The Ed-Touchables

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Hi my name is Bianca Villanueva. I came from United States Germantown. You see I have sisters and parents in Germantown. I had a good life until a pink fallen star had hit me. This made me a magical cure Guardian meaning I fight evil and save my home.

But I decided to move to a new hometown. So Peach Creek was my option. I packed my stuff and told my family about me moving. They understand and said bye to me as I moved to my new home.

It took about 3 to 8 hours to arrive since I slept during the long road in a transport. I searched for a house available in Peach Creek and good thing there is one so I accept it.. Finally I see Peach Creek.

It was really a nice urban town and it was a culdesac. Then I got off the transport bus to see my new house.

It was purple and the stairway was pink. I told the room decorator to surprise me to see the inside. I opened my house door to see my new indoor room amazing.


Living Room:

Dining room:

I head upstairs to see the bathroom:

I then head into my bedroom:

I was starting to love it. My belly starts to rumble which means I'm hungry so I went to the kitchen to take myself out a bag of Doritos from the cabinet.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and I brought my chips to see who it was. I opened the door to see a boy smaller than me. He wore a yellow shirt with purple hemming and a red vertical stripe. He also wore red shoes and pants with a key chain attached to his pocket. But about him made me blush a bit.

"Hey," he spoke and I responded with a small hi. "You know your house is next to mine with the red roof. So we're neighbors pretty cool huh," He points to a light tan house with a red roof and points at the Doritos asking, "Are those chips your eating?" "Yeah," I replied and introduced myself to him, "I'm Bianca Villanueva, and you are?"

"Names Eddy, Eddy Mcgee," the boy, Eddy replied. Then he asked,"Are you new here?"

I ate my chips and replied, "Yeah. How did you know?" "Because," he responded, "I saw some trucks bringing furniture to the purple house and I saw you head inside. It's the first time a girl had move in so I thought I go to visit you first."

I didn't knew that he was so cute, but I snapped back to reality when he asked, "Hey wanna meet Double D?" "Who's Double D?" I question. Unexpectedly he holds my hand, I was shocked.

"Oh you'll see, just follow me,"Eddy says as we walked down to Double D's house. I wonderedin my thought Who is Double D and what would his favorite hobby would be. But I also wondered if there is something more to Eddy.

We arrived at a blue house with dark blue roofs. Eddy directs me to stand on the right because he wants to surprise Double D.

Eddy approached to the front door and rings the doorbell with the door open.

Eddy: Hey Double D, what took you so long?

Double D:Oh. Hello Eddy.

Eddy: Hey I have a surprise for you that you might not believe that has ever happened to me.

Double D: Really? This isn't another one of your jokes, right?

Eddy: Nope. (He turns to me) Come on out Bianca!

I approached to Eddy and I saw a boy taller than Eddy. He wore a black beanie, a red shirt, purple pants, long red socks, and blue shoes. That was Double D.

"Double D, I want you to meet Bianca. Bianca I want you to meet Double D. She moved in today next to my house." Eddy introduced me to Double D as I waved. "Hi, your name is Double D right?" "Why yes certainty," Double D greets me,"It's a nickname that everyone calls me,but my real name is Edd because of the two Ds. Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you Bianca. We never had a new person in town."

Eddy was about to head inside when Double D says, "Wait Eddy. You know the rules." He holds out s pair of bunny slippers to Eddy. "Aw come on Edd, not again," Eddy groaned as Edd wiggles the slippers until he puffed,"Alright sheesh. Stupid slippers."

"Oh Bianca, this includes you too," Edd remarked giving me a pair of dog slippers while I took out my shoes and slip my feet into the slippers.

"Wow," I looked to see Edd's house in the inside then turned,"Do you mind if I look around for a while Double D?"

"Sure, but try not to make a mess please," Double D tells me as I made my through the whole room. I see the kitchen with sticky notes that people use. It turns out it has letters from Edd's mom and dad.

