Tord x Reader

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So sorry for the wait!
Requested by: whattheairgear
Be warned this was rushed and it's gonna be crap!

I was running, just running. I had my ear buds in and I was listening to 'Dangerous' by left boy. I was stressed and I didn't know another way to cope, so I ran. If you wanna know why I was stressed, it was because I found out my best friend, Ari was depressed, she felt lonely and abandoned and it made me realize how I have not been there for her.

~third person POV~
(Y/ n) stopped running when she reached the guys house, they had nothing going on so why not. She knocked on the door for it to be opened by Edd. "Hey, (y/ n) wanna come in?" (Y/ n) nodded and Edd moved out of the way to her in, closing the door after her. "Tord, Matt, Tom, Ari! (Y/ n)'s here." (Y/ n) stiffened up hearing Ari's name.

~Your POV~
I didn't want to see Ari, wow I am a bad friend. Ari came into my sight and she looked okay, I mean she was paler than usual, and her hair was down, and she never wears her hair down. She smiled at me and sat down on the floor. Next Tord came down, he looked hot as hell. His Carmel colored devil horned hair was perfect, I get lost in his grey eyes all the time. I must've been staring at him for a while because he was waving a hand in my face. "(Y/n)? Hallo?"
"Hmm?" I snapped out of it.
"Are you okay? You spaced."
Ari asked, she had a worried expression.
"Yeah, I was just thinking about Him."
I replied. Tord furrowed his brows at the word.
"Who is he? I want to know!"
Tord's tone turned threatening.
Ari looked at me with a smirk meaning, 'your on your own'
My face turned a bit pink as I glared at her.
"Hmm? Tell me." Tord crossed his arms.
I sighed.
"You..." I whispered, thinking no one could hear me, but He did.

Cliffhanger suckers!

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