chapter 11: The red leader..

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(hey so um, sorry for the lack of updates--- just as I was ready to start writing stuff again my parents just had to find out about the account but it's all Gucci now-- ((I'm not sorry--)) and I can finally write, bc I know this is like people's favourite story on my account 😂.)

(Mild language warning.)

No ones pov

   The red leader sat at his desk, the metal fingers of his robot appendage tapping gently yet somewhat Impatiently against the wood as he looked at the two men known as Patryk and Pau, expectingly. "Why don't you have the princess?.." he spoke in a raspy yet stern tone that his accent coated. "W-We found her location sir but we haven't found the best time to get her.." Patryk tried to explain calmly but the nervous shake rattled in his voice. The red leader stared him in the eyes for a moment before chuckling softly "you mean to tell me.. YOU COULDN'T KIDNAP THE PRINCESS BECAUSE SHE LIVES WITH SOME BITCH WITH GUNS?!" the man slammed both hands onto the desk, Papers and pens falling to the floor. Both Patryk and Pau flinched at their boss'  sudden outburst. "S-Sir that's not the reason, She's just always under some type of watch!" Pau gulped slightly, smoking the ciggerette that hung low from the corner of his mouth to ease his own tensions. The red leader sighed and regained his composure. "Get her when you can, Our presence obviously can't be known too much.." the Norwegian man muttered and sat back down, The two other men nodded and walked out to finish some work. leaving their leader to simply think.

"She will be mine.. as planned.."

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