Chapter 6: Diamond Heart

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TW: Mentions of molestation or r@pe


" Master, why did go against your father, just because he asked you to marry-", sounds of slippers echo within the walls of the infamous Meldrop kingdom. As Mrs. Clara's desperate brown eyes follow her young Master--Adien--as they both exist the room of the king. She scrambles towards him, as Adien ignores her, walking briskly towards his room. 

After hearing her, Adien stops, making his buttress to stumble onto his back. 

" My sexual abuser of 6 years.", he completes her sentence in a nonchalant voice. He clenches his fist, trying his best to not break down infront his buttress. 

He was the future king, he had to stay strong.

Both mentally, emotionally and physically. 

Not matter what.

People were looking up to him, he could not let them down now. 

Not now, not ever. 

Not when he is this close, to kick that old man out of his throne. 

Mrs. Clara's eyes widen in shock, as she places a hand onto her mouth. 

" Follow me. We will talk about this in my chambers.", he gestures her to follow, she does so. 

Not able to believe that her young master was molested. 

At the fragile age of 14. 


" The Queen of Elisora, Octavia Blythe Westwood, used to make frequent visits to our kingdom when I was in my younger years. Due to her frequent visits our kingdom made usefull alliances with them. They got easy access to Azure and Arcadia oceans, in turn, they gave constant supply of valuable gemstones. Alas, behind the curtains and thick walls. She m-molested me. She used to t-touch me, muffling my screams of help, by her mouth. I-I was 14, I was trained by the best scholars and worriers but s-she was like a m-monster. She always over powered me, I-I could not do a single thing, to stop her. I-I was so w-weak", a pair of slender but strong arms engulf Adien's broad frame, as Mrs. Clara embraces her young master. Adien tenses, bewildered to such a sudden display of affection. 

His first impulse was to retaliate and attack the stranger.

But the scent of lavender engulfs his nostrils, as he realises...he was safe. 

In the arms of his first friend. 

He sighs is relief and embraces his buttress back. 

It might seem quite strange that a royalty is embracing a mere peasant. 

But apart from being a buttress she was his friend first. 

She embraces him deeper, trying mend the broken pieces of her master's heart back, again.

When, Clara had first arrived as his buttress, all she saw was a boy with a stotic facade and shattered heart.

She could not just turn a blind eye, she tried to reach out to the frightend boy hiding behind those walls. At first, her young master retaliated. 

But she never gave up, she reached out and pulled out him out from the walls isolating him.

Slowly, and steadily she weaved back his heart all over again, with gentle words and touches as the needle and thread. Alas, due to the conversion earlier, those stitches were toren apart, almost completely 

It rose up those memories that were best forgotten. 

" Don't ever think you are weak, master. You are the strongest boy I have known. You fought so hard, even when there was no one by your side. Like a true king.", she whispers in a feeble voice onto his ear, and kiss his forehead in the end. She steps back and stops embracing him. 

Adien's eyes were filled with tears, not of sadness. 

But happiness.

He felt relieved to know that atleast someone was by his side, in this hell.

The buttress grabs him by his chin, and looks at him with determined eyes.

" You think you are weak? That is funny. Because when you were given thousand whips as a punishment by the king, you never uttered a single sound and you were just ten. You fought three wars, came full of injures and yet you never cried due to pain. You always had determination and courage visible in your eyes. Even when you were being molested, you took it without a single sound of pain, right? Because you are strong my boy, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Always have and always will be. Because..", she places a delicate hand onto his chest, on top his heart. " ...this heart is made out of diamond. The rarest  strongest in the whole land. Which out shines all, by his actions and words.", she completes with a smile. She gently removes her hand and places onto her sides. 

Adien, who was speechless the whole time, felt touched. 

He felt a new emotions filling up his heart. 

" My boy, go and prove to that tyrant, by your actions  that he messed up with the wrong boy. Because actions always speak louder than words." 

Ones that he haven't felt in a long time. 

Comfort, happiness and last but not the least. 

 Pure Fury. For his one and only old man.


"You majesty, we have ordered 10 tons of maize, oil and wheat supply form the kingdom of Findara and. They are to arrive on Saturn's day. During the Saturnalia festival. Additionally, we have send a word to the kingdom of Meldrop Kingdom that we are going to remain neutral in the upcoming battle, as not cause any distruptions in our trade routes. ", the emissary reports to Felix, as he tries to balance the seemingly unlimited amount of scrolls and books in his slender arms. He fixes his crooked spectacles and smiles nervously to the young prince, terrified of his life. 

" Please, Elips, do not fear me...", Felix takes a step closer to Elips, he playfully grins as he places a hand onto his shoulder and looks down at him, his azure eyes glimming with mischief. " I scare you, my emissary?". He inquiries, his tone teasing. 

" N-No, of course not, my prince.", the emissary---Elips--gulps and shakes his head. 

"Hm, such a shame really.....", a hand gently crasses his cheek as Felix playfully pouts. Elips was seconds before of finally loosing his shit. 

" My dear, I do not think now is the time this.", came a monotone voice of his fiancé, Clarissa, she eyes Felix with a blank face, done with his shit. 

" Ah, yes. Go on, Elly complete your report.", he takes his hand off him. His emissary visibly relaxing. 

Don't get him wrong, he just loves to play with his assistants. There personalities always end up bringing up his playful side. 

" Ah, yes. Well, we are even building more stronger relationship with the Queendom of Elisora by increasing our supply of magical portions and gemstones. In turn they are willing to sign a peace treaty with us on the day after tomorrow. All thanks to your sire.", he bows in the end.

" I know."

Clarissa nudges him, glaring at him. Telling him to put on his "princey act." 

" I-I mean, it was nothing. I was just doing my duties as the future king.", he coughs and blushes due to embarrassment.

" Likewise." 

" But we still have another task to fulfill.", determination fills Felix's azure eyes.

" Which would be?...", Clarissa asks.

" To ensure peace in Meldrop Kingdom."

" And how are we going to do that?"

A cherishe grin appears onto Felix's lips. 


"Your majesty, your majesty!"

" What is it?"

" W-We have a proposal by the kingdom of Acnestis."

" What is it?"

" About Aegaeon Reef, sire."


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