"Hmm," I felt curious as every room was clean. I think Double D was raised to be tidy. "Bianca have you seen my magnifying glass?!" Edd quaked with Eddy behind him. "Um no sorry," I replied, "Did you left it in your room?" "No!" he panics even more tugging his hat over his face, "I couldn't find it."

"Okay enough with that," Eddy interrupts and turns to me, "We're going to Ed's place, wanna come?" "Wait who is Ed and why does your names sound familiar with the Ed part?" I asked. "We will explain everything to you later," Double D added as me and Eddy put on our shoes on and left his house. We approach to Ed's house, we have to tiptoe to the window as suppose it was where Double D and Eddy usually do when Ed is watching a horror movie. The inside was not great though, inside was really a mess and I bet I would not want to sleep here. All I see was a yellow boy watching a movie. That could be Ed. He wore a green jacket, under the jacket was a red and white striped shirt, he did wore jeans and black shoes.

Well Eddy went in first and was just about pounce when Ed suddenly headlocks him. Then Double tried to pounce as well, but was head locked too. It was my turn to pounce on Ed, put I accidentally fall through. I did land on the bed and groaned. "Oh dear are you okay?" Edd asked and I smiled, "I'm okay Double D, thank you." "Who are you?" Ed asked and I look at him, "I'm Bianca. I just moved here today." "Really?" Ed lilted as he then hugged me tight, "Oh we never had a new friend move here."

I now met Ed and was happy, but it ends with banging on the door. Ed lets go of me and I see the door slammed open to see a girl with orange hair, a pink tank top, blue pants and red shoes. And boy was she mad. "WHERE IS SHEEEEEE?!?!?" the girl yells in rage. Her scream frightens me and I slowly move backwards to leave. "What? Who?" Ed asked as the girl worries, "My dolly. Polly Poo Poo, that's who. I-I need my dollie." The girl was searching through Ed's room and destroying his stuff with me backing away from her property. "But Sarah I didn't touch her," Ed responds to the orange hair girl, Sarah, as she got on to Ed, Eddy and Double, exclaimed, "Liar! Don't you lie to me, you dolly stealer!"

Sarah drives the Eds out of control as I watch in horror not looking away with her saying, "If you don't tell me where she is, I'm gonna get really angry." It happens until the four of them crashed. I looked away and then tiptoed back to my fingers reaching the door handle. The Eds and Sarah got out of it with Edd to say, "You know, someone has touched my stuff also." "Really." Sarah states and just as I was about to leave I heard her again, "Hey who are you and why are you in my brother's room?"

I looked at her with a blank space. "Answer me." Sarah says annoyed. Still no response from me, until Sarah quickly storms to me and grabs me by the collar of me shirt.

"I SAID ANSWER MEEEEEE! WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY BROTHER'S ROOM?!?!?!" Sarah yells right at my face. I was scared and sweating. The Eds notice because they looked down embarrass. But I was focused on Sarah because her obscenities and screaming is scaring me.

"IF YOU DON'T ANSWER IN THE NEXT THREE SECONDS, I AM GONNA SCREAM!!!" Sarah demands as she starts to one until I yelped, "Okay okay. My name is Bianca! Please put me down!" Sarah did dropping me to the floor as I was breathing rapidly.

"Don't you see what's going on here," Eddy panics, "It's epidemical! Double D's magnifying glass, Sarah's doll? Someone, or something is touching everybody's stuff. We got to spread the word! We have to warn everyone that there's a-a serial toucher on the loose!"

I rubbing my back neck and Ed asks, "How are we going to do that Eddy?" Eddy then smirks and laughs, "Hey! I know just what to do!"


We are now outside of the culdesac, Eddy was on top of a box with a cone as a speaker with Edd, Ed, Sarah and four kids I haven't met. There was three boys and one girl. The first boy has soft fluffy hair, braces, a teal shirt, and white pants. The second one has blue hair, a yellow shirt with a red stripe, and blue pants. The third has orange hair, a red cap backwards, a green shirt, and black pants. The girl has blonde hair that's short, a white top over a black shirt, and purple pants.

*Thank you for reading 📚 . STAY strong and be bold*

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