6. Drugs & Pills

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*Not edited.

"Pump my soul full of drugs."

Elizabeth Decker,

"We need you to run an errand for us." Salvador said. The whole thing about giving my freedom was a test. And I failed. Of course they wouldn't just let me go. I knew to much. I seen to much at this point.

"No." I said. They upgraded me from a cell to a room which I was locked in at all times. I lost so much weight. My body was skinny. My bones poking out giving me a hollow look. But my cheekbones have grown sharper. 

"I wasn't asking Beth." I know in my bones that they put a tracker on me. But for the life of me I couldn't find it. He leaned against the door frame. He was tall standing at 6'2  while I only towered him at 5'4.

"I'm not some whore you pick up from the street. And I'm not a fucking dog!" I screamed throwing the broken mirror piece at him. He narrowly ducked down.

"Remind me to get a mirror made out of metal for you." My windows were covered with bars.

 "You bastard!" I charged at him. He was handsome I wouldn't lie to you about that. But he was a disgusting piece of shit. I jumped wrapping my legs around his waist head butting him as he stumbled back at the force of my strength. I bent my body backwards my hands holding the floor as I did a back cart wheel slamming his body into the marble floor. He groaned out, chuckling as I jumped on his like some feral animal. I raised my fist about to punch him before he turned us. Making him on top he caged my body in with his arms.

His black dagger glinted against the light as I smirked, I grabbed the dagger strapped to his thigh as I bucked my hips making him unstable as I twisted us over once again ad placed the dagger at his neck.

My hair fell in his face as he was just there smiling.

"What now Beth?" He asked looking in to my eyes as he grabbed my hair in a big chunk, and pushed it out of my face. My breathing was heavy and I was hungry as shit.

"Now I keep this. And you bring me real food. Not some crap those runway models have."

"Real food?" He cocked his brow, making me roll my eyes at him. 

"Like burgers and chips." I pressed the dagger harder, drawing a spot of blood. He licked his lips and titled his head to the side.

"If you go on that errand." I scoffed. What now I have to buy my freedom too? Day by day?

"Bring the food and we will talk." He smirked. 

"But that dagger is mine." He said and I really considered slicing his neck. But honestly he was much nicer then Marcus was but I suspect that was because Salvador was always on something. Weed or drunk. 

Before I could understand what happen. Salvador had me land on my ass as I just sat there watching his long legs walk away out of my room. I jumped to my feet running as fast as I cant but the door slammed shut in my face as I smashed my fists into the door.

"I WANT MAYANOISE AND KETCHUP YOU BLOODY BASTARD!" I screamed into the keyhole. I don't know if he heard me. But I heard someone shuffling outside my door.

"PUTA!" I screamed  in to the keyhole again.

"It means bitch." The guard outside said. I smiled. I would say random swear words in Spanish and he would always tell me what it means. But he still didn't catch on that I knew Spanish. Not very bright he isn't.


Thirty minutes later Salvador marched through my door with what I demanded of him and a little more.

"Eat we don't have much time." He dropped the food into my lap as I dug in like the hungry dog I was. I savoured every little bite and moaned when I bite into the melted cheese burger my eyes rolled back into their sockets.

"I made it." He said looking proud, my eyes opened.

"Its not that good to be honest." I lied not wanting this bitches ego to grow anymore then it already has. 

"You need to put this on. Wear this and do little make up. Your going on a drug run." He simply said, while I choked on my fries. I am so not fucking breaking the law. My mouth open and shut multiple times while he leaned to take a fry off my food. I smacked his hand away.

"Go get your own dickface." I was a fucking FBI agent. The grail of putting bad guys away. This doing a drug run was bad. It was bad and I'm good. But this could be my chance to find out where they store their drugs. But I'm not some brute that delivers drugs. Oh god what if the shove it up my asshole. No my constipation will never let me recover.

"No I'm not doing a drug run. I don't even know how to." I said throwing another fry in my mouth.

"We will give you a car, follow the gps. Then the Marcus will message you the instructions. Get the drugs. The gps will update and you go to deliver them. Then you come back here." 

He made it sound so easy. Like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"No. I cant I really cant." He shrugged as if he couldn't hear me.

"You leave in five minutes." He simply said walking out. 

In the brown paper bag there were jeans, an a tank top. It was getting dark outside. 

There were contact lenses and a old brick phone. Something the FBI cant track. I opened it and found no tracker. I can just go pick up the drugs and drive straight to the agency and tell them what happened to me. And then swear my head off for not them finding me.

I pulled my brown hair into a ponytail, going to wash my hands so I can put the brown contacts in. It reminded me of the day the bureau said I had to slightly change my appearance so that Alessio doesn't recognise me if they ever sent me undercover.

I pulled the jeans on under the blankets just in case they had cameras in here. I didn't want some old prev getting turned on by me. Good god gross. I pulled on the tank top. I grabbed the phone looking at myself in the broken mirror. I looked disgusting. Dirty.

Five seconds later. Salvador pranced into my room dangling a set of car keys.

"You look ready. So now just act the part." He said patting my shoulders as if he knew the internal fight I was going through right now.

"What happens if I cant find it?" I asked beginning to see lots of things could go wrong here. It could be another one his stupid tests. I didn't want to fail this one.

"You wont." He said as we walked down the staircase. I saw a red mustang ford in the drive way.

"The directions are put in. Now you just need to drive off." He said. He held the door open and I froze in my spot. Am I really about to do this? What if I cant come back from it?

There is a line between good and bad. Your still good Elizabeth. Your doing this for the greater good. I finally walked to the car. I turned the engine on. 

"Don't get lost" He said nodding towards the phone.

"And wait for the text message. Do not drive off without it okay?" Drive to god knows where. Wait for the text. Grab the drugs. Deliver them. Drive back. It really did sound easy enough. So why did I still feel dirty.

I nodded he stepped away from the car I could make out the gate opening. I speeded off the driveway as I pulled onto the road. I could run of with the drugs. 

I been driving for almost two hours. I was literally in the middle of no where. It was in a middle of a thick forest. Lord I'm going to get murdered here aren't I? Like those scary movies I watched once to many times.

"Turn left." This stupid bitch said. But there was no road. It was a make shift road made out of dirt and dust. 

"Turn left." She repeated again. As I sat there in the car. I could just turn around and say I couldn't find them. I'm sure he would understand. But honestly I had a feeling he would put a bullet in my head.

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