attacks as the humans that manage to follow have their eyes widen seeing the red echidna escapes by digging straight to the hard cement leaving them there as silence came.


"it escape!"

"so it have Dig"

"maybe next time"

The humans all said their own comments with either disappointment or frustration.

But one thing for sure, Y/N is ganna be famous overnight.

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