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A short and simple statement can sum up our school spelling bee: there is no such thing as friendly competition. Yep. Three spots, twelve spellers... nothing friendly.

"I'd like to welcome all the parents, students, and teachers to our first of annual school spelling bee." Principal Spicer announces. He steps to the side of the stage and let's the audience applaud.

Our chairs on stage are alphabetical, so I'm sandwiched between Allie, and a sixth grader scrawny sixth grader by the name of Derrick Dominic. The nerves...? Well, if I don't think about them maybe they'll go away.

Our principal clears his throat into the microphone to grab the attention. "Sooo... let's start the first round. If a speller misspells a word, they will be eliminated. We will go until there's only three spellers left. They'll then compete for bronze, silver, and gold medals. All three will move on to the district spelling bee. Now, good luck to our students. May the best speller win!"

After his speedy introduction, he picks up a clipboard and exists the stage.

Allie's first. She carefully walks up to the microphone. "The word is pneumonic." Principal Spicer begins.

"Pneumonic, P-N-E-U-M-O-N-I-C, pneumonic."

"That's correct."

Allie grins and takes her seat. I catch her hold her stomach, a subtle reminder that while medication helps, it doesn't cure.

I try to step out of my mind as I take center stage. "The next word is sensationally."

I take a deep breath. "Sensationally, S-E-N-" I catch my mom's eye. She's smiling at me. I don't have the mind to think about anything but the word sensationally right now.

I sigh, "May I start again?" Principal Spicer nods.

"S-E-N-S-A-T-I-O-N-A-L-L-Y, sensationally."

"That is correct."

With relief, I take my seat. But just as soon, my mind is flooded with worry signs about what my next word will be.

Round two begins. The contestants have dwindled from 16 to 10. All of the sixth graders were eliminated and one eighth grader. The competition gets harder.

"Yes, the first word of this round will be Appalachian."

Allie doesn't miss a beat. "Appalachian, A-P-P-A-L-A-C-H-I-A-N, Appalachian."

"Correct, again."

My legs are heavy as they carry me to the microphone.

"Spell the word Sentimentality."

I don't look to the audience this time, I just look at Spicer. He smiles and motions for me to spell the word.

"Sentimentality." The word sound like it'd be spelt simply. So that's how I decide to spell it. "S-E-N-T-I-M-E-N-T-A-L-I-T-Y, sentimentality."


By the closure of the second round, only the five strongest competitors remained.

Me and Allie were the only seventh graders. The rest were eighth graders I didn't know the names of.

"Allison," the principal declared, "Please spell the word Fahrenheit."

Again, she zooms through the word. "F-A-H-R-E-N-H-E-I-T, Fahrenheit."


My turn. I think this could be the end. My principal eyes me with encouragement. "The word is Machiavellian."

I almost gasp at the word. My favorite band's newest album was entitled Machiavellian. If it weren't for the fact I looked at the word almost everyday, I'm certain I would have missed it. But it's a good thing that wasn't the case.

"Machiavellian, M-A-C-H-I-A-V-E-L-L-I-A-N, Machiavellian."


I look over at my twin sister when I retake my seat, for the first time in the whole competition. "You're really good."

She glances back at me. "You too. Were you having doubts?"

I crease my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

She sighs, "Never mind."


Allie and I both snap our attention back to the stage, where one of the unknown named eight graders misspelt his word. He stuffs his hands in the pockets of his jeans, and acts like he's okay with it. But as he walks off the stage, I can see tears welling up in his eyes.

I watch more closely, knowing that if one of the next two kids spells their word wrong, the final three will consist of me, Allie, and some other girl.

A tall girl approaches the microphone. Her word is Sisyphean. "S-I-S-I-P-H-E-A-N?"

"That's incorrect."

I almost jump out of my chair. I'm in the top three! I'm going to the next spelling bee!

I feel Allie's hand on mine.  "One point for the Spelling Sisters, right?"

I freeze and look at Allie. "Yep. Now, don't get any ideas, 'cause I'm winning first."

She smirks. "Ha! You wish."


Mr. Spicer announces the top three, and Allie, Cleo (I learned that's her name), and I approach the microphone. I try to tell myself that this part doesn't matter. 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, I've done awesome and will move on to the next round. Yet, my nerves are as constant as ever, and my stomach is doing flips.

"Allison, spell Frivolous."

Allie hesitates for just a second. "Eh," her voice is dry, followed by a cough, "could you repeat the word...?"

"Sure, frivolous."

She bites her lip, "Frivolous, F-R-I-V-O-L-L-O-U-S, frivollous?"

It sounds right to me. However, our principal shakes his head. "Well, no. I'm sorry but that's incorrect."

Allie's face drops a little in disappointment. "But... congratulations to Allison Cooper, our third place winner. She will be moving on to represent our school in the District Bee next week." The audience applauds as Allie's medal is strung over her neck. Even Cleo and I let out a small burst of claps.

I take the mic next.

"Laura, your word is Pterodactyl."

My mind travels back to the dinosaur book I read a month or so ago. It had a silent letter at the start... a P.

"Pterodactyl, uh, P-T-E-R-" I pause and think for a second, "O-D-A-C-T-Y-L, pterodactyl."

Principal Spicer nods in, I think, astonishment. "Wow, that's correct."

Cleo takes the mic from me. Principal Spicer continues, "Please spell invertébré."

She widens her eyes. "Wow... um... I-N-V-E-R-T-U-B-R-A-Y?" She cringes, realizing she isn't right. Our principal is quick to say, "Incorrect.

He picks up a gold medal off the table. Is that for me?

He climbs onto the stage and hoists my hand in the air. "Miss Laura Cooper is the first Dixon Elementary School Spelling Bee Champion!!!" He places the medal over my head. "Amazing job! You also will be representing our school at the next level of competition!"

I feel my smile, and it's bigger than I think any smile I've worn before now. I look to the audience, my mom's clapping, Hailey and Cynthia are whooping, and I even see Allie give me a thumbs-up.

The English wiz strikes again.

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