Factory Reset 💉💊

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(CW: Major self harm, suicide; the factory reset and panic attacks)

(I'm gonna do a continuation of this in my SMELBHSF oneshot book; not sure when though, but it'll happen)

Everything felt fuzzy. Felt heavy. Like something was pressing on his chest and refusing to leave. He started to panic and scratched at his chest; trying to get whatever it was off of him. They then felt hands all across their body, like they were preventing them from getting the weight off. They panicked even more; this time tears falls down there face and choked out sobs escaped their throat.

They started to fail and kick and scream. The hands gripping tighter and grasp at their neck.

"Stop it. Stop it. Stop it!!"

Eclipse gasped awake and sat straight up in their bed, panting with streaks of tears staining their faceplate. They panted that slowly became slow and deep breaths. Eclipse then sighed, bringing his knees up and placing his top set of arms to rest on his knees. That was the sixth week in a row with the same non-stop nightmare and he was getting exhausted; it was showing quite well, with his eyes having a dull look to them and actually managing to have eye bags underneath. Eclipse's movements were slow and his reaction times have been halted and everyone started to take notice.

His siblings took great notice; including his father; KillCode, they were starting to worry. Solar Flare managed to run a quick diagnostic scan and found out that Eclipse has not had any peaceful nights. Solar Flare reported it to KillCode, letting him know of Eclipse's state. Eclipse knew. They always knew.

"Let us help you."

"You're exhausted. Please rest up."

"We know about the nightmares. We can help you get rid of them."

Why was it so hard to accept any help? Eclipse knew why. Guilt and regret. The chaos and havoc that he causes towards Sun, Moon and Lunar weighed them down. Sure, they made amends with the trio, but the everlasting guilt and regret was taking a toll on them. That's a mostly likely reason of the everlasting nightmares; probably thinking that they deserve it.

The restless nights. No sleep. Everlasting nightmares. Long lasting guilt and regret. More tears ran down their face. Eclipse rubbed their faceplate and got up from bed, walking out of his bedroom and into the family room of the bunker. Eclipse walked towards the counter and placed all four of his hands on the counter and leaned forward against the counter. He gripped the surface; anger and frustration building up, looking up at the knife holder.

He grabbed the knife and gripped it in his left hand.

When did they grab it? The blade looked shiny. Eclipse thought for a moment.

"Maybe one cut wouldn't hurt." Eclipse said.

The oil was everywhere. Arms littered with scars. Some deep and some at a surface level. The oil dripped onto the counter and floor. The pain felt nice.

Eclipse set the knife down, their hands shaking and stepped back from the counter and let the tears fall again. They made their way to the couch and laid on it, curling up in on themselves; soft, quiet sobs escaped their throat. Eclipse gripped their throat and started to squeeze. He tighten his grip.

And tighter.

And tighter.

And tighter.

Errors and warning signs flashed across his vision, and he let go. Taking in a deep inhale, grabbing a throw pillow and coughing into it; muffling his sounds. Once he was done, he let the pillow fall to the ground and laid there. Arms draping over the couch. Everything hurt. Everything was so tiring.

Eclipse exhaled slowly and thought for a minute and wondered... What if he just did a factory reset? Would everything feel better? Would everything stop? He could try.

But, his family.... Maybe it would be better. So why not?

So... Eclipse had factory reset.

Morning came, and the twins were giddy like always, ready to get their day started. When they left their bedroom, the first thing they witnessed was oil staining the counter and floor. Bloodmoon looked up and saw Eclipse; still in a tank top and shorts, looking confused but in awe.

"Eclipse! What the hell?!" Bloodmoon shouted, startling the other.

Eclipse turned around, and the twins stopped dead in their tracks once they saw Eclipse's arms filled with scars. Eclipse tilted their head and waved awkwardly.

"Hello... Who are you two?" Eclipse asked, hands clasped in front of them.

"Wh-... What do you mean? You know who we are! Stop playing games! Why is there oil everywhere? And why are your arms filled with scars?!" Bloodmoon shouted, walking up to the still confused robot.

"Bloody..." Harvest said, getting their twins' attention.

"Can't you see? Eclipse did it to themselves." Harvest said, staring at Eclipse.

"What? Why?" Bloodmoon whipped his head towards Eclipse.

"I'm not sure. I woke up like this. Also, I still don't know who you are. And, where even are we?" Eclipse asked.

"Something's wrong." Harvest muttered.

KillCode looked over Eclipse, who was currently getting his arms wrapped up by Solar Flare. KillCode scanned Eclipse's systems and froze. The terrified look on his face was enough warrant reactions.

"What? What's wrong? Is Eclipse alright?" Harvest asked.

Everyone stared at KillCode. Waiting.

"Factory reset." were the only words that left KC's mouth.


Bloodmoon and Harvest came closer; panicked and terrified looks across their faces, KC's was sadden and heartbroken, Solar Flare was startled and guilt across their face and lastly; Eclipse who had a defeated look spread on his face.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I don't remember doing any sort of factory resets. I just woke up on your couch and... Well, those two found me." Eclipse said, pointing at the twins.

KC looked at his child. His child who forced a reset of himself. KC sat next to him and hugged Eclipse. Eclipse; though not sure; hugged back, soon feeling the other three join in.

KC would find a way to bring Eclipse back.

He'll find a way.

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