Chapter One▪️Into the Sky Where Cherry Blossoms Flutter!

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Gliding on water, the Aqua Wing rolled on by at high speeds. Inside sat two occupants-

"Look Rebecca! There it is!" The small blue cat, Happy, wagged his tail excitedly as he pressed his face to the glass.

"Oh!" Rebecca looks over from the steering wheel as her eyes lit up. "The Granbell Kingdom! It looks better than I thought!"

"I'd heard it was just an old, deserted Theme Park." Happy commented as Rebecca turned the Aqua Wing in the direction of the Kingdom Park.

"Rebecca... Happy... Be careful please..."

Opening Song: I Wait - Day6

"But it really does feel like we've come to a fantasy world." Rebecca continues as her and Happy stand in front of the park entrance.

"Look! There's a knight!" Happy pointed to the Knight Bot.

"This is definitely gonna earn us some views!!" Rebecca gushed.

Happy nodded as he pointed to her skirt. "You shortened your skirt and everything!"

Rebecca pumped her her fists on her sides with a wide grin in place. "Let's aim for a million subscribers to Aoneko* Channel!!!"

"Ex... Excuse me... Are you, perchance, a guest?" The Knight Bot suddenly spoke up, catching Rebecca and Happy off guard, before Happy waved.


The bot grew silent, before it began to rattle.

"..." Rebecca stared blankly.

Then the bot shook like crazy, scary the girl and feline badly. Knight Bot then pulled out a trumpet with a mighty cry of "OUR FIRST GUEST IN 100 YEARS!!!"

The bots in town heard, and began to scurry in joy.

"A guest!"

"We have a guest!!"

"Open the shop! Open the shop!"

"That... That would be so great for one night... For one night..."

"Hurry!! Prepare the quests!!"

"Bots everywhere!" Happy awed as Rebecca 'ooed' beside him.

"What kind of dreams do you desire?" The Fancy Bot questioned.

"Would you like to go on quests, like a heroic adventurer?" Pointing to three bots dressed as a sword-and-shield weilder, a witch and a spear-weilder.

"Or would you like to live in a castle like a royal princess?" Showing a bot dressed as a over-the-top princess.

"This is the Kingdom that will make your dreams come true."

"Ooh!!!" Rebecca gawked in glee.

"Tell us, what is your dream?" The fancy bot finished, waiting to make the ash-blonde girl's dreams come true.

"I want to get a million subscribers to my channel!" Rebecca squealed, pulling up the heart cube around her neck and clicking its pink heart center button. "Oh!! Am I allowed to record?"


"Could you do that one more time from the top? The part where you say, "This is Granbell?"!!! I wasn't recording." Rebecca pressed a few more buttons as she spoke quickly, getting her recording software ready.

"Rebecca, you forgot your cat ears." Happy stated, holding up a hair piece with black cat ears attached.

"What? Oh no!"

"..." The knight was speechless at the duo.

"She's quite the guest, isn't she?" the Fancy Bot sweatdropped.

Later on at a pub, Rebecca and Happy were enjoying a table full of food.

"Woohoo! This is so fun!!! An amusement park all to ourselves!" Rebecca cries in bliss. "Oh if only Aki was here to share in the fun!"

"Even the food fits in with the theme." Happy nodded in agreement before holding up a request poster. "And they have stuff like this! Let's beat up some monsters and win some glamorous prizes!! We can bring Aki back some souvenirs along the way!"

"That would make the perfect video!!"


A beeping is heard as a girl is seen walking along a beach. The girl holds up her hand before a blue hologram fizzles into sight. In it showed a girl grinning ear to ear holding a cat who was blushing in relaxation. The text saying 'Having a blast! Wish you could be here!' scrolling under the image, making the girl give a small smile.

"Rebecca and Happy appear to be having their fun." The girl cooed, before her smile vanishes as the picture of the girl and cat changes to a map with a flashing light. "Now if things go according to plan..."

"Then he should be here in due time..."

▪️Grandbell Forest▪️


So Rebecca and Happy took the request, and now find themselves facing a long necked monster robot that is about 2 to 3 stories tall.

"IT'S HUGE!" Rebecca screeched in utter surprise... before she began blushing and cooing? "You know now that I look at it... It's a kitty!"

"Here we go." Happy deadpanned.

Mrooow.... The -aparently cat- robot growled lowly, smoke billowing from its sharp fang-filled mouth.

"It's sooooo cuuuute!" Rebecca continued to gush.

Until someone with long black hair jumped down and crushed the robot cat's hair into the earth, leaving behind a huge crater and two shaken guests.

"KITTYYYYY!!!" Rebecca cries as she falls onto her bottom.. Spread eagle style...

"AAAAAHHH!" Happy screams in terror as he rolls backwards next to the ash-blonde.

The two stare in sweaty terror as the figure with long black hair drops his wrench...

"A... A person?!" And she quickly closes her legs to save her dignity.

Followed by the male to glare at her intensely.

"EEEEEEEEEK!!!!" Rebecca went into tears from his seemingly endless pools of rage within his onyx orbs. "I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!!!!!"

