.1. Lost in Paradise

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Getting in her chamber? Capsule? Squishy Coffin? whatever the others call it, though Elowyn personally prefers the last one, she let her lid close, feeling her body relax into the silicone bed. She could feel her conscious fighting, digging it's way out of her mind, traveling from her human body to her avatar.

Standing up, her tail swishing from the breeze with her ears twitching at the sudden wave like crash of noise that was trying to pull her to the bottom of the sea and drown her.

Putting on her camouflage outfit, she followed the rest of the team, Makaria; her best friend, came to walk beside her. Makaria was definitely beautiful in both her human form and her avatar, but her avatar had a certain glow of elegance that surrounded her.

Makaria's hair was shorter than Elowyn's, hers stopping at her mid back while Elowyn's came down to her mid thigh, and she had layered bangs that split in the middle and came to frame her face. Her nose was wider than Elowyn's with lips that had an automatic upward quirk, but their eyes looked almost identical.

Pandora had to be the most enchanting place Elowyn had ever had the gift of seeing, leaning out the side of the plane, behind her brother she watched in pure unfiltered awe as they flew around what looked like 'The home Tree' and over the rushing waterfall.

"WOOOOOO!" a joyous voice came from in front of her, Elowyn, her ears folding back as she slapped Jake's shoulder for yelling right in her ear.

"Sorry." He apologized, but Elowyn knew her brother didn't really mean his apology. Cutting down through the tree line, the helicopter came to a landing, making animals rush away from the loud machine. Elowyn's heart clenched at the animals running figures, she felt bad; scaring the poor creatures away.

Jake jumped out, before he Helicopter even fully landed, Elowyn and Makaria following after, Elowyn would be damned to the lowest pit of hell before she let her brother get himself killed out here for doing something stupid. Jake swirled around, a gun that Elowyn didn't know the make or model of, resting on his shoulder as the group followed after.

"Shut it down, we're gonna stay a while." Grace said to the pilot woman, Elowyn hadn't caught the name of, the sound of the helicopter blades slowed, making the sound of it slicing through the air much more audible.

"Norm! Your pack." Grace reminded Norm, causing him to run back to grab it, Elowyn was there as a healer mostly, being professionally trained in medical aid.

"Stay with the ship, One idiot with a gun is enough." Grace could be heard as Elowyn followed after her brother, Makaria hanging back waiting for Norm. Jake was taking charge as the 'leader' of the group, for some idiotic reason that was sure to lead to trouble.

Making her way behind her brother into the woods, Elowyn was quickly swept away in the sound of birds singing, and the plants moving with each step they took.

'Why did they trust Jake with a gun again?' Elowyn thought to herself, but knew the answer anyway, Jake was an ex-Marine.

Elowyn's tail flicked back and forth, the uncharted territory making her anxiety sky rocket, a distant yowling noise could be heard, making her guard go up so high it put any heaven like oasis to shame.

Birds flew by Cooing, making Elowyn spin to face them, putting her body in front of Makaria's out of reflex. Her brother facing the gun at the birds, ready to shoot the firearm if needed.

What Elowyn could only connect to look like a Monkey started swinging from a tree branch, it was beautiful shades of green and turquoise, hanging with four arms, two toes on each hand; though she thought they looked more like bird talons than they did toes.

The monkey creature had the cutest little round ears, and big orange eyes, staring at them as they continued through the jungle. "Prolemuris. They're not aggressive." Grace informed, causing Jake to lower his gun, one of the creature cautiously coming down the tree to Elowyn's right.

Elowyn held out her hand, knowing most animals need to smell of you, and get used to your scent. The Prolemuris sniffed of her hand before looking at her, joining the others as they retreated to who knows where.

"Relax, Marine.You're making me nervous." Grace pushed the gun Jake was holding out of her way, Elowyn softly tapping her brothers shoulder as she passed; something they had done when they were younger to alert the other of their presence.

They came to an area that had an ethereal vibe to it, lush green covering every surface with two large trees on each side of the pathway, on of the roots from the right three crossing over the top of them in a way that made it look like the group was crossing through a doorway, or a portal.

"So, how will they know we're here?" The question had come from Norm, who Elowyn was not paying attention to at the moment, her mind trying to process that all of this was real with this her guard subconsciously lowered.

"I'm sure they're watching us right now." That caught Elowyn's attention, causing her to snap out of her enchanted state of mind, the walls around her mind and heart shooting back up.

A sound, much like music, floated through the air, Elowyn's head seemed to snap in the direction she heard it coming from but no one else seemed to hear the hauntingly beautiful tune.

"You okay?" It was Makaria, seeing her friends state she was clearly worried and confused about the look of alert on Elowyn's face.

"Yeah.." She trailed, her eyes subconsciously ghosting back to where she thought the sound came from "Yeah, I just thought I heard something." She finished her sentence walking around Makaria, who sent her an unsure glance, as they went back to the group.

"Keep up guys." Grace called, Makaria and Elowyn catching up rather quickly. Elowyn making her way back up front, to keep an eye on her brother, while Makaria stayed back with Norm.

They came to a clearing, where Norm, Makaria, and Grace when to do their science stuff, Elowyn wasn't going to lie she did not understand what they were talking about half of the time but she was a happy listener.

Jake stood off to the side, Seemingly impatient while waiting for the three, his sister thumping his shoulder "sigh louder, bonehead." Elowyn's remark was filled with sass, as she was mindlessly trying to listen to the sound of the forest and her brother kept making noises that caused her to be distracted.

