Chapter 3:A Dream

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A Lucario stared on the horizon of fields, Pokémon...Humans...§nO!L9r0m...

All living in peace...the Lucario's ear twitch sensing someone coming over.

The Lucario look and sees a §nO!L9r0m walking over to him.

The Lucario smiled as he stand beside the Aura Pokémon...

His tail slightly swing left and right, his long dreads follow the wind flow as a small smile appear on his muzzle.

The Lucario smiled back at the $nO!L9r0m.

"it's peaceful...isn't it?" he asked the Aura Pokémon making the Lucario nodded in respond.

<indeed...> the Lucario said after wards, the Lucario sense his friend is in distressed.

<are you alright?> ask the Lucario, looking over with concern.

"...I've been wondering.." he said as the Lucario stared at him with slight confusion.

<and that is..?>he asked, his friend is still silent before opening his mouth to speak.

"if i dissapear...would you look for me..?" he asked, the Lucario didn't expect such a question making him look at his friend with shock.

">]<>^₱&!!! Don't say something like that!> the Lucario said punching his shoulder lightly earning a small chuckle from the other.

"alright, alright...i won't...but still I'm serious" he said, the Lucario look over at his friend seeing his amethyst eyes starring at his own scarlet eyes.

"...will you look for me..even at the next light?" he asked, the Lucario is silent...he isn't ready for talking about 'this' yet...but he knew what his answer is ganna be...



<...of course i do...>




A Lucario immediately shot awake from the sudden shout, he heard some chuckles making the Aura Pokémon to look over seeing his friend, Cinderace.

<ugh...what do you want?> asked Lucario not in a mood, especially he is rudely woken up.

<Goh and Ash already here! And they already fill up the bowls c'mon everyone is eating> said the fire type Pokémon, Lucario only letting out a sigh before nodding.

<yeah yeah, I'll be right there> he said waving his paw to signal him to go away.

<alright! We'll be waiting man!> said Cinderace as he walked off, Lucario roll his eyes and let out a sigh.

He tried to remember what he have dream about...he knew he sees something...not a Human...but not a Pokémon either....

It made Lucario feeling confuse about this kind of dream he have but he let it aside since again it's just a dream...

Dreams means nothing...right..?

Y/N is as always avoiding the Humans as much as he can, he set the Caterpie free in the wild since his true intentions is to put the fella somewhere where it can grow without Humans or these creatures called Pokémon invading it.

Right now his learning what world his in, his sitting in a tree branch observing the Humans and Pokémon.

It seems like the Humans are in a command, ordering the Pokémon to what they should do.

'isn't this slavery?' Y/N thought watching a Pokémon battle.

He look at the Pokémon that are fighting and sees them actually enjoying the battle.

'they seem to not mind at all...but still this looks slavery to me...' He thought, he look over at the other direction and saw Humans having their time spend with their Pokémon companions.

He also notices that these Humans are different than the Humans in his world, their energy are higher than the Humans in his world which is possible way to explain why they can survive the fire, electricity, ice, or any attacks the Pokémon uses, but his suprised when he learned that they can't use any powers like what the Pokémon does.

Y/N put a hand on his chin thinking.

' so I'm in a world where these types of Humans are superiors and these creatures that looks similar to Mobians but different and called Pokémon are like slaves but they enjoy it..some of them are getting treaten right...but i hate the fact they treat them as pets' Y/N thought angrily feeling disgust at the thought.

He have seen many small defenseless animals getting captured for robots and he freed so many that he lost count.

And some chaos for unexplainable reasons, these kinda angered Y/N.

He knows these Humans must have treating these Pokémon right but he hate the fact they think of them as pets and use them for fighting.

And even forcing them to fight until their unconscious?

'i meam c'mon! I'm suprised they didn't get a brain injury!' he thought with concern, he himself love every beings even if he doesn't show it.

He treat them as equals and love them and have no favorites even his friends...except for those villians of course they can die anytime, Y/N doesn't care.

Y/N crossed his arms decided to look for something else other than watching some battles and all.

His purple eyes scan the whole area, bisically all he sees are Humans and Pokémon doing bunch of things that some he didn't understand, but then again he doesn't like technology much and rather do the old fashion way.

He let out a small yawn, he really miss his island...

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