"Human...?" The man questions from his spot upon the downed robot.

"...?" Rebecca halted her apologies at his question, before squeaking as the man was suddenly in her face in an instant.

"Are you a human?!"


"Oooh!" The male awed as he squished Rebecca's face.

"Just a..."

"Whoa." He gawked while he then stretched her face into a goofy forced grin.


"So soft!" He then proceeded to... grope her...

"AAAAAAAAH!!!" Followed by a warranted reaction of being punched into the ground himself, a large lumb forming on his head as Rebecca held her chest while Happy hid behind her leg.

"What is WRONG with him?!!!" Then she got a good look at him. "But wait... I thought there wasn't suppose to be any humans here!"

"He doesn't look like a guest, either." Happy agreed with his own observation.

"Mm." The hear the male grumble, until he was suddenly... laying on the ground in between Rebecca's legs, seeing her panties clearly. "There aren't any other humans. Just me."

"Stop staring at my panties, jerk!!!" Rebecca followed by stomping on his face, then holding down her skirt to prevent any further peeking.

"So you must be what they call a woman..." The male held his chin in thought as he sat up. "A human woman, and a cat..."

He then grabs Happy's face with a hungry look. "A cat!! Oooh!! Can I eat it?!"

"No." Happy replied flatly with sweat forming.

"What is wrong with him?" Rebecca wondered as Happy hid behind her leg again, before flinching as the long haired creep began to glare again. "Wh... What?"

The male glared at her right into her face. "What are you so angry about? It's okay... Just calm down..." The male then jerked back, forcing Rebecca to cringe, believing he was going to strike her.

Only to find out he was backing up to hold out his hand.

"Will... Will you be my friend?"

Okay that was cute...


"No freaking way!!!"

Sadly Rebecca and Happy didn't find it as cute as the narrator, as she socked the male in the jaw before storming away.

"Wow, that guy is scary!" The poor girl ranted. "Seriously, who does that?"

"You're scary, too, punching a guy like him, Rebecca." Happy pointed out.

"You know... I've never seen a human before." The male stated, walking along next to Rebecca who huffed.

"Really, wow." Before she realized he's right next to her face. "EEEEEEK!!!" Followed with her and Happy sprinting away.

"My late grandpa told me to make lots of friends." The male appears in a tree before the duo again, making the girl and cat scream and hightail it back to town.

Returning back to the pub, the Barmaid Bot greeted the duo. "Hello, traveler. I see you have failed in your quest."

Rebecca growled as she slammed her palms onto the bar counter. "Nevermind that!! I found a human!! A human boy!! I thought this place was all machines!!"

"Oh, you mean Shiki." The Barmaid Bot clarified, said male looking over her shoulder.



Once the blonde girl and blue cat calmed down, Shiki proceeded to introduce the Bots by name.

"This is Mirtha the Barmaid." The Barmaid Bot gave a slight curtsie.

"John the Tailor." The Bot wearing a top hat and suit waved.

"Annie the Cook." Having his left arm around the shoulders of a bot holding a basket full of ingredients.

"And this is my friend Michael." Having his other arm around a bot wearing a wizard outfit.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Rebecca, Happy." Michael waved in greeting.

"Oh... You all know each other..." Rebecca sweated awkwardly.

"They're all my friends." Shiki stated, before a wide grin grew onto his face, "Friends!"

Rebecca couldn't help but smile warmly at the scene, as all the bots in the immediate area began to cheer.

"Come, now. You're our first guest in a hundred years!" Mirtha stated. "Let's all have a party!"

"Have some of my best dishes!" Annie placed a table full of delicious food before the duo.

"Oooh!" Rebecca drooled.

"We already ate, Rebecca." Happy called out the gluttonous girl.

"I always have room for yummy food!" Rebecca, however, didn't care as she chowed down on a piece of meat.

"I know the feeling." Shiki drooled too, but not for the food, but for-

"I am NOT food!" Happy scowled.

"Allow me to present..." John held his arms out, presenting Rebecca wearing a beautiful gown with her hair up. "Ta-dah! Ohh! It really suits you!"

"My, how lovely." Mirtha complimented.

"Just like me when I was your age." Annie reminists.

"Why am I not suppose to look when she's changing?" Shiki asked Michael.

"Because she's a girl." Michael stated.

"Now have some of Granbell's special soda!" Mirtha held up a wooden mug of a fizzy drink, and with that the party kicks off.

Dancing, drinking, friendship, and a hidden robot looking into the window watching the festivities dragged through the night of fun.

The hidden Bot watched for a few moments more, before running to the large castle in the middle of the kingdom park. Here resides a tall King Bot sitting in a throne of pipes and wires.

"My Lord Castellan!" The Hidden Bot shouted as he ran into the throne room. "The girl- She..."

"Yes, I know." King Castellan stooped the bot, as he looked up with a cold, blank stare. "That means... The time has come."

Ending Song: From Zero-MONSTA X

Next Time; Chapter 2▪️Fight for Those Tears!

Hope to see you all there!


*Aoneko is "Blue Cat" in Japanese

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