Jake began walking away from the three, Elowyn pushed off her place against the tree, following after Jake, knowing that he was going to do something stupid with his boredom. Following him through the tree's, and what looked like a small pathway, they came to a crossing of sorts filled with swirling flowers.

Jake, being an idiot, reached out and tapped the flower, causing it to retract and shrink down into a smaller planted being. Elowyn stood off to the side, looking at the plant in all its beauty. There were rain droplet's in what looked to be the petals, causing it to glisten in streams of sunlight. If she looked close the flower was actually transparent, being able to see through it.

Jake went deeper into the flowers, touching more causing them to retract. "Jake, Leave the beautiful plants alone." Elowyn said, being waved off by her amused brother, who was acting like a child just introduced to flowers for the first time. Granted these were alien flowers, but flowers all the same.

She watched her brother flinch back with a small laugh as the flower retreated, him going through and touching every flower he could get his hands on. 'This idiot is gonna get himself killed.' Elowyn thought, following Jake as he continued to play with the flower like plants.

After touching a plant, all of them began to retract around them 'great, this is going to lead to the thing that's going to kill us.' She sneered in her mind, but honestly she was a little envious of her brother for being able to act childish and not feel like he is committing a crime.

The creature roared as Elowyn nodded in a 'called it' manner, Jake pushed Elowyn behind him as he aimed his gun at the creature. It was nice that he was trying to protect her, and it was something she was thankful for, but she feels like she should be protecting him.

"Don't shoot, Don't shoot, You'll piss it off." Grace, Norm, and Makaria hurried their way over, but still kept out of sight of the creature.

"It's already pissed off." Jake responded, as the creature that looked like a cross between a hammerhead shark and a rhino roared again, knocking things out of its way.

"Jake, that armor is too thick. Trust me." Jake aimed the gun up, Elowyn's ears folding back at the loud noise of the creature knocking down two smaller trees.

'What did those trees do to you?' She thought, watching over Jake's shoulder, the creature now drawing its foot across the ground. Obviously the creature it territorial based of how it is acting to their presence.

"Its a territorial threat display," Grace started, like Elowyn hadn't figured that out already based of its way of acting. "Do not run, or he'll charge." Grace finished, the creature was clearly angry and more than ready to get into a fight.

"So, what do we do, Dance with it?" He asked sarcastically, Elowyn hitting him on the back of the head, now was not the time for him to be doing that.

"Just hold your ground." Grace said, Norm and Makaria looked to be the most worried, Norms eyes wide with fear as he watched the scene. The creature started charging at them, and of course, Jake did something stupid. He ran forward, meeting the creature in the middle for a screaming match it looked like.

Jake let out a nervous laugh before he began taunting the creature, Elowyn was fiddling with her sleeve out of nerves. If the creature suddenly got scared after all of that, it means that something even worse had appeared, but what?

A deep and slow growling sound came from behind Elowyn 'Like that.' Elowyn thought as she turned to look at it, her tail coming to wrap around her waist, she softly tapped Jake's shoulder. She had to admit, in a twisted way she thought the creature was pretty, flower petal like things rose from its head, it seemingly had a beak that split down the middle with claw like fangs for teeth.

Jake turned at his sisters tapping, his cocky smirk dropping as his eyes came to rest on the figure looming over them. The creature roared, jumping over them and going into a face off with the others. Did they land in a turf war zone?

"What about this one? Run, don't run, what?" Jake asked but Grace never got to answer as Elowyn grabbed his arm.

"Run!" She said, pulling him while running, the two jumped up, through the roots of a tree causing the creature to get stuck in the crossing paths. The two kept running, the creature getting free and running along beside them.

"This is why I come with you, cause you always get us into trouble!" She scolded as they ran through a small bamboo, jumping over logs with the creature running after them. Elowyn took a sharp turn, Jake following, the creature went right into a small bamboo tree as they continued to escape.

The two quickly ducked under a tree, not paying kind to the creature that broke through it the two siblings going into a baseball slide, hiding in the roots of a tree. The creature viciously clawed and bit at the roots, desperately trying to get too them.

Jake began firing his gun, causing Elowyn's ears to go back, sure the creature is trying to kill them but to be fair they did cross into its territory, it was just protecting its home. The creature snatched the gun from Jake.

The creature threw the gun and broke into the roots of the tree, now thoroughly pissed after Jake's action. The two siblings yet again took off running crawl-sprinting from under the roots and out into the open, it roared, running after them as they ran deeper into the forest.

The creature leaped, grabbing Jake by his backpack and slinging him around. Elowyn weighed her options, she could wait, risk attacking it to let Jake go and die in the process, or leave Jake to fend for himself.

She curses herself for having to be a good sibling, grabbing a knife from her shoe. She flipped the knife open the threw it, aiming perfectly to hit the creature in its eye, managing to let Jake escape its hold, leaving his pack. The siblings ran again, thank goodness Elowyn is overly paranoid and carries some kind of weapon with her always.

Dodging through the plants Elowyn continue running, her brother right behind her with the creature quite literally right on his tail. Taking a deep breath Elowyn pushed her body to pick up speed, sprinting to the edge of the clif and diving off off it, into the rushing water below with Jake following suit.

The current of the water was very strong, Elowyn and Jake fighting against it to break through the top of the water. "That was fun, let's not do it again, yeah." Elowyn said, breathless The two swam in the water, ignoring the roars of an angry creature as the reached more roots of a tree.

They looked up at the creature, it was clearly scared of making that leap. So, there they were, in a jungle on a planet they knew almost nothing about, completely lost.

PADDIE NOTES: Thoughts on the first chapter?

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