Dancing with the Sun's Lapdogs. . .

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It has been a month since you had started training the changeling troops, they picked up the techniques and tactics pretty damn quick. lately you had also began teaching them to forge their armor that was leagues better then what they had before.

it could do a few things, it was enchanted with a full body force fields that activated in response to incoming attacks of both physicals and arcane nature. all and all it was pretty damn impressive since you had limited enchanting knowledge.  you were relaxing in the Penthouse of the hotel with chrysalis, who was very impressed with her children's progress.

 Chrysalis: *chuckles* Well i have to say, I'm quite glad with the results so far.

Y/n: Thank you, they picked this up very quickly and I'm quite impressed.

 Chrysalis: well we quite have be quick learners, otherwise we would be caught easily. . .unless do something dumb. . . *Under breath* Should have been more careful at that fucking wedding.

Y/n: Hey at least your alive, that in itself is a victory.

You take a swig of Nuka-Cola.

 Chrysalis: . . .

 Chrysalis looked down at the floor, she appeared sad and you picked up on it.

 Y/n: Something wrong Crissy?

She looks up at you.

Chrysalis: Why do you insist on being around me?

 Y/n: PFFFFT, Funny questi-

 Chrysalis: EDEN, I'm serious. . . Most creatures are. . . disgusted, Hateful or-

Y/n: Racist. . .  Oppressive. . . would much rather see you dead than stop a moment and fucking listen. . .

She looks out the window and walks over, standing up you follow her and stand beside her.

Y/n: this war aside. . .  even if I wasn't fighting, had you found me like you did still in that situation. . . I still would have smiled and greeted you, because you never did anything to me. . . unlike Celestia and her fucking dogs. . .

Chrysalis watched  as her children wandered about the streets at the entrance of the hotel.

Chrysalis: *sighs* 

Y/n: Your appearance doesn't matter, so what you feed on love? that doesn't make you bad.  i don't hate you for any reason, In fact I. . . 

she looks at you as you pause, you look at her as a few still moments of silence pass. but right as your about to speak one of the Changeling Drones come in.

Changeling: Queen, Sir, The recon teams have sent word that a large equestrian force is enroute to the City. . . and the elements are with them. . .

your head moves to him as a mixture of happiness and hate fills your heart.

Y/n: Mobilize all armed soldiers and have them meet me outside the city.

your thoughts dance as your Sadist tendencies begins to itch, filling you with anticipation. . .

Y/n: i Have to gear up. . .

you walk out with the drone as you leave Chrysalis Behind. she remained silent as a dark green color begins to flush across her cheeks.

(later. . .

The Equestrain army begins to arrive in their flying carriages, the elements of harmony lead the front in their own carriage as they set down and step out. you can be seen waiting outside of the city infront of a small combat force of your own. you were wearing nothing but a Japanese Hakama carrying a sword.

the mane six moved forward and so did you to meet on the battlefield in the middle to speak. face to face you look at them.

Twilight: so, Celestia WAS right. . .

Y/n: I assume she told you that there was a human out hear finally, its just to damn bad she was to much of a coward to leave her Ivory tower to come and see me herself. . .

Rarity: How DARE you, Celestia is a prin-

Y/n: Bitch, Did i ask?


You look over to her and didn't say a word as you smile, taking notice of her missing left wing you remember something from a few years ago.

Y/n: Well if it isn't the brazen Rainbow Dash, How's the Wonderbolts Academy?

She looked pissed and was about to yell but you stopped her with your own words.

Y/n: How did it feel to watch your Academy Burn and fall from the sky, to know that you weren't fucking good enough, FAST enough to help your flyer friends. . .

she fell silent as the others Gasped.

Pinkie: Why do humans have to be so mean!?


AJ: Told you this was a bad Idea Twi. . 

She said obviously very pissed.

Twilight: We have to try!

she clears her throat as she then gets out a scroll that had a royal seal, you eyed them over as they had brung the elements of harmony with them. . . they'll look good on your mantel.

Twilight: human who's name remai-

Y/n: EDEN, remember it because I want you to tell your devil that I'm the one that sent you fucker.

She flinches, but regains her composer.

Twilight: EDEN, you are wanted by the Equestrian Royal Family for Crimes against pony kind including but not limited too Mass Murder, Genocide, Theft-

you snatched the the scroll from her and throw it too the ground where you stand on it and look down at her.

And Bitch slapped her across the face.

Y/n: NO. . .  I'm not going anywhere with you unless I'm dead. I'm gonna take great joy in watching you all suffer and die in this grass here today. . . Now, enough talk. . . time for war. . .

you turn your back to them  and walked back towards your soldiers as a roar of hooves can be heard behind you as you sigh, you stop and wait as you close your eyes.




the camera as focuses on your face as you open your eyes.

In the blink of an eye you spin on your heels Bisecting at least 20 soldiers in Quick succession through the front of the crowed. with red, bronze, and silver color blood spraying the soldiers Around them in the face as they all began stopping in their place in fear screaming in terror.

Y/n: if that's how it is. . .











Y/n: There will be. . .  BLOODSHED!!


(play the music. . .

 You began to dance about the battlefield as left and right ponies began to be cut down by your sword. showering blood every where as the elements of harmony at the back of the army look upon the spectacle in fear.

Fluttershy: Oh my. . .

Rainbow: ok, he's pretty damn fast. . .

you kicked a pony off of his feet and began slashing.

a pony comes at you with a spear only for you to counter killing another in the process, you run across the battle grounds killing several ponies at a time with each stroke of your sword. Left, right, center. . . ponies started to run as you chased them down and killed them with Determination and hate. . . untill you were suddenly hit with a TREMENDOUS BLINDING FORCE that was rainbow in color.

a few moments pass as you suddenly felt like a god, looking around you all of the ponies had been turned to stone and so had your changelings. . . looking over the battlefield you saw the mane six had transformed to hit you with a blast from the power of friendship. They had a mixture of several emotions, none of witch you cared to remember as you slowly boiled with immense RAGE from what they had just done.

Meanwhile the girls stared across the battlefield back at you. . .

And all collectively thought. . . "What's going on. . . What have we done. . ."

(to be continued. . .

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