Dawn of an Unamed Nation

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You sit on the hood of a ruined SUV  with an acoustic guitar in your lap, you sigh as you prop the guitar on your legs and began to strum.

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 It was one of the few times that you had picked up a guitar to unwind, normally you were either reading or slinging liquor down your throat to take the edge off, but this time your soul wanted you to vent your stress through music. And It's one way to keep your kind's culture alive. . . Even if you are the only one to hear and appreciate it.

It takes you back, to a time that things were calmer. . .  You look back on your childhood and saw the smile on your sister's face as your eyes began to tear up, your fingers dancing across the strings as the surrounding environment slowly became erelevant as you reminisce about your life before the war. One of your fondest memories is when you and your sister were being taught a martial art by your mother, you didn't catch the name but it had something to do with using your eyes to see "Chakra points" in your opponents body and then strike them. Your sister struggled why you picked it up pretty quick, Quick enough to be called a prodigy anyway. . .  That  was only a week before the beginning of the pony war. . . 

You closed your eyes as a tear rolled down your face, you can't help but hate the Ponies for what they did . . . You blame thier leaders primarily, Celestia and Luna aren't gods. . . Just Psycopaths with no sympathy for the little over 7 billion lives they stole from your race. . . .  That's why they must suffer for what they've done. 

The chords from the guitar rung off the buildings around you as you played, echoing through the dead city. Next to cross your mind was the Elements of harmony, the lap dogs of the royal sisters. What they represent. . . Laughter, loyalty, kindness, generosity, honesty, . . . Friendship. . . Is a bunch of fucking lies, because If they did why didn't they realize what they were doing was wrong. . .  Out of everyone they took, your sister was among them. . . . You hate them just as much as the princesses. . . And the fact that one is a princess as well only pisses you off even more. . .

An image sits still inside your head,  three little Phillies tied to posts with their throats slit. . . Red, bronze, silver. . . An earthbound Philly, a Pegasus, and unicorn. A knife in your hands stained with each color.  . . You were young and was graduating from military training when this happened,  they wanted to desensitize you to the suffering of Ponies so they had you kill three children that they had captured with a knife by slitting thier throats. . . It worked to a degree, you don't feel anything when you kill a grown Pony except for enjoyment, but you could never bring yourself to hurt a Philly agian. Infact you had even killed a man keeping phillies in a cage for experiments and torture, and you took them home only to get caught by Ponies and thrown Into a cell where you were tortured for information. You didn't break, and in response they cut your arm off. . . It's also the same day the civilian camp where your sister was staying was hit by the elements and she was captured. . .

You sigh as you hear hoovees approaching, opening your eyes you see chrysalis and a few of her subordinates. Not bothering to stop the guitar.

Y/n: oh, your still here? Thought you would have left by now.  . . 

Chrysalis: you play guitar?

Y/n: we all have to vent stress somehow, I just happen to have alot more than just two or three. . . Why are you still here?

You said more in a more curious tone than annoyed.

Chrysalis: Well, we did leave. . . But when we got back we had found the hive had been destroyed, no doubt by the royal gaurd.

Y/n: that's unfortunate. . . For what its worth you have my Empathy, i know what it's like to have my home destroyed. . .

You thought for a moment.

Chrysalis: is there. . . 

She paused as she only what you assumed was swallow her pride, then she spoke.

Chrysalis: anyway you could help me and my subjects?

Y/n: possibly. . . 

You said as you stopped playing the guitar.

Y/n: there are a few buildings in this city that are somewhat inhabitable,  though they're gonna need a bit of renovation. . .

Chrysalis: really, are you sure?

Y/n: cities like this were built to last, complicated hives with plumbing and power made out of concrete, steel, and glass. . . With comfortable beds for you and all of your people, you just need to work some to make it liveable agian.

You both sat there in silence for a few moments, then she spoke.  

Chrysalis: Ok then, I accept. . .

The camera pans to show your face with a smirk as it then cuts to a montage, it cuts to a large hotel building as changelings are seen flying around it holding various resources, then it show various groups cleaning the walls floors and windows of the interior, your then seen in the basement basement messing around with an object with a whole lot of cables attached to it, the changelings are now seen cleaning up and repairing the pent house as the lights come on, it switches back to you I the basement having hooked up and activated a prototype Magic generator you created, the camera then pans outside of the building to show the lights on inside as nightfall comes.

Y/n: I can't believe I got that generator to function. . .

You sit on building across from the hotel, looking at it in amazement as you down a glass of whiskey.

Chrysalis: it looks incredible. . . 

She sat beside you, having some wine that you had tucked away in the vault, she mumbled some words under Breath. 

Y/n: I'm sorry, what was that?

Chrysalis: oh. . .it's.  . . Thank you. . . For all of your help.

You didn't expect to hear that from her, it was surprising but. . . It felt good.

Y/n: well. . . You're welcome. . .

You both sat there and looked upon the building for awhile, eventually leaving to get some sleep.

(To be continued .  . .

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