Chapter 6:Capture

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"Guys have you seen it?" Ash asked as Pikachu shake his head while Lucario continued to look around, he tried using his aura sense but he can't sense the green aura anymore, his far too gone.

Lucario let out a growl making Ash and Pikachu noticed.

"hey bud you alright?" Ash asked making Lucario to look at him as he nodded in respond.

Then he realized something..why is he suddenly so worried about the Pokémon he doesn't even know? Heck a new Pokémon that isn't been known.

He shake off this thought and tried to focuse on finding the Pokémon...he just can't sit still.

Y/N is now sitting on one of the branches of the tree with his arms behind his head and leaning against the tree.

He smiled in victory that he escape them, and now his just sitting there relaxing as usual.

Letting the peace continue, that is until he heard something making him open his eyes and look.

Just then a claw suddenly tried grabbing him but he immediately moved out of the way which he avoid the claw in time and glared at the direction on where it came from.

"danmit! It's too fast!" he heard a male voice nearby and look where it came from seeing only nothing but bushes.

"Shh! It can hear us!" he then heard a high pitch whisper which definitely doesn't sound human.

He blink and raised a brow in confusion, he huffed in annoyance as he jump down and run off.

"It's getting away!"

He heard a female voice this time but he rolled his eyes and continue to run off.

He guessed he needs to get out of here but he doesn't know this forest much, and plus he doesn't want to run into one of those guys again that is trying to hit him with those balls.

"Get back here! Hiyaah-!"

He heard the same inhuman voice and look at the source of it and seeing

It looks like a mobian cat but...small and...looks different.

He sees the claws of him are glowing which means it isn't good as he avoid it in time.

" Get the taste of my Fury Swipes!" he yelled again using Fury Swipes but Y/N dodges them with ease, it's like dodging Shadow's punches but his attacks are very fast than this cat. Actually that might sound like an insult to Shadow if he compared him to this weird cat.

He grabbed one of the cat's arm which suprised him and throw him over his shoulder which the cat yelp and hit the tree.

He can see the swirling eyes of the cat as he fall down first face to the ground.

He huffed in annoyance again as he was about to walk off until a net suddenly swoops him up in the branch making caught off guard.

"Wouaah!" he said in suprised as he blink seeing himself stuck in the net trap.

"Yes! We got it!" he heard the same female voice and look over seeing a female human and a male human wearing a identical clothing but different a bit from eachother.

He seems to be weirded out on the female human's hairstyle and wondered how's that possible.

" We caught the strange and rare Pokémon!" the male said in joy as the cat groaned standing up and rubbing his head.

"Hey! I help too you know!" he said in irritation as the female rolled her eyes.

"Oh yes yes you did but I did most of the work." she said with pride as they both look at her with a look.

"I'm the one who set the trap..." The male said as Y/N blink still not knowing what's going on.

'...Okay this is just ridiculous...' He thought as he tried moving around the net to get out, then suddenly a sharp electricity hit him causing him to hissed in pain.

This seems to caught the trio's attention as the women grinned mischievously.

"Oh, don't move too much or you'll get electrocuted!" she said with a smile of mischief.

Y/N only growled, for some reason this human reminds him of Rough and he doesn't like it.

He keeps moving more but everytime he does the electricity shot through him every second and it gets painful everytime as well making him gritting his teeth in pain.

"This Pokémon is sure stubborn!" the cat said as Y/N death glared the cat.

'I'm not a Pokémon!' Y/N thought, even if he can speak he doesn't want to. Because he knew it would only cause trouble.

Because so far he learned that creatures that aren't humans cannot speak, so if he speak it would cause a huge trouble for him.

He doesn't know how this cat can communicate with the two but his not ganna risk it.

"Who cares, Boss would finally reward us if we bring him this new Pokémon!" The Female said and Y/N swears he can see the greed in them.

Y/N look at them in disgust.

As he moved again feeling that same electricity but this time in higher bolt causing him to hissed in pain as his body shakes a bit, he shake his head and grabbed the net and tried tearing it apa-


He stopped hearing that voice and look over.

Y/N blink in suprised seeing who it was.

It's those weirdos again...



I noticed that people seems to like this book and wanting to continue it. So since I reached 100 followers this will be my gift for you all!


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