Never Admit

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These are all the things that Eclipse is tired of constantly. Eclipse is exhausted to the point where they don't even care if the star kills them at this point; Eclipse is just so tired at this point; mentally, physically, and emotionally. Everything that Sun said, everything that Moon said, everything that Solar Flare said... it hurt. But Eclipse wouldn't admit it; he will never admit it. No one would care to hear his cries, or pleads, or his begging, or forgiveness... that that hurt... a lot.

That was probably probably one of the reasons why he wouldn't care if he died. Maybe that was one of the reasons he was suicidal; yet he refused to show the signs. At least... not in front of anyone. Sure, he'll admit that he's tired, but most will assume that he overworked himself, and that's why he's tired.

But that wasn't the case. Eclipse was abandoned by Moon, neglected by Killcode, forgotten by Lunar, and abused by Bloodmoon. Eclipse never felt anything positive, and even if they did, it was always pushed back as Eclipse believed that they weren't supposed to be feeling such thoughts and emotions. As the original killcode; though a small fragment and line of the code, Eclipse never knew anything but negativity. Only having harsh and brash feelings pushed onto them while they were in Sun's, Moon's, and Bloodmoon's head. And those were one of the contributing factors of why Eclipse was neglecting themselves.

So, why can't they kill Sun and Moon? Maybe Solar Flare was right... maybe Eclipse is just as connected to Sun and Moon as they are to Eclipse... a very strong connection. Eclipse didn't know what to believe anymore. They didn't know what to do or say.... or anything.





Eclipse cried softly as he backed himself in the corner of his lab; knees pulled up to his chest and arms around his legs. Eclipse then buried their faceplate in the legs as their body wracked with sobs, along with pain and sorrow. Eclipse didn't want to be here anymore.

Eclipse wished the star would kill them already.

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