12. Worth

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"I will burn the world around me when I'm angered. So be careful, the words you say might piss me off."

Valarie Hernandèz,

"Fuck, I missed you so much." She whispered tangling her fingers in my hair. I pushed her against the bathroom stall slamming my hand down on the side of her curvy figure. That dress has been making me crazy all night.

She looked at me those beautiful poison green eyes of her begging me to ruin her. Her plump lips parted as my hands made their way up her thick creamy thighs.

"Say. It." I demanded, my lips smirking seeing what a position she was in. Arabella. My Arabella whimpered trying to get some sort of release from me. I kissed her red lips roughly biting down on the soft skin of hers as she moaned into my mouth. She tried to deepen it as I pulled completely away.

"W- What W-Why?" She breathed out.

"Say it." I said again. I needed to know she wanted this. That my anger wasn't pushing her into it.

She nodded her head.

"I want you. I want this." She whimpered as I choked her slamming her into the bathroom stall again, she let out slow moans as I guided my fingers around her clit. I smirked seeing her eyes roll back as I teased her with the tip of my fingers.

"M-more." She moaned out as I kissed her again, pulling at her bottom lip just the way I know she likes it, making her moan in my mouth. I kissed along her jawline going down to her neck.

I wanted to mark her. Show everyone that even if I'm dead she is mine. I'm that selfish. I bite the soft tanned flesh of hers and sucked on to it, as my other hand kept her choked against the stall. No one in this world of ours would understand.

"Who do you belong to?" I asked kissing the tip of her ear, that was her weak spot.

"Y-you. I belong to you." She said pushing my head down, I went on my knees and pulled her dress up. I'm pretty sure I ripped it, I started softly kissing up her thigh, I breathed on her pussy making her shiver as I licked the clit quickly teasing her.

"P-please!" She begged me, and it was like music to my ears, I started eating her out and fingering her at the same time turning her into a moaning mess. Her taste was heavenly. I'm pretty sure someone came in. I heard a choked cry. But Arabella's moans must have scared them off. I quickly looked up at Arabella, slightly worried I might have hurt her but the pure look of bliss replaced that worry.

I quickly pulled away from her. Something was wrong.

"N-no! Baby, what's wrong? Que es?"

(What is it?)

"I'm so sorry, I have to go." I said kissing her quickly knowing she loves the taste of herself. I cupped her red flushed cheeks and kissed her forehead. Knowing she was embarrassed and pissed.

I ran out of the bathroom, looking to see if Ace is here or not, then I checked on Salvador who was on the dance floor, Mama was laughing at something someone said. Who was I missing? Something felt wrong.


I looked around the ballroom to see she wasn't there, I walked around the halls to see if I could find her there, I went up the second floor after I couldn't find her, the hallway was filled with doors as I pulled on each one, some were locked and some were just empty dark rooms.

I opened the last door to see a man and a woman. Beth, she was being strangled. I grabbed the dagger from my hair, fury blazing in my eyes. I took a deep breath closing my eyes. She looked at me. Her tear stained eyes were pleading with me to help her.

I exhaled throwing the dagger. The blade went through the slimy bastards hand pinning it to the wall. His screams of pain were sounds of joy to me. The man was short and fat, he looked at me his mouth forming into a sinister grin showing all his crooked yellow teeth, you could see the grease in his hair. I shivered with disgust.

Beth fell to her knees taking rapid deep breaths. Stay calm. Don't be irrational. I repeated. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgement, his part of the mafia. I repeated this to myself. I wanted to stop my hands from reaching for my second dagger. But my anger saw no reason. I knew there be repercussions that Ace may be deeply pissed with me.

That Mama would do something, that there may even be a war. It would all be my fault. Aaron might thank me. Or he might kill me to make it even. But I was to pissed of. No one touches Hernandez blood.

No one makes a Hernandez feel uncomfortable and certainly no one fucks with a Hernandez ever.

I looked to Beth who looked down ashamed. That fuel my anger. Why should she be ashamed because this pig couldn't control himself. Why should she feel ashamed when he was the one who was assaulting her?

"Remember who I am. My son will kill your family!" Mr Monroe said. He was the leader of the leon mafia.

"You have a wife. A daughter!" I screamed, I was losing control. If Alessio was here, this man would be dead already. He wouldn't have cared about the fact that there may be a war. But Alessio wasn't here. Not to protect me. Not from Ace.

"You have a mafia to think about! Please, some cheap whore is she really worth your families life?" He yelled grinning thinking that he won.

"She is worth so much more then you will ever be. Ella sera recordada. Quemare tu nombre hasta los cimientos. Me asegurare de que nadie te recuerde. Saluda a Alessio de mi parte."

(She will be remembered. I will burn your name to the ground. I will make sure no one remembers you. Say hi to Alessio for me.)

With that I grabbed my dagger stabbing him in the dick multiple times, his screams bringing joy to me. Eventually when he was about to pass out. I looked him in the eyes with a sadistic smile as I yanked his hair pulling his hair backward, I sliced my dagger across his neck. The beautiful red blood running down lie a fountain.

I looked down to Beth, bending down to sit next to her. I grabbed her hands hugging her small frame to my body.

"I don't want this. Quiero salir." I knew the feeling of hopelessness she had. Why she didn't fight back. Because in a moment like that, its as if you have no power. My heart ached for her.

(I want to get out.)

"Shh, its okay. Your safe. You will always be safe." I lied through my teeth. I hated lying to her. But I didn't have the heart to tell her that she will never be safe. Because the world she was sold in was a terrible world. It wasn't something to be romanticised. Her kidnapping wasn't hot as those girls on Wattpad would say. Her being sold isn't something to be romanticised.

She isn't an object.

I cupped her cheeks wiping her tears away.

"You weren't here. This never happened. You drank to much and was sick in the bathroom. I was with you the entire night. Do you understand me?" I said, my voice serious. I couldn't be soft. Not anymore. Not when a war is about to break out.

She nodded.

"Take a deep breath. Stand tall. You are a Hernandez. From now and forever more you will be known as Beth Hernandez. No one messes with you and lives." I said standing up. I pulled her up.

I knew she wanted to crawl out of her skin. To pull of that stupid dress. To be covered up. We needed to get away from here. We had to be seen by people and quickly. I grabbed her hand and started walking back to the ballroom.

I spotted Salvador. I smiled, looking back at a terrified Beth.

"Smile. I know you hate the way you feel right now. I know you feel disgusted. Violated. But I need you to smile and act like you have no care in the world. Where were you tonight?" I asked her needing to know she understood.

Because in all honesty. I might die tomorrow. But I need to make sure Beth is never involved in what happened tonight. If it leads back to someone. It has to lead back to me.

Sal rushed towards us. I looked at him the urgency in my eyes must have tipped him off. I took of his suit jacket putting it around Beth trying to cover her up as much as I could. I looked around to see Arabella's eyes were blazing with fury. And I know how it must have looked to her. With Beth in my arms